Short Story 2 “Rustum and Sohrab” is taken from Tulip Series English for students of Class 8 of JKBOSE Board for students of Jammu and Kashmir. This particular post is about Rustum and Sohrab Class 8 Summary and Questions. You will find Difficult words and their meanings, a Summary of the short story Rustum and Sohrab and Question Answers to the short story Rustum and Sohrab. In my previous post, I discussed the Colours of Rainbow Summary and Questions. So, let’s not waste more time and get started with this post.
Rustum and Sohrab Class 8 Summary and Questions
“Rustum and Sohrab” is a tragic story of a father and son duo from Persia. Rustum was a brave Persian hero and was a favourite of King Kaikoos. Sohrab was the son of Rustum and Tanimeh. Rustum and Sohrab never met in their lifetime until on the battlefield. Sohrab knew that he was Rustum’s son but Rustum was unaware of this fact and killed Sohrab on the battlefield.
Rustum and Sohrab Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Shield | A large flat metal object held by soldiers to protect themselves | ढाल | ڈھال |
Fled in fear | Run in fear | डर के मारे भागे | خوف سے بھاگ گیا |
Dare | To have enough courage for something | हिम्मत | ہمت |
In the family way | Expecting a baby | एक बच्चे की उम्मीद | بچے کی توقع |
Send word | To send a message | संदेश भेजना | پیگام بھیجنا |
Feat | An act showing great skill, strength or courage | करतब | کارنامہ |
Warrior | One who fights for or defends some other person | योद्धा | جنگجو |
Combat(n) | A fight | लड़ाई | جنگ |
Opponent | Adversary; rival | विरोधी | مخالف |
Announce | To declare | घोषणा करना | اعلن کرنا |
Remarkable | Praising, worthy of attention | उल्लेखनीय | قابل ذکر |
Saviour | A person who saves from danger | रक्षक | نجات دہندہ |
Approached | Came near | संपर्क किया | رجوع کیا |
Armour | A protective covering for the body | कवच | کوچ |
Longing | Having a great desire | लालसा | آرزو |
Fate | The power that is supposed to control all events | भाग्य | قسمت |
Frightened | To be afraid | भयभीत | خوفزدہ |
Clash(v) | To fight | संघर्ष | لڑائی |
Unnerve | To become nervous | नर्वस हो जाना | گھبرا جانا |
Pierce | To go into or through something | छेदना | چهیدنا |
Slain | Killed | मारे गए | مقتول |
Avenge | To punish for a wrongdoing | बदला लेना | بدلہ لینا |
Ignorance | Lack of knowledge; unawareness | अज्ञान | جہالت |
Rustum and Sohrab Summary in English
The story Rustum and Sohrab is a tale of a great Persian warrior Rustum and his son Sohrab. It is a sad and tragic story of a father-son duo who met on the battlefield and the son dies at the hands of his father.
Rustum was a brave and courageous hero of Persia who was named “The Shield of Persia’. The enemies of Persia were so afraid of him that they could never think of invading Persia as long as Rustum was there.
During one of his travels, Rustum met a Tartar princess called Tanimeh. They fell in love with each other and got married. Soon the king sent for Rustum and he had to return to Persia. So, he gave his wife a precious stone, which was in the family’s way and told her to tie the stone to the child’s arm.
Over time, the son was born to Tanimeh. She hid the fact from Rustum fearing that she would lose her son as she had lost her husband, so she sent a word to Rustum that their child was a girl. She named her son Sohrab. He grew up to be a courageous young man. He became skilled in the arts of war. There was no one around who could compete with him in swordsmanship.
One day he was challenged by a soldier from another country for single combat. Sohrab was ready to fight him but the soldier asked him, about his parentage before the fight. Sohrab, who himself did not know the identity of his father, told the soldier to meet him the next morning. He went home and asked his mother about his father.
She told Sohrab that the great Rustum was his father. On hearing this Sohrab was greatly overjoyed and thought of meeting his father. So, he went to Persia with his army. When Sohrab reached Persia, he fought with courage and bravery. The Persian generals were no match for Sohrab. He killed them one after another.
