Chapter 5 Macbeth was taken from Tulip Series English Book 7 for students of Class 7 of JKBOSE is the shortest tragic play written by William Shakespeare and edited by Thomas Donagh. It was first performed in 1606. This post is about Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Summary and Word Meaning. You have already about Question Answers of Chapter 4 A Mad Tea Party in my earlier post. Let’s get started with this post:
Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Summary and Word Meaning
The play revolves around the main character Macbeth who was King Duncan’s 1st general. He got the king killed with the help of his wife. Later he followed his ambition without caring for others and his wife lady Macbeth also supported him. He also remained in fear of losing his power as king and tried to kill everyone who could be the king of Scotland. In the end, he got killed by Macduff.
Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Prophecy | A statement that says what is going to happen in future | भविष्यवाणी | پیشگوئی |
Heath | Uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation | बंजर ज़मीन | بنجر زمین |
Smear | To spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface | दाग़ | داغ |
Groom | A person whose job is to take care of and clean horses | घोड़ों की देख रेख करने वाला | گھوڑے کی دیکھ بھال کرنے والا |
Macduff | A Scottish nobleman hostile to Macbeth’s kingship from the start. He eventually became the leader of the crusade to unseat Macbeth | ||
Malcolm | Son of Duncan, brother of Donalbain | ||
Fleance | Banquo’s son, who survives Macbeth’s attempt to murder him and who may fulfil the witches’ prophecy that Banquo’s sons will sit on the Scottish throne | ||
Haunt | To appear in a place repeatedly (of a ghost) | भूत आना | بھوت |
Give away | To lose control over senses; to become mad | पागल होना | پاگل ہونا |
Sleepwalk | Somnambulism; to walk in sleep | नींद में चलना | نیند میں چلنا |
Camouflage | The use of leaves, branches, paints and clothes for hiding soldiers or military equipments so that they look part of their surroundings | छूपाना | چھوپنا |
Invulnerable | Impossible to damage or hurt in any way | सुरक्षित | ناقابل شکست |
Victorious | Successful | विजयपूर्ण | فاتح |
Predict | To tell before | भविष्यवाणी | پیش گوئی کرنا |
Traitor | Cheater, one who plays false | गद्दार | غدار |
Rebellion | Opposition to one in authority or dominance | विद्रोह | بغاوت |
Obstacle | Obstruction, hindrance, impediment | बाधा | رکاوٹ |
Reinforce | To make something stronger | प्रबलित करना | تکاتور بانہانہ |
Contemplate | To think about intently and at length, to think about deeply and carefully | चिंतन करना | غور کرنا |
Achieve | To succeed in finishing something, to accomplish some purpose or goal | हासिल करना | حاصل کرنا |
Assassinate | To kill, to murder | हत्या | قتل کرنا |
Confess | Admit | कबूल करना | اقرار کرنا |
Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Summary in English
The play begins with the three witches’ intention to meet Macbeth. While Scottish general Macbeth and his companion Banquo were returning from two victories in rebellious battles the three witches met them in a barren land. They predicted that Macbeth will be the king of Scotland in future while for Banquo they said that his descendants will be kings but he will not be the king. Macbeth and Banquo wanted to question them further but the witches disappear.
In the meantime, Macbeth got the message from the king about him being titled Thane of Cawdor. When he came to know about this news, he started thinking about the prediction done by the witches may come true. He began to think of Malcolm as an obstacle in his way to becoming king.
Lady Macbeth read the letter from his husband at his castle in Inverness in which he informed her about his meeting with witches and their prediction of him becoming the king. Lady Macbeth was sure about the prediction but she was angry with the kind nature of Macbeth. She encourages Macbeth to murder the king to capture the throne.
King Duncan paid a visit to Macbeth’s castle at Inverness where Macbeth and his wife were planning to assassinate the king and put the blame on the guards by smearing their swords with the king’s blood. Macbeth was afraid of the consequences but his wife called him a coward. She served doped wine to the guards and Macbeth entered and killed the king.
Macduff came to know about the murder. Macbeth killed both the guards to show his rage and anger against the assassination of the king. The princes (Malcolm and Donalbain flee from Scotland to save their lives and Macbeth became the king.
Macbeth though became the king of Scotland but was full of uncertainties about his power as king because he remembers the prediction of witches that Banquo’s descendant will inherit the throne. He planned to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Banquo was murdered, but his son escaped. Macbeth becomes angry at this, as long as Fleance was alive he was insecure about his power.
Banquo’s ghost started haunting him after he killed him. He visited the witches again who told him to beware of Macduff (Thane of Fife) but they also told him that he can’t get killed by a man born of women and he is going to be safe until an area wood, Birnam Wood comes to his castle. He felt secure after knowing this because all men were born of women and forests can’t travel.
Macbeth came to know that Macduff had gone to England to join Malcolm where Malcolm was raising an army to invade Scotland. Macbeth ordered his army to kill Lady Macduff and his children and capture his castle. Malcolm came to know about this, he was deeply hurt and decided to take revenge.
