The chapter “Long and Short” is Chapter 4 from Merry Math III for students of Class 3rd of JKBOSE. In a previous post, you read about Where to Look From Class Math Solutions Part 2. This post is about Long and Short Class 3rd Math Solutions Part 1. Let’s get started:
Long and Short Class 3rd Math Solutions Part 1
Measure your arm and your mother’s arm. What is the difference?
Ans. My mother’s arm is longer than my arm.
How Many
In how many steps will Dorji cross the road?
Ans. Dorji might cross the road in 6 or 7 steps.
How many cups can be placed in a line on this table?
Ans. I think 8 cups can be placed in a line on this table.
How many pots can be placed to reach the tree branch?
Ans. 6 pots can be placed to reach the tree branch.
How many shirts can be hung on this wire?
Ans. 3 shirts can be hung on this wire.
How much is a centimetre (cm)?
Fill in the blanks.
The matchstick is 4 centimetres long.
The die is 1 centimetre from every side.
The lizard is 13 centimetres long.
The leaf is _____ centimetres long.
The wax colour is _____ centimetres long.
Now, look at a scale that you find in a geometry box. How many centimetres do it have? _____ .
Ans. The leaf is 4 centimetres long.
The wax colour is 7 centimetres long.
Now, look at a scale that you find in a geometry box. How many centimetres does it have? 15 cm
The small scale that you mostly use in school is like this one.
Is it easier to start measuring from the 0 mark? Look at the things drawn near the scale and find out their lengths.
What are the little lines on the scale used for?
Ans. The little lines on the scale are used to measure smaller objects with precision.
Look for things that are
- About 10 centimetres long.
- Between 10 and 20 centimetres long.
- Less than 1 cm long.
Draw some of them here.
Ans. 1. Comb, Book, Mobile.
- Water bottle, Ruler, Notebook.
- Chewing gum, Ant, and Bean seed.
How Big is My Hand?
Measure the length of your thumb and your little finger. Use the scale on this page.
Which is longer? Thumb or little finger?
Ans. My thumb is longer than my little finger.
Bring a measuring tape to your class.
Guess the length of different parts of your body and check if your guess is correct. You can use a scale, string, measuring tape, etc.
How will you know the number of centimetres if you measure with a rope, shoe string, thread etc?
Ans. First, we can take the measurement of rope/ shoe-string/ thread using a ruler and then use these objects to find the length in centimetres.
Compare your measurement with your friends’.
Ans. Students have to do it themselves.
That’s it about Long and Short Class 3rd Math Solutions Part 1. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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