Then he sent a message to the Persian king that he would spare the Persian army if the champion fighter of the Persian army would fight with him in single combat. The Persian king sent for Rustum who was with his aged father.
Rustum was hesitant to fight with Sohrab because of the young age of the enemy but looking at the demoralized Persian army he agreed, but hid his identity. When Rustum left for the battlefield, one of the Persians approached him and praised the courage and fighting abilities of Sohrab. He pledged to Rustum to save Persia from Sohrab. When Rustum heard these words of praise for the prince he wished that the Tartar youth had been his son.
Rustum called out Sohrab. When Sohrab heard the mighty voice of Rustum he eagerly asked him if he was Rustum but Rustum didn’t reveal his identity to Sohrab. They fought ferociously for three days and at last Rustum wondered if he was going to lose it would be a terrible disgrace for him. His spirit roused and he uttered his war cry ‘Rustum’ he rushed at Sohrab. Sohrab hearing the war cry was momentarily distracted and dropped his shield,
Rustum’s sword pierced his side. Sohrab told him that he was unnerved by his war cry, he told him that he was Sohrab’s son of Rustum. Rustum was surprised when he heard this but then he saw the stone tied to Sohrab’s hand. He was inconsolable and was in great grief. Sohrab died at the hands of his father and the great tragic story thus came to an end. Sohrab asked Rustum for a wish, he asked him to bury him in his home. Rustum buried his son in his home.
Rustum and Sohrab Summary in Hindi
कहानी रुस्तम और सोहराब एक महान फारसी योद्धा रुस्तम और उनके बेटे सोहराब की कहानी है। यह एक पिता-पुत्र की जोड़ी की एक दुखद कहानी है जो युद्ध के मैदान में मिले और बेटे की अपने पिता के हाथों मौत हो गई।
रुस्तम फारस का एक बहादुर और साहसी नायक था जिसे “फारस की ढाल” के रूप में नामित किया गया था। फारस के दुश्मन उससे इतने डरे हुए थे कि जब तक रुस्तम था तब तक वे फारस पर आक्रमण करने के बारे में सोच भी नहीं सकते थे।
अपनी एक यात्रा के दौरान रुस्तम की मुलाकात तानिमेह नामक एक तातार राजकुमारी से हुई। उन्हें एक-दूसरे से प्यार हो गया और उन्होंने शादी कर ली। जल्द ही राजा ने रुस्तम को बुलवाया और उसे फारस लौटना पड़ा। इसलिए, उसने अपनी पत्नी को एक कीमती पत्थर दिया, जो गर्भवती थी और उसे पत्थर को बच्चे की बांह में बांधने के लिए कहा।
तनीमेह के पुत्र का जन्म हुआ। उसने रुस्तम से इस तथ्य को छुपाया कि वह अपने बेटे को खो देगी क्योंकि उसने अपने पति को खो दिया था, इसलिए उसने रुस्तम को सन्देश भिजवाया कि उनका बच्चा एक लड़की है। उसने अपने बेटे का नाम सोहराब रखा। वह बड़ा होकर बहादुर और साहसी युवक हुआ। वह युद्ध कला में निपुण हो गया। आसपास कोई नहीं था जो तलवारबाजी में उसका मुकाबला कर सके।
एक दिन उसे दूसरे देश के एक सैनिक ने युद्ध के लिए चुनौती दी। सोहराब उससे लड़ने के लिए तैयार था लेकिन सैनिक ने उससे लड़ाई से पहले उसका वंश पूछा। सोहराब, जो खुद अपने पिता की पहचान नहीं जानता था, ने सिपाही को अगली सुबह मिलने के लिए कहा। उसने घर जाकर अपनी माँ से अपने पिता के बारे में पूछा।
उसने सोहराब से कहा कि महान रुस्तम उसके पिता थे। यह सुनकर सोहराब बहुत खुश हुआ और उसने अपने पिता से मिलने की सोची। इसलिए, वह अपनी सेना के साथ फारस गया। जब सोहराब फारस पहुँचा तो उसने साहस और वीरता के साथ युद्ध किया। सोहराब के लिए फारसी सेनापति का कोई मुकाबला नहीं था। उसने एक के बाद एक उन्हें मार डाला।