Duncan’s son Prince Malcolm, was successful in building a military in England and Macduff joins him and they moved to Scotland to challenge Macbeth’s forces. This invasion was supported by Scottish nobles who are angry with Macbeth’s murderous behaviour.
In the meantime, Lady Macbeth develops a disease in which she night walks and grieves over bloodstains on her hands. One day before the invasion Macbeth receives the news that his wife killed herself. While he was waiting for English forces, he believed the witches’ prediction that he cannot be conquered.
He was filled with fear when he came to know that the English army is marching ahead to Dunshinane with boughs cut from Birnam Wood. He realized that his end was near as the prediction of witches seems to fall true. Later on, on the battlefield, Macbeth fought violently but his army and castle were conquered by English forces. He was killed by Macduff who was born prematurely through caesarean. After Macbeth got killed, Malcolm became the King of Scotland.
Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Summary in Hindi
नाटक मैकबेथ तीन चुड़ैलों के साथ शुरू होता है जो मैकबेथ से मिलने का इरादा करती हैं। जब स्कॉटिश जनरल मैकबेथ और उनके साथी बैंको विद्रोही लड़ाइयों में दो जीत से लौट रहे थे, तीन चुड़ैलों ने उनके साथ एक बंजर भूमि में मुलाकात की। उन्होंने भविष्यवाणी की कि मैकबेथ भविष्य में स्कॉटलैंड का राजा होगा जबकि बैंको के लिए उन्होंने कहा कि उसके वंशज राजा होंगे लेकिन वह राजा नहीं होगा। मैकबेथ और बैंको उनसे और सवाल करना चाहते थे लेकिन चुड़ैलें गायब हो गईं।
इस बीच, मैकबेथ को राजा से संदेश मिला कि उसको कावडोर के नवाब की उपाधि और सम्पति प्राप्त होती है। जब उन्हें इस खबर के बारे में पता चला तो वह सोचने लगे कि चुड़ैलों द्वारा की गई भविष्यवाणी सच हो सकती है। वह मैल्कम को राजा बनने के रास्ते में एक बाधा के रूप में सोचने लगा।
लेडी मैकबेथ ने इनवर्नेस में अपने महल में अपने पति द्वारा भेजा गया पत्र पढ़ा जिसमें उन्होंने उन्हें चुड़ैलों के साथ अपनी मुलाकात और उनके राजा बनने की भविष्यवाणी के बारे में बताया था। लेडी मैकबेथ भविष्यवाणी के बारे में निश्चित थी लेकिन वह मैकबेथ के दयालु स्वभाव से नाराज थी। वह मैकबेथ को सिंहासन पर कब्जा करने के लिए राजा की हत्या करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती है।
किंग डंकन ने इनवर्नेस में मैकबेथ के महल का दौरा किया, जहां मैकबेथ और उसकी पत्नी राजा की हत्या करने की योजना बना रहे थे। मैकबेथ परिणामों से डर रहा था लेकिन उसकी पत्नी ने उसे कायर कहा। उसने पहरेदारों को शराब पिलाई और मैकबेथ ने अंदर जाकर राजा को मार डाला और राजा के खून से गार्डों की तलवारें दागकर गार्डों पर दोष मढ़ दिया।
मैकडफ को हत्या के बारे में पता चला। मैकबेथ ने राजा की हत्या के प्रति अपना क्रोध दिखाने के लिए दोनों रक्षकों को मार डाला। राजकुमार (मैल्कम और डोनलबेन) अपनी जान बचाने के लिए स्कॉटलैंड से भाग गए और मैकबेथ राजा बन गया।
मैकबेथ हालांकि स्कॉटलैंड का राजा बन गया, लेकिन राजा के रूप में अपनी शक्ति के बारे में अनिश्चितताओं से भरा था क्योंकि उसे चुड़ैलों की भविष्यवाणी याद थी कि बैंको के वंशज को सिंहासन विरासत में मिलेगा। उसने बैंको और उसके बेटे फ्लेंस को मारने की योजना बनाई। बैंको की हत्या कर दी गई, लेकिन उसका बेटा फरार हो गया। मैकबेथ इस पर क्रोधित हो जाता है, जब तक फ्लेंस जीवित था तब तक वह अपनी सिंहासन के बारे में असुरक्षित था।
बैंको को मारने के बाद उसका भूत मैकडफ को सताने लगा। वह फिर से चुड़ैलों के पास गया, जिन्होंने उसे मैकडफ (मुरली के ठाणे) से सावधान रहने के लिए कहा, लेकिन उन्होंने उसे यह भी बताया कि वह महिलाओं से पैदा हुए पुरुष द्वारा नहीं मारा जा सकता है और ये भी उसे तब तक हरा नहीं जा सकता था जब तक बिरनाम के जंगल चल कर उसके खिलाफ नहीं आ जाते। यह जानने के बाद वह सुरक्षित महसूस कर रहा था क्योंकि सभी पुरुष महिलाओं से पैदा हुए थे और जंगल यात्रा नहीं कर सकते थे।
मैकबेथ को पता चला कि मैकडफ मैल्कम का साथ देने के लिए इंग्लैंड गया था जहां मैल्कम स्कॉटलैंड पर आक्रमण करने के लिए एक सेना जुटा रहा था। मैकबेथ ने अपनी सेना को लेडी मैकडफ और उसके बच्चों को मारने और उसके महल पर कब्जा करने का आदेश दिया। मैल्कम को इस बारे में पता चला, तो वह बहुत आहत हुआ और उसने बदला लेने का फैसला किया।
डंकन का बेटा प्रिंस मैल्कम, इंग्लैंड में एक सेना बनाने में सफल रहा और मैकडफ उसके साथ जुड़ गया और वे मैकबेथ की सेना को चुनौती देने के लिए स्कॉटलैंड चले गए। इस आक्रमण को स्कॉटिश रईसों ने समर्थन दिया जो मैकबेथ के जानलेवा व्यवहार से नाराज़ थे।
