Short Story 2 “Achilles” is taken from Tulip Series English for students of Class 8 of JKBOSE Board for students of Jammu and Kashmir. This particular post is about Achilles Short Story 2 Summary and Question Answers. You will find Difficult words and their meanings, a Summary of the short story Achilles and Question Answers to the short story Achilles. In my previous post, I discussed The Unthankful Man Summary and Question Answers. So, let’s not waste more time and get started with this post.
Achilles Short Story 2 Summary and Question Answers
“Achilles” is a mythological story about the handsome Greek hero Achilles. The story has been taken from My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. When Achilles was born, his mother held him by his heel and dipped him in the River Styx so that he could live forever. As a result, his heel was the only part of his body which was not washed with the holy water. The Achilles died after an arrow struck him on his heel.
Achilles Short Story 2 Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Mythology | A body of myths (stories about superhuman beings taken as true in ancient cultures) | पौराणिक कथा | افسانہ |
Fairy-tale (adj) | Rather unreal, out of a fantasy world | परियों की कहानी | پریوں کی کہانی |
Shepherd | A person who takes care of sheep | चरवाहा | چرواہا |
Weird | Very strange and unusual | अजीब | عجیب |
Rippling | Making a sound of water flowing quietly | लहराना | لہرائی |
Startling | Surprising | अचरज में डालने वाला | چونکا دینے والا |
Floppy | Soft and not able to maintain a firm shape or position | पिलपिला | پیلپیلا |
Drooped | Bend down or hang downward | लटकना | لٹکنا |
Dangle | To hang loosely, or to hold something so that it hangs loosely | लटकाना | لٹکنا |
Cravat | A wide straight piece of material worn loosely tied in the open neck of a shirt | गुलूबंद | گُلوبند |
Waggle | To (cause to) move quickly up and down or from side to side | हिलने की गति | ہلچل |
Fiesta | A public celebration in Spain or Latin America, especially one on a religious holiday, with entertainment and activities | उत्सव | جشن |
Lilting | Gentle and smooth | लययुक्त | تال |
Pantomime | An amusing musical play based on traditional children's stories, performed especially at Christmas | मूक नाटक | خاموش ڈرامہ |
Crawling | To move slowly along the surface | रेंगना | رینگنا |
Whirl | To (cause something to) spin round | चक्कर | چکر لگانا |
Devour | To destroy | नष्ट करना | تباہ کرنا |
Rustling | To move with a sound | सरसराहट | سرسراہٹ |
Sprightly | Energetic and in good health | फुर्तीला | پھورتیلا |
Warble | To sing, especially in a high voice | लय के साथ गाना | تال کے ساتھ گانا |
Disintegrated | To divide into parts | विघटित | منقطع |
Lumber | To move slowly and awkwardly | चू-चरखकर चलने वाला | آہستہ چلنا |
Regal | Royal, supreme | शाही | شاہی |
Respite | Pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant | राहत | مہلت |
Funeral | The ceremony to honour a dead person | अंतिम संस्कार | جنازہ |
Achilles Summary Short Story 2 in English
The writer of the story met a weird and fascinating character the Rose Beetle man during his travels. He had a fairy tale air about him that was impossible to resist. The narrator was eagerly waiting for his meeting with him and he could hear him long before he could see him because he was playing a rippling tune on a shepherd’s pipe.
Rose Beetle man had a fox-like face with large eyes. His dress was fantastic. He had a hat on his head. His shirt was worn. A cravat was dangled around his neck. The pockets of his coat were full of something which was almost spilling out and his patched trousers dropped over a pair of leather shoes with upturned toes. He had carried bamboo cages full of pigeons and young chickens on his back. He had held his pipe with one hand and many cotton lengths in the other hand. On each cotton length, he had tied almond-sized rose beetle which whirled around his head covered by a hat.
When he saw the narrator’s pet dog, the Rose Beetle man stopped, took off his hat, greeted them and smiled at them. The writer asked him if he had been to some fiesta. He nodded his head vigorously, raised his pipe to his lips and played a lilting tune on it and then stopped, pointed back the way he had come. He smiled and rubbed his forefinger and thumbs together, expressing that he wanted money. The narrator realized that he was unable to speak. The narrator had a conversation with him and he replied with pantomime.
After some time, the Rose Beetle man swung a small sack off his shoulder. As he undid it, the narrator was surprised as he saw about a half dozen small tortoises tumbled out of the sack. The narrator asked the Rose Beetle man the price of the little tortoise. He showed him all the fingers of his both hands. The narrator denied it and showed two fingers. At last, the Rose Beetle man handed him the tortoise and held up five fingers. The narrator told him that he would have to come to the villa for money as he had no money with him.