फिर उसने फ़ारसी राजा को संदेश भेजा कि यदि फ़ारसी सेना का चैंपियन सेनानी युद्ध में उससे लड़ेगा तो वह फ़ारसी सेना को बख्श देगा। फारसी राजा ने रुस्तम को बुलवाया जो अपने वृद्ध पिता के साथ था।
रुस्तम दुश्मन की कम उम्र के कारण सोहराब से लड़ने में हिचकिचा रहा था लेकिन निराश फारसी सेना को देखकर वह सहमत हो गया, लेकिन अपनी पहचान छुपा ली। जब रुस्तम युद्ध के मैदान के लिए रवाना हुआ, तो फारसियों में से एक ने सोहराब के साहस और लड़ने की क्षमता की प्रशंसा की। उसने रुस्तम से फारस को सोहराब से बचाने के लिए कहा। जब रुस्तम ने राजकुमार की प्रशंसा के ये शब्द सुने तो उसने चाहा कि तातार युवक उसका अपना पुत्र हो।
रुस्तम ने सोहराब को पुकारा। जब सोहराब ने रुस्तम की शक्तिशाली आवाज सुनी तो उसने उत्सुकता से उससे पूछा कि क्या वह रुस्तम है लेकिन रुस्तम ने सोहराब को अपनी पहचान नहीं बताई। वे तीन दिनों तक बेरहमी से लड़े और अंत में रुस्तम ने सोचा कि अगर वह हारने वाला है तो यह उसके लिए एक भयानक अपमान होगा। उसकी आत्मा जाग उठी और उसने अपना युद्ध का नारा ‘रुस्तम’ कहा युद्ध की पुकार सुनकर सोहराब क्षण भर के लिए विचलित हो गया और उसने अपनी ढाल गिरा दी,
रुस्तम की तलवार उसकी बाजू में चुभ गई। सोहराब ने उससे कहा कि वह युद्ध की पुकार सुनकर क्षण भर के लिए विचलित हो गया था, उसने उससे कहा कि वह रुस्तम का पुत्र सोहराब था। यह सुनकर रुस्तम हैरान रह गया लेकिन फिर उसने सोहराब के हाथ पर बंधा पत्थर देखा। वह असंगत था और बहुत दुःख में था। सोहराब की मृत्यु उसके पिता के हाथों हुई और महान दुखद कहानी इस प्रकार समाप्त हुई। सोहराब ने रुस्तम से एक इच्छा मांगी, उसने उसे अपने घर में दफनाने के लिए कहा। रुस्तम ने अपने बेटे को अपने घर में दफना दिया।
Rustum and Sohrab Class 8 Question Answers
Working with the Text
A) Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Rustum not able to live with his wife for a long time?
Ans. Rustum was not able to stay with his wife because the King of Persia called him back as he felt that his country was not safe while Rustum was not there in the country to defend it.
2. Why did Tanimeh send word to Rustum that their child was a daughter?
Ans. Tanimeh sent word to Rustum that their child was a daughter because she feared that Rustum would take the child away from him if he came to know that it was a boy and she would lose his son as she had lost her husband.
3. What secret did Sohrab learn from his mother?
Ans. Sohrab came to know from his mother that the mighty Rustum was his father.
4. What did Tanimeh want Sohrab to do when he met his father?
Ans. Tanimeh wanted Sohrab to show his father the precious stone tied to his arm so that he could recognize his son. This stone was given by Rustum to Tanimeh at the time when they separated from each other.
5. Why was Rustum at first not ready to fight Sohrab?
Ans. Rustum was not ready to fight Sohrab at first because he became old and had an aged father to look after. He also felt that Sohrab was too young to fight and die.
6. Why did Rustum not tell Sohrab who he was?
Ans. Rustum did not reveal his identity to Sohrab because he thought Sohrab would withdraw from the fight and might want to make peace with him if he came to know about his identity.
7. How was Sohrab wounded?
Ans. Sohrab was distracted by Rustum’s war cry, he dropped his shield and Rustum’s sword pierced his body. Thus, Sohrab was fatally wounded.