इसी बीच, लेडी मैकबेथ को एक बीमारी हो जाती है, जिसमें वह रात में टहलती है और अपने हाथों पर लगे खून के धब्बों से दुखी होती है। आक्रमण से एक दिन पहले मैकबेथ को खबर मिलती है कि उसकी पत्नी ने खुद को मार डाला। जब वह अंग्रेजी सेना की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था, उसने चुड़ैलों की भविष्यवाणी पर विश्वास किया कि उसे जीता नहीं जा सकता।
वह डर से भर गया जब उसे पता चला कि अंग्रेजी सेना बिरनाम वुड से कटी हुई शाखाओं के साथ दुनशिनाने की ओर बढ़ रही है। उसने महसूस किया कि उसका अंत निकट था क्योंकि चुड़ैलों की भविष्यवाणी सच होती दिख रही थी। बाद में, युद्ध के मैदान में, मैकबेथ ने हिंसक रूप से लड़ाई लड़ी लेकिन उसकी सेना और महल को अंग्रेजी सेना ने जीत लिया। वह मैकडफ द्वारा मारा गया था जो समय से पहले सिजेरियन के माध्यम से पैदा हुआ था। मैकबेथ के मारे जाने के बाद मैल्कम स्कॉटलैंड का राजा बना।
Macbeth Play Characters
King Duncan: He was king of Scotland. He was known for his kindness and gentleness.
Malcolm: He was King Duncan’s son. He was crowned King of Scotland after Macbeth got killed in the war.
Macbeth: He was the main character of the play. He was one of King Duncan’s generals. He was responsible for the murder of King Duncan and became King after him.
Lady Macbeth: Wife of General Macbeth. She has more ambition than Macbeth and has an equal role to play in planning the murder of King Duncan.
Banquo: The 2nd General of King Duncan. He was murdered by Macbeth. He had a son Fleance.
Macduff: King Duncan’s 3rd general. He wasn’t born of a woman as he was ripped out of the womb of his mother, during the pre-natal stage. He kills Macbeth in a ferocious battle.
Three Witches: They made a prophecy regarding Macbeth’s crowning as king and also his death.
Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Short Summary
The play “Macbeth” is the shortest tragedy play written by William Shakespeare. The main theme of the play is how over-ambitious nature and greed for power lead to the downfall of a person. Macbeth, the main character of the play is a general in King Duncan’s army.
Once when Macbeth and Banquo were returning from their victories in the war, they met three witches on the barren land. They predicted about Macbeth of become the king and descendants of Banquo to be the kings. King Duncan awarded him with the title and property of Thane of Cawdor. When he got the news, he began to think about the prediction of the witches.
He told about this prediction to his wife. She was very sure of the prediction and encouraged him to murder the king. They planned to murder the king and put the blame on the guards by smearing their swords with the king’s blood. They executed their plan very well. When Macduff came to know about the murder, Macbeth killed both the guards. Looking at this the princes Malcolm and Donalbain left for England for their safety and Macbeth became the king.
Macbeth became the king but he was insecure about his power as king because he remembered the prediction made by witches about Banquo. He planned to kill him and his son. He killed Banquo but his son Fleance escaped. The ghost of Banquo started haunting him and he visited the witches.
They warned him of Macduff and also told him that he can’t get killed by any men born of women and also until the Birnam Wood comes against him. He felt secure because he thought all men were born of women and forest can’t walk.
Macduff joined Malcolm in England who was raising an army to invade Scotland. When Macbeth knew about it he got Lady Macduff and her children killed and the castle captured. Malcolm’s army left for Scotland and in the meantime, Lady Macbeth develops a disease of sleepwalks and speaking about evil deeds.
A day before the English army invaded his army near Birnam Wood Lady Macbeth killed herself. He was killed by Macduff who was born by cesarean and after his death, Malcolm became the King of Scotland.
That’s all about Macbeth Class 7 Chapter 5 Summary and Word Meaning. Hope you got the answers to your queries. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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