Hello students, you have already read about the summary and word meaning of the chapter in the previous post. Today, in this post you will be detailed about Gulliver Among the Little People Question Answers, Language Work, and Grammar Work. The chapter is adapted from Gulliver Travels written by Jonathan Swift. So, let’s get started:

Gulliver Among the Little People Question Answers
Thinking about the Text
1. What happened to the ship on the way to the South Sea?
Ans. When the ship was on its way to the South Sea it was caught in a fierce storm. The ship was sailing near a rock when it was caught in a storm. It struck the rock and got broken into two.
2. What happened to the captain and the sailors?
Ans. The captain and the sailors dived into the sea when the ship broke and were drowned in the sea due to storm.
3. How did Gulliver save himself?
Ans. Gulliver swam across the sea and was somehow able to reach the seashore and save himself.
4. Where did Gulliver find himself?
Ans. Lemuel Gulliver found himself all alone on an island. The island was inhabited by a tiny (six inches tall) race of people.
5. Why was Gulliver unable to get up in the morning?
Ans. Gulliver was unable to get up in the morning because tiny men of Lilliput tied his legs and arms firmly to the ground with strings.
6. How was Gulliver taken to the city gate?
Ans. The tiny men of Lilliput made a large wooden cart about two meters in length and one meter wide. The wooden cart had twenty-two wooden wheels. They tied Gulliver on the cart and the cart was driven by hundreds of tiny horses to the city gate.
7. How did Gulliver please the king and the people?
Ans. Gulliver pleased the king and the people of Lilliput y his funny tricks. He was also polite and gentle in behavior towards them. It won the hearts of the king and the people of Lilliput and they start believing that Gulliver is harmless for Lilliputians.
8. What did Gulliver ask the king? What did the king say?
Ans. Gulliver asked the king to take away his chains as he wanted to walk. The king said that it will be dangerous for the people of Lilliput because he may trample the tiny creatures (people) under his feet and kill them.
Language work
A) Match the words from Column A with their opposites in Column B:
A | B |
High | Dangerous |
Soft | Empty |
Early | Push |
Tiny | Dwarf |
Tall | Noisy |
More | Blunt |
Thick | Low |
Sharp | Hard |
Quiet | Late |
Full | Big |
Giant | Short |
Pull | Less |
Safe | Thin |
A | B |
High | Low |
Soft | Hard |
Early | Late |
Tiny | Big |
Tall | Short |
More | Less |
Thick | Thin |
Sharp | Blunt |
Quiet | Noisy |
Full | Empty |
Giant | Dwarf |
Pull | Push |
Safe | Dangerous |
B) Fill in the blanks using the following phrasal verbs:
jumped into, lay down, wake up, got up, slipped through, ran away, shoot at, take away |
C) Create your own comparisons:
i) as tiny as___________.
ii) as tall as ___________.
iii) as soft as ___________.
iv) as sharp as __________.
v) as beautiful as ________.
i) as tiny as an ant.
ii) as tall as tower.
iii) as soft as cotton.
iv) as sharp as a razor.
v) as beautiful as a fairy
Grammar Work
Look at these sentences:
- a) We washed ourselves and sat down.
- b) He said to himself, “It is very late.”
The underlined words are reflexive pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding ‘–self’ (in singular) and ‘–selves’ (in plural) to personal pronouns. Here is a list of reflexive pronouns:
Personal Pronouns | Reflexive Pronouns |
I | myself |
We | ourselves |
You | yourself (singular) |
You | yourselves (plural) |
He | himself |
She | herself |
They | themselves |
It | itself |
Now fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns given below:
Yourself, herself, myself, themselves, himself, itself, youselves |
- Gulliver swam in the sea and saved ———-.
- The rat found ———- in the trap.
- The girl wanted all the toys for ———–.
- I do not think of ———- alone. I think of others too.
- Look in the mirror and see ———-.
- Muskan and Munazah dressed ———- in their new frocks and went out.
- The host said to the guests, “Help ———-.”
- Gulliver swam in the sea and saved himself.
- The rat found itselfin the trap.
- The girl wanted all the toys for herself.
- I do not think of myselfalone. I think of others too.
- Look in the mirror and see yourself.
- Muskan and Munazah dressed themselvesin their new frocks and went out.
- The host said to the guests, “Help yourselves.”
Let’s Talk
Ask the learner to imagine himself/herself in a fairyland and discuss his/her adventures with the class.
Last night I had a visit to fairyland in my dream. I was tired and fast asleep. Soon in my dream, I saw a fairy came near to my bed and said to me, “would you like to go to the fairyland? There are toys and children to play with you” I agreed to go with her.
She took me in her arms and soon after we were in a fairyland. There was a big garden having so many varieties of colourful flowers. The fairies were singing melodious songs. The fairy children were playing joyfully. There were so many toys to play with. I played with toys and fairy children.
Then I found a beautiful magic doll. When I tried to touch it, it caught me by my hand and I got frightened and woke up and found out it was dream.
Let’s Write
Write a few lines on any, imaginary situation of a fantastic nature.
Ans. I had a dream of a visit to place in nature which is different from this congested city life. There were big garden having lush green trees and colourful flowers blooming out. There is fragrance of flowers in the air of the garden. The fountains between the garden make the sight even more beautiful.
The birds were chirping of the trees, and the sound of water flowing in the stream have such a soothing effect on my ears. That was a wonderful sight to watch. I wish my dream could be true. I like to visit such a place.
That’s it about Gulliver Among the Little People Question Answers. Hope it has solved your query. Do share your iews about this post in the comment section below.
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