Hello Readers, Are you looking for JKBOSE Solutions for Class 5? If Yes, then you are at the right place, here you will find Class 5th JKBOSE Solutions for all subjects for students of JKBOSE. The students will get in-depth insights into all the chapters of the subjects prescribed by JKBOSE for students of Class 5th.
Note: The Contents of this Page are updated continuously. Solutions of all the subjects will be updated over time.
Class 5th English Solutions.
- The Fowler and the Quail- Ellen C. Babbit from Jataka Tales
- Birbal the Wise – Abridged
- Gulliver among the Lilliputs. – Adapted from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver Travels
- The Man who Swallowed a Snake – Adapted from Rumi
- The Man who Empowered the Blind – Abridged and Edited
- The Prodigal Son – Abridged from the Stories of the Bible
- The Cat’s Paradise – Emile Zola
- Pangong Tso – Abridged and Adapted
- The Idiot Box – Arvind Gigoo
- The Shadow – Robert Louis Stevenson
- From the Pied Piper of Hamelin – Robert Browning
- You are Old, Father William – Lewis Caroll
- The Eagle – Alfred Tennyson
- The Fountain – James Russell Lowell
- Paper Boats – R.N. Tagore
- This Land of Ours – Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor Translated by Prof. G.R. Malik
Class 5th EVS Solutions
- Super Senses
- From Tasting to Digesting
- Seeds and Seeds
- Experiments with Water
- Our Health Services
- A Treat for Mosquitoes
- First Aid
- Rocks and Minerals
- Up you Go!
- A Shelter So High!
- The Earth
- When the Earth Shook
- Across the Wall
- A Seed Tells A Farmer’s Story
- Whose Forests?
- Like Father, Like Daughter
- On the Move Again
- Who will Do this Work?
- Sunita in Space
- Air: Its Uses and Pollution
- Clothing and Culture
Class 5th Mathematics Solutions
- The Fish Tale
- Shapes and Angles
- How Many Squares?
- Parts and Wholes
- Does it Look the Same?
- Be My Multiple, I’ll be Your Factor
- Can You See the Pattern?
- Mapping Your Way
- Boxes and Sketches
- Tenths and Hundredths
- Area and its Boundary
- Smart Charts
- Ways to Multiply and Divide
- How Big? How Heavy?
Class 5th Hindi Solutions
- राख की रस्सी
- पुष्प की अभिलाषा
- फसलों के त्योहार
- खिलौनेवाला
- ईदगाह
- शुद्ध हवा
- नन्हा फ़नकार
- वन के पंछी
- एक दिन की बादशाहत
- एक माँ की बेबसी
- चावल की रोटियाँ
- काबुलीवाला
- पानी रे पानी
- चुनौती हिमालय की
- वर्षा ऋतु
- जहाँ चाह वहाँ राह
- लोहड़ी
- गुरु और चेला
- लोसर : लदाख का नववर्ष-उत्सव
Class 5th Urdu Solutions
- بچے کی دعا
- انصاف
- انٹرنیٹ
- گفتگو کے آداب
- تصویر کشمیر
- دوستی
- بابا غلام شاہ بادشاہ
- سدھ محا دیو
- ریل گاڑی
- گرو نانک دیو جی
- ہوا
- حضرت بی بی فاطمہ
- لداخ سے ایک خط
- ڈاکٹر امبیڈکر
- میری کیوری
- شام
- باہو قلہ