The narrator was very excited and wanted to show the animal to everyone at his home. So, he hurried off along the road. The new arrival was christened Achilles and turned out to be an intelligent beast, with a sense of humour. He learned his name soon. He loved grapes as much as Roger did. So, there was always a great rivalry among them. Roger didn’t like to give delicacies to the tortoise.
The fruit that Achilles liked the best was the wild strawberries. He would become hysterical at the mere sight of them. Achilles developed a passion for human company. It liked to remain in the company of humans and play with them.
One day the garden gate was left open and Achilles was lost. At some distance Achilles was found dead. It had fallen into a well. Lessie attempted artificial respiration and Margo suggested forcing strawberries down his throat, but they failed to get any response. His corpse was buried in the garden under a small strawberry plant. It was only marred by Roger, who despite all protests insisted on waging his tail throughout the burial service.
Achilles Short Story 2 Summary in Hindi
कहानी के लेखक ने अपनी यात्रा के दौरान एक अजीब और आकर्षक आदमी से मुलाकात की। उसके पास एक परी कथा हवा थी जिसका विरोध करना असंभव था। वर्णनकर्ता उसके साथ अपनी मुलाकात का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहा था और वह उसे देखने से बहुत पहले ही उसे सुन सकता था क्योंकि वह एक चरवाहे के बांसुरी पर एक लहरदार धुन बजा रहा था।
रोज बीटल मैन का चेहरा लोमड़ी जैसा था, जिसकी आंखें बड़ी थीं। उनका पहनावा शानदार था। उसके सिर पर टोपी थी। उसकी कमीज फटी हुई थी। उसके गले में गुलुबंद लटका हुआ था। उसके कोट की जेबें किसी ऐसी चीज़ से भरी हुई थीं जो लगभग बाहर निकल रही थी और उसकी पतलून ऊपर की और मुड़े हुए अंगुठे वाले चमडे के जूते पर लटक रही थी। उसने अपनी पीठ पर कबूतरों और मुर्गियों से भरे बांस के पिंजरों को ढोया था। उसने एक हाथ से अपना बांसुरी और दूसरे हाथ में कई रुई की लम्बी लम्बी रस्सियां पकड़ रखी थी। प्रत्येक कपास की लंबाई पर उसने बादाम के आकार की गुलाब की भृंग को बांध दिया था जो एक टोपी से ढके सिर के चारों ओर घूमती थी।
जब उसने कथावाचक के पालतू कुत्ते को देखा, तो वह रुक गया, अपनी टोपी उतार दी, उनका अभिवादन किया और उन्हें देखकर मुसकुराया। लेखक ने उससे पूछा कि क्या वह किसी उत्सव में गया था। उसने जोर से सिर हिलाया, बांसुरी को अपने होठों तक उठाया और उस पर एक सुरीली धुन बजायी और फिर रुक गया। वह मुस्कुराया और अपनी तर्जनी और अंगूठे को आपस में रगड़ा, यह व्यक्त करते हुए कि उसे पैसा चाहिए। वर्णनकर्ता ने महसूस किया कि वह बोलने में असमर्थ है। कथाकार ने उसके साथ बातचीत की और उसने मूक नाटक के साथ उत्तर दिया।
कुछ देर बाद, रोज बीटल मैन ने एक छोटी सी बोरी को अपने कंधे से झटका। जैसे ही उसने इसे खोला, वर्णनकर्ता आश्चर्यचकित रह गया क्योंकि उसने लगभग आधा दर्जन छोटे कछुओं को बोरे से बाहर गिरते हुए देखा। वर्णनकर्ता ने रोज़ बीटल मैन से छोटे कछुए की कीमत पूछी। उसने उसे अपने दोनों हाथों की सारी उंगलियाँ दिखाईं। वर्णनकर्ता ने इनकार किया और दो उंगलियां दिखाईं। अंत में, रोज बीटल मैन ने उसे कछुआ थमा दिया और पाँच उंगलियाँ दिखाईं। वर्णनकर्ता ने उससे कहा कि उसे पैसे के लिए विला आना होगा क्योंकि उसके पास पैसे नहीं थे।
वर्णनकर्ता बहुत उत्साहित था और अपने घर पर सभी को जानवर दिखाना चाहता था। इसलिए, वह सड़क के किनारे जल्दी से निकल गया। नए आगमन का नाम अकिलीज़ रखा गया और यह एक बुद्धिमान जानवर निकला, जिसमें हास्य की भावना थी। उसने जल्द ही अपना नाम जान लिया। वह अंगूर से उतना ही प्यार करता था जितना रोजर को। इसलिए, उनके बीच हमेशा एक महान प्रतिद्वंद्विता थी। रोजर को कछुआ को व्यंजन देना पसंद नहीं था।
अकिलीज़ को जो फल सबसे अच्छा लगा वह था जंगली स्ट्रॉबेरी। उसको देखकर वो जैसे पागल हो जाता था । उसे मनुष्यों की संगति में रहना और उनके साथ खेलना अच्छा लगता था।
एक दिन बगीचे का फाटक खुला छोड़ दिया गया और अकिलीज़ खो गया। कुछ दूरी पर अकिलीस मृत पाया गया। यह एक कुएं में गिर गया था। हमें बचाने की बहुत कोशिश की गई पर वो मर चुका था। लेसी ने कृत्रिम श्वसन का प्रयास किया और मार्गो ने स्ट्रॉबेरी को अपने गले से नीचे उतारने का सुझाव दिया, लेकिन कोई फ़ायदा नहीं हुआ। उसकी लाश को बगीचे में एक छोटे से स्ट्रॉबेरी के पौधे के नीचे दबा दिया गया था। उसको दफनाते समय रोजर अपनी पूंछ हिलाता रहा।
