JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2016
Time Allowed: 2:30 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 50
JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2016
Q.1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end*:
Brutus and Cassius fled to Greece. About a year later, they camped with their army at Sardis, and Anthony along with Octavius (another friend of Caesar), with their army, were near the town of Philippi, some miles away. During that year, Brutus had become an unhappy, bitter man. His companions had lost their ideals and were fighting among themselves. At Sardis, he received the news that his wife was dead, and sorrow was added to his bitterness.
(a) Answer the following questions: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) Where was Brutus camping?
(ii) Why had Brutus become an unhappy man?
(b) Choose the most appropriate option: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) Anthony and Octavius were camping at
(a) Greece
(b) Sardis
(c) Phillipi
(d) None of these.
(ii) The word ‘sorrow’ in the passage has been used as :
(a) A noun
(b) A verb
(c) An adjective
(d) An adverb.
Q.2. Read the following poetry stanza and answer the questions given at the end:
I’ll bring you everything;
Colours of Raade, Tinsel for your Dupatta,
Colourful pebbles from across the Tawi,
Become that girl, Mother, just for a day.
(a) Answer the following questions: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) What does the poet promise to bring for his mother?
(ii) What does the poet wish?
(b) Choose the most appropriate option: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) The above-quoted lines have been composed by…….
(a) Shivanath
(c) Funice Desouza
(b) Shakespeare
(d) Arvind
(ii) What does the poet ask his mother to ……….
(a) become honest
(b) become a young girl again
(c) remain unchanged
(d) None of these
Q.3. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end:
“What a misfortune for Persia that she should be forced to turn to an old man to defend her!”
said Rustum. “But if I must go, I will go to the battle as a plain soldier wearing plain armour.
Let no one know that old Rustum had to be called to fight a beardless boy.”
(a) Answer the following questions briefly: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) What was the misfortune of Persia?
(ii) What was to be concealed?
(b) Choose the most appropriate option: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) Rustom agreed to fight as a/an;
(a) plain soldier
(b) brave soldier
(c) old soldier
(ii) The word ‘beardless’ in the passage has been used as :
(a) A noun
(b) A verb
(c) An adjective
(d) An adverb
Q.4. Answer the following questions briefly. (Do any three) 2 x 3 = 6 marks
(i) Why is polythene widely used? (Polythene: A disaster)
(ii) Where does the quality of mercy come from? (Mercy)
(iii) What did Alice remember? (A Strange Trial)
(iv) How was Sohrab wounded? (Rustam and Sohrab)
Q.5. (a) Match the clause from column ‘A’ with a clause from Column ‘B’ to make meaningful sentences. 1×3=3 marks
Column A | Column B |
1. If you had arrived earlier | You might have saved his life. |
2. If you had moved the injured to the hospital | We would have gone out. |
3. If the weather had not been so bad | You could have seen her |
(b) Choose the correct word: 1×2=2 marks
(i) We did not go outside because it was raining ……….. (heavy / heavily)
(ii) There was a ………. change in the weather. (Sudden / Suddenly)
(c) Complete the following binomials: 1 x 2 = 2 marks
(i) Leaps and………..
(ii) Hit and…………
(d) Put a question tag for the following statement: 1 mark
You will help me,………….?
Q.6. Write an essay (200 words) on any one of the following topics:
(i) My Aim in Life
(ii) Morning walk
(iii) My Hobby
Q.7. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you money to enable you to buy new books. 1×3=3 marks
Write an application to the headmaster of your school requesting him/her to issue a school leaving certificate.
Q.8. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end: 1×3=3 marks
Global warming is a common term used especially in print and electronic media. It refers to the rising temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans and its related effects. In the last hundred years, the Earth’s average surface temperature has increased by about 0.8°C (1.7F) with about two-thirds of the increase occurring over just the last three decades. One of the major reasons cited is the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, such as; deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.
(i) Where is the term ‘global warming’ especially used?
(ii) Which activities have added greenhouse gases to the atmosphere?
(iii) What is the increase in the Earth’s surface temperature in the last hundred years?
Q.9. (a) Report the following statements in the indirect: 1 x 2=2 marks
(i) The teacher said to the students, “Honesty is the best policy.”
(ii) I said, “I am an early riser.”
(b) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions out of the given options. 1×2=2 marks
(i) My colleagues stood …….. me in my hour of grief. (by/with)
(ii) He ran ……. the field to search for the rabbit. (in/across)
(c) Match the words in column ‘A’ with the words in column ‘B’ to form Common collocations. 1/2 x 4 = 2 marks
Column A
Column B
(d) Make two words each using the following prefixes: 1×2=2 marks
(i) ……….al
(ii) ……….ful
(e) Write the short form (contraction) for the underlined words. 1 mark
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