The chapter “Smart Charts” is Chapter 13 from Merry Math III for students of Class 3rd of JKBOSE. In a previous post, you read about Jugs and Mugs Class 3rd Math Solutions. The particular post is about Smart Charts Class 3rd Math Solutions Part. Let’s get started:
Smart Charts Class 3rd Math Solutions Part 1
Flowers of Different Colours
Have you been to a park?
Ans. Yes, I have been to parks.
What coloured flowers did you see?
I have seen different colours of flowers, like red, blue, yellow, orange, violet, pink, etc.
Were most of the flowers yellow in colour?
No, most of them were not yellow in colour.
Look at the different flowers in the picture. Complete the table:
Draw the right flower. Write how many there are.
a) ______ are the most in number. How many? ______ .
Ans. are most in number. They are 10 in number.
b) ______ are the least in number. How many? ______ .
Ans. are least in number. They are 5 in number
c) ______ are more than ______
Ans. are more than
d) ______ are more than ______
Ans. are more than
What do We See on the Road?
Look at the traffic scene in the picture and fill in the table.
This chapter is an early introduction to data handling, an important area of mathematics. By the end of primary school, children need to be able to collect and record data, present it in the form of bar charts and tables, recognise patterns in the data and draw inferences. Teachers can take several interesting and even funny examples from children’s own experiences. Pictures given here could also be used for different classification exercises, such as the number of petals of flowers.
Answer the following questions.
a) In the picture which way of travel do you see the most?
Ans. Bicycles
b) Which way of travel (vehicle) do you see the least?
Ans. Bullock-cart
c) The number of people walking is more than the number of
Ans. Bicycles
d) The number of buses is less than the number of
Ans. People walking
How Many Times Do You Get 6?
Have you played any games with dice?
Ans. Yes, I have played games with dice.
How many dots are there on the different faces of a dice?
Ans. On the different faces of the dice, there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 dots.
Throw a die.
Look at the number of dots you get on the face of your die. For each throw draw a mark / in front of that number in the table. Throw the die 30 times and mark it on the table each time.
For example, Rabia threw her dice 30 times. She got five times. In her table, she marked:
Now, fill in the table.
a) Which face of the die did you get the most number of times?
Ans. I got “5” the most number of times, i.e., seven times.
b) How many times did 6 come up?
Ans. 6 came up 6 times.
c) 4 came up more number of times than ____
Ans. 4 came up more number of times than 2
d) Compare your table with that of the student sitting next to you. Do you find any difference in the two tables?
Ans. Yes, there is a difference between my table and my friend’s table.
That’s it about Smart Charts Class 3rd Math Solutions Part 1. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section.
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