Achilles Short Story 2 Question Answers
Working with the Text
1. How was the Rose-Beetle Man dressed?
Ans. He was dressed fantastically. He had a hat on his head with a wide and floppy brim. His shirt was worn out. He had a cravat of startling blue stain dangled around his neck and patched trousers drooping over a pair of leather shoes.
2. How do we know that the Rose-Beetle Man cared well for his pets?
Ans. When he undid the sack, about a half dozen tortoises tumbled out of it. He had polished their shells with oil and decorated their front legs with little red bows. This showed that he cared for his pets.
3. What made the narrator select one particular tortoise from among the other animals?
Ans. The narrator selected one particular tortoise from among the other animals because it was very active among them. It has a shell the size of a teacup. Its eyes were bright and its walk was alert.
4. How did Achilles enjoy eating strawberries?
Ans. The fruit that Achilles liked the best was wild strawberries. He would devour small strawberries at a gulp. If given a big one, he would grab it firmly in his mouth and stumble at the top until he reached a quiet spot where he could enjoy it at leisure.
5. How were Roger and Achilles rivals?
Ans. Both Roger and Achilles were equally fond of grapes. So, there was a rivalry between Roger and Achilles for the share of grapes though Roger had a fair share of grapes. He seemed to think that it was a waste to give delicacies to the tortoise.
6. Why did Achilles find Roger irritating?
Ans. Achilles was fond of grapes. Whenever it ate grapes, Roger would come to him and lick him vigorously to get the grape juice running down his chin. It irritated Achilles so much that he would retreat into his shell and refuse to come out until Roger is removed from the scene.
7. How did Roger feel at Achilles’ funeral?
Ans. Roger felt happy at Achilles’s funeral because he was his rival which is why he continued waging his tail throughout the burial service.
8. The family wandered about the olive groves, shouting, ‘Achilles… strawberries, Achilles. … .’ At length, we found him;
a. How had Achilles escaped?
Ans. One day garden gate was left open and he escaped out of the house.
b. Explain, why the family shouted ‘strawberries’ during their search?
Ans. Achilles liked the strawberries so much that he would become hysterical even at their sight. The family members shouted ‘strawberries’ to attract his attention so that they could find him with ease.
c. Where did the family finally find Achilles? What had happened to him?
Ans. The family members finally found Achilles in the well, the wall of which was disintegrated. The Achilles had fallen into it and had died.
9. There are many instances of humour in the story. Pick out any two of them.
Ans. The story has many humorous instances. The Roger licking grape juice from Achilles’ chin is quite humorous. The tied beetles circling round and round Rose-Beetle Man’s hat is a humorous sight.
Language Work
Read the words below. They have been taken from the story you have just read.
Resist, satin, garden, sign, speak, words
If you look carefully, the letters of each word can be rearranged to form another word. These words are known as anagrams.
Examples: Resist-Sister, Satin-Stain, Garden-Danger, Sign-Sing, Speak-Peaks, Words-Sword.
Sometimes a word or a phrase can be rearranged to form another phrase, name, etc. For example, the word ‘orchestra’ can be rearranged to form ‘cart horse’: Interestingly, ‘William Shakespeare’ forms the anagram ‘Hear me as I will speak’.