8. What were Sohrab’s last words?
Ans. Sohrab asked a wish from Rustum to carry him to his home and bury him there so that all the pass by would say here lies the mighty Rusrum’s son who was killed by his father in ignorance.
B. Find words/phrases from the box for the following expressions:
Break down, precious, mighty, bury, combat, send word, invader, distant, chief, protect, send for, parting, determined, |
- A fight, especially in a war. Combat
- To keep somebody/something safe from harm, injury, etc. Protect
- Going away or separating from somebody. Parting
- To send someone a message. Send word
- Wanting to do something very much regardless of difficulties. Determined
- Ask somebody to come to you. Send for
- Someone who enters a country by force in order to take control of it. Invader
- A long distance away or a long time in the past or future. Distant
- To become very upset and start crying. Break down
- Of great and special value. Precious
- An officer of very high rank in the army. Chief
- Put a dead body in the grave. Bury
- Very powerful. Mighty
C. Choose the correct option:
- “Persia is safe as long as Rustum leads our soldiers,” said ————
- a) The King of Persia
- b) Soldiers of Persia
- c) Sohrab
- d) None of these
Ans. a) The King of Persia
- “I do not fight in single combat with anyone who is of low birth,” These words are spoken by ——————.
- a) Rustum
- b) Sohrab
- c) Kaikoos
- d) The Challenger
Ans. d) The Challenger
- “If you must go, I want to tell you something.” Said ——————-
- a) Rustum
- b) Kaikoos
- c) Tanimeh
- d) Sohrab
Ans. c) Tanimeh
- “Who is so rash and thoughtless that he thinks he can attack Persia?” asked ———
- a) Sohrab
- b) Kaikoos
- c) Rustum
- d) The General
Ans. c) Rustum
- “Carry me to your home and bury me there.” These words are spoken by ————-
- a) Sohrab
- b) Rustum
- c) a Soldier
- d) Kaikoos
Ans. a) Sohrab
D. Match the words in Column A with the explanations given in Column B:
Column A | Column B |
a. War cry | i) Skill in the use of the sword. |
b. Challenger | ii) Great fear. |
c. Arts of war | iii) Quality of courage and vigour. |
d. Champion | iv) Extremely surprised. |
e. Swordsmanship | v) Hold tightly. |
f. Spirit | vi) A strong desire for success, power, or wealth. |
g. Terror | vii) One who fights for or defends some other person. |
h. Clasp | viii) A word or cry shouted in battle. |
i. Amazed | ix) One who calls someone for the fight. |
j. Ambition | x) Skills in the use of weapons and in, fighting. |
Column A | Column B |
a. War cry | viii) A word or cry shouted in battle. |
b. Challenger | ix) One who calls someone for the fight. |
c. Arts of war | x) Skills in the use of weapons and in, fighting. |
d. Champion | vii) One who fights for or defends some other person. |
e. Swordsmanship | i) Skill in the use of the sword. |
f. Spirit | iii) Quality of courage and vigour. |
g. Terror | ii) Great fear. |
h. Clasp | v) Hold tightly. |
i. Amazed | iv) Extremely surprised. |
j. Ambition | vi) A strong desire for success, power, or wealth. |
Rustum and Sohrab Language Work
(A) Look at the pair of sentences:
- Rustum should be killed.
- Only then can our armies dream of victory.
These two sentences can be combined into one, using ‘unless’.
Unless Rustum is killed, our armies cannot dream of victory. Here is another pair of sentences:
- You must apologize.
- I will not forgive you.
We can combine these sentences into one, using ‘unless’.
Unless you apologize, I will not forgive you.
- Remember ‘unless’ is not followed by ‘not in the same clause.
Now combine the following pairs of sentences with unless, as shown in the examples:
1) a) You must run fast.
b) Only then can you catch the train.
Ans. Unless you run fast, you can’t catch the train.
2) a) You must work hard.
b) Only then can you get the first class.
Ans. Unless you work hard, you can’t get a first-class.
3) a) You must hurry.
b) Otherwise you will not catch the bus.
