JKBOSE Class 8th Science Paper 2018 (SZ)
Time Allowed: 2:30 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
JKBOSE Class 8th Science Paper 2018
Note: Attempt all questions.
Section – A (05 marks each)
Q.1. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their functions.
Why do meteors burn on entering the atmosphere?
Q.2. Explain the circumstances leading to acid rain. How does acid rain affect us?
Define adolescence. What are the changes which take place in the body at puberty?
Section – B (03 marks each)
Q.3. Why do new automobile tyres have deep grooves?
Q.4. Differentiate between metals and non-metals.
Q.5. Write notes on
(a) Adam’s apple (b) Menstruation
Q.6. Describe the threat to the beauty of the Taj Mahal.
Section – C (02 marks each)
Q.7. What is a planet? Name any one planet.
Q.8. Draw a labelled diagram of an animal cell.
Q.9. Define a cell and a tissue.
Q.10. What happens when a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth?
Q.11. Name the metals present in chlorophyll and haemoglobin.
Q.12. What is global warming?
Q.13. Write any two ways in which water gets contaminated.
Section – D (01 mark each)
Q.14. (i) XX chromosomes present …. sex of an unborn child. (Fill in the blanks)
(ii) The friction is reduced by highly polishing the object. (True/False)
(iii) The power of an earthquake is expressed on a scale called …… (Fill in the blanks)
(iv) …….. percent (%) Oxygen is present in the air (Fill in the blanks).
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