Form anagrams using the following words with the help of the clues given in the table below:
Word | Anagram | Meaning |
Looped | P_______ | An intelligent breed of dog. |
Schoolmaster | T____ C_______ | Where lessons are taught. |
Listen | S_______ | Making no sound. |
Married | A_______ | Fan. |
Rabies | S_______ | Country in Southeast Europe. |
Real fun | F_______ | Performed after someone’s death. |
Retain | R_______ | Part of the human eye. |
Charm | M_______ | Movement of soldiers. |
Word | Anagram | Meaning |
Looped | Poodle | An intelligent breed of dog. |
Schoolmaster | The Classroom | Where lessons are taught. |
Listen | Silent | Making no sound. |
Married | Admirer | Fan. |
Rabies | Serbia | Country in Southeast Europe. |
Real fun | Funeral | Performed after someone’s death. |
Retain | Retina | Part of the human eye. |
Charm | March | Movement of soldiers. |
Grammar Work
Countable and uncountable nouns
Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can have a /an or the before them and can be used in the singular and the plural forms
- There is a plate, three spoons and a cup on the table.
Uncountable nouns cannot have a / an before them and cannot be used in the plural.
- The furniture in the accommodation was ugly but practical. They gave some money to buy more.
Note: Many dictionaries use the symbol (C) for countable nouns and the symbol (U) for uncountable nouns.
Some and any
You can use ‘some’ and ‘any’ with plural countable nouns:
- There are some cakes left.
- Are there any biscuits?
You can use ‘some’ and ‘any’ with uncountable nouns:
I’d like some sugar in my coffee.
Is there any water in the jug?
Much, many, a lot of, a few
You can use ‘many and a few with plural countable nouns:
- Did you take many photographs?
- I’ve got a few friends who live in Srinagar.
You can use ‘much’ with uncountable nouns:
- I haven’t got much news to tell you.
You can use “a lot of with both plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns:
- Did you take a lot of photographs?
- I haven’t got a lot of news to tell you.
Nouns which can be both countable and uncountable
Some nouns can be used both as countable and uncountable.
- a fish/fish, a glass/glass, a hair/hair, a chocolate chocolate
When we use these nouns as countable, we refer to particular things:
- There are some glasses on the table.
- I caught a fish at the lake.
When we use these nouns as uncountable, we refer to the thing in general:
- Be careful. There’s broken glass on the floor.
- I’d like fish and chips for dinner.
(i) Now do the following:
Some of the following sentences are incorrect. Correct them.
1) We get a lot of English home works.
Ans. We get a lot of English homework.
2) I’ve got some sands in my shoe.
Ans. I’ve got some sand in my shoe.
3) Did you hear the news about Sara?
Ans. Correct
4) We need more chairs in this room.
Ans. Correct
5) Can I have some more pasta?
Ans. Correct
6) He carried my luggages to the taxi.
Ans. He carried my luggage to the taxi.
(ii) Insert ‘a’ or ‘an’ wherever necessary.
- Why are you taking ——– umbrella? It’s not raining.
Ans. Why are you taking an umbrella? It’s not raining.
- I had ——-soup and ——– bread roll for lunch.
Ans. I had soup and a bread roll for lunch.
- It was a ——– good idea to have a party.
Ans. It was a good idea to have a party.
- She’s looking for ——- job in Jammu.
Ans. She’s looking for a job in Jammu.
- I often go to her for ——- advice.
Ans. I often go to her for advice.
(iii) Fill in the gaps with a noun from the words given using a/an/the wherever necessary.
Chair, Suitcase, Fly, Rice, Furniture, day, whether, accidents, luggage. |
- There’s —– in my soup.
Ans. There’s a fly in my soup.
- I have to buy some ——— for my new house.
Ans. I have to buy some furniture for my new house.
- I haven’t got much ——— with me. Just this bag
Ans. I haven’t got much luggage with me. Just this bag
- It’s a sunny ——- today.
Ans. It’s a sunny day today.
- There weren’t any ———- on the roads yesterday.
Ans. There weren’t any accidents on the roads yesterday.
(iv) Which of the underlined words in the parts of these sentences is correct?
- Hurry up? We haven’t got many / a lot of time.
Ans. a lot of
- I don’t eat much/many chocolates.
Ans. many
- I didn’t take much/many photographs.
Ans. many
- I don’t listen too much / many classical music.
Ans. much
Let’s Write
Write a paragraph (100-150 words) on any pet animal you like.
Ans. The dog is the most common pet people have in our region. It is faithful to humans. I also have a pet dog. I call it Rocky. It has long ears and black and white fur on its body. It runs very fast and also likes to play with me. I give him meat, fish and other food items to eat. I take care of my dog and bathe it once a week.
My dog is very active and keeps an eye on our house at night. If it hears an unusual noise or activity, it starts barking loudly. Rocky is a very gentle dog and does not try to bite any member of the family. I love my dog very much.
That’s all we have about Achilles Short Story 2 Summary and Question Answers. Hope it has helped alot. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below
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