Ans. Unless you hurry, you won’t catch the bus.
4) a) You must do as I tell you.
b) Otherwise you will regret it.
Ans. Unless you do as I tell you; you won’t regret it.
5) a) You must tell me about your problem.
b) Only then can I give you some solution.
Ans. Unless you tell me about your problem, I can’t give you some solution.
(B) Look at the following sentences from the story.
- a) If you had not raised your war cry, I would not have been unnerved.
- b) If I had been able to find a younger champion, I would not have called you away from your aged father.
Now match each clause from Column A with a Clause from Column B and make meaningful sentences like those above.
Column A | Column B |
1. If I had worked harder, | a) we could have gone out. |
2. If the driver in front had not stopped so suddenly, | b) you could have seen her |
3. If the weather had not been so bad, | c) you might have saved his life. |
4. If you had arrived earlier, | d) I would have got more marks. |
5. If you had moved the injured to hospital immediately, | e) I would not have been able to buy the car. |
6. If you had not lent me the money, | f) the accident would not have happened. |
Column A | Column B |
1. If I had worked harder, | d) I would have got more marks. |
2. If the driver in front had not stopped so suddenly, | f) the accident would not have happened. |
3. If the weather had not been so bad, | a) we could have gone out. |
4. If you had arrived earlier, | b) you could have seen her. |
5. If you had moved the injured to hospital immediately, | c) you might have saved his life. |
6. If you had not lent me the money, | e) I would not have been able to buy the car. |
Rustum and Sohrab Grammar Work
Look at the following sentences:
Direct: The teacher said to me, “I have no spare time today.”
Indirect: The teacher told me that he had no spare time that day.
Direct: The boy said, “Mother, I will become a doctor one day.”
Indirect: The boy told his mother that he would become a doctor one day:
Direct: The principal said, “Shabir is intelligent.”
Indirect: The principal remarked that Shabir was intelligent.
Direct: “The Prime Minister said, “India will fight to the last man.”
Indirect: The Prime Minister declared that India would fight to the last man.
Following the above pattern, report the following statements in the indirect:
1) She said, “My father will return from Jammu tomorrow.”
Ans. She said that her father would return from Jammu the next day.
2) They said, “We will die for the sake of our country.”
Ans. They said that they would die for the sake of their country.
3) The teacher said, “Babar won the first battle of Panipat.”
Ans. The teacher said that Baber had won the first battle at Panipat.
4) I said to him, “You have made a false statement.”
Ans. I told him that he had made a false statement.
5) They said to us, “We will play a match tomorrow.”
Ans. They told us that they would play a match the next day.
6) I said to him, “I am an early riser.”
Ans. I told him that I was an early riser.
7) He said, “My father died last year.”
Ans. He said that his father died the previous year.
8) She said to me, “The climate of this place does not suit me.”
Ans. She told me that the climate of that place did not suit her.
9) I said to the peon, “All your faults will be pardoned if you confess them.”
Ans. I told the peon that all his faults would be pardoned if he confessed them.
10) I said, “I shall finish my work as early as I can.”
Ans. I said that I should finish my work as early as I could.
Now, look at the following example:
She said that her sister was a good singer.
She said, “My sister is a good singer.”
Using this pattern, change the following sentences into direct speech.
1) The employer warned him that he would be dismissed if he did not attend the office.
Ans. The employer said to him, “You will be dismissed if you do not attend the office.”
2) Sanjay said that his brother had met with an accident the previous day.
Ans. Sanjay said, “My brother met with an accident yesterday.”
3) I informed him that I might not come the next day.
Ans. I said to him, “I may not come tomorrow.”
4) The principal announced that the next day would be a holiday.
Ans. The principal said, “Tomorrow will be a holiday.”
5) The teacher told us that we were intelligent and hard-working.
Ans. The teacher said to us, “You are intelligent and hard-working.”
That’s all about Rustum and Sohrab Class 8 Summary and Questions. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section.
Ashoo bath says
There are so many gramitical mistakes in question/answers
Manjeet says
Thanks for your info. Anyway point these mistakes out in detail so that I can update them properly