The story “Taro’s Reward” is taken from Melody English for Class 6 for students of JKBOSE and Honeysuckle English for NCERT students. The story is about the reward of honesty and good deeds. In this post, you will read Taro’s Reward Class 6 Summary and Word Meanings. Here I am providing you with a detailed summary of the story in English and Hindi, a Short summary of Taro’s Reward and the moral of the story Taro’s Reward. You can also read the Solutions and Summaries of all Chapters of Melody English here. Let’s not waste much time and get started:
Taro’s Reward Class 6 Summary and Word Meanings
The story “Taro’s Reward” is about a poor but honest woodcutter named Taro. He used to work hard for his living and fulfilling the wishes of his parents. At last, he found and magical waterfall and was also rewarded by the king for his goodness and kindness.
Taro’s Reward Class 6 Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Chopped | Cut into pieces | काटा हुआ | کٹا ہوا |
Thoughtful | Concerned | चिंतापूर्ण | سوچنے والا |
Whistled through | Passed through with a whistling sound | सीटी की आवाज के साथ गुज़री | سیٹی کی آواز کے ساتھ گوزری |
Cracks | Narrow gaps/openings | दरारें | دراڑیں |
Saké | A popular Japanese drink (‘sa’ is pronounced like ‘fa’ in ‘father’ and ‘ke’ rhymes with ‘way’) | एक लोकप्रिय जापानी पेय | ایک مشہور جاپانی مشروب |
Expensive | Costly | महंगा | مہنگا |
Made his way to | Went to | के लिए चला गया | کے لیے چلا گیا |
Cupped a little in his hands | Took some water in his hands (as if in a cup) | हाथ में थोड़ा पानी लिया (जैसे प्याले में) | ہاتھ میں پانی لیا (جیسے پیالی میں) |
Kneeling | To bow down on knees | घुटना टेककर | گھٹنے ٹیکنا |
Delicious | Very tasty | स्वादिष्ट | مزیدار |
Hurried | Went quickly | जल्दी से | جلدی سے |
Pitcher | A pot usually made of mud | घड़ा | گھڑا |
Shivering | To shake slightly, especially because you are cold or frightened | कांपना | کانپنا |
Greedily | As if desiring more and more | लालच से | لالچ سے |
Procession | A gathering of several people, vehicles, etc. | जुलूस | جلوس |
Intended | Planned | योजना बनाई | منصوبہ بندی کی |
Tricked | Deceived, Fooled | बरगलाया | دھوکہ دیا |
Muttering | Speaking unclearly | बड़बड़ाहट | بڑبڑانا |
Sent for | Called | बुलाया | بلایا |
Taro’s Reward Class 6 Summary in English
Taro was a young woodcutter who lived at a lonely place on the hillside. He used to work hard in the forest but earned a little money for his work. He was not happy with his earnings and wanted to earn more because he was a caring son and wanted to fulfil the wishes of his parents. One evening when Taro ad his old parents were sitting in their hut, a strong wind blew. It entered the hut through the cracks and they felt cold. Taro’s father wished for a cup of saké.
This made Taro feel very sad because saké was a costly drink and he could not afford it for his father. He decided to earn more money to get saké for his old father.
The next morning, he got up earlier than usual and went to the forest. He kept on chopping the trees for a long time in the forest. His mouth became dry and he started feeling thirsty but he continued to chop trees because he wanted to earn more money to buy a cup of saké for his father.
Suddenly, he stopped chopping the trees because he heard the sound of water. He had never heard or seen a stream of water flowing in that part of the forest. He was thirsty so the axe dropped out of his hands and he ran in the direction of the sound.
He found a little waterfall hidden behind the rock. He bent down on his knees and drank the liquid. He was surprised to find out it was saké instead of water. Taro filled the pitcher he had with saké and went home quickly. His father was happy to have saké. He took a sip of saké and stopped shivering.
On the same day, they had a visitor from the neighbourhood. They offered her sake and Taro told her about the magical waterfall. The lady left their home in a hurry and spread the story of the magical waterfall in the whole village.
In the evening all the people of the village gathered at Taro’s home. All of them heard the story of the magical waterfall and took a sip of saké and the pitcher empties in half an hour.
The next morning Taro left for work earlier than the day before. He took the largest pitcher he had and he planned to bring saké in it. When he reached the waterfall, he was surprised to see all his neighbours were already there to hold the magical saké. Then one villager tastes the liquid and found it was cold water and not saké. This angers them and they all wish to drown Taro for spreading lies and cheating them. Taro escaped from the place by hiding in the forests.
The villagers left the place in anger and disappointment. Taro came out of his hiding place and went to the waterfall. He again tastes the liquid and found it was the same saké. The magical waterfall offered saké to the thoughtful son and water to other villagers.
The story of Taro and his magical waterfall reached the Emperor of Japan. He called the young woodcutter and rewarded him with twenty pieces of gold for his goodness and kindness. Further, he also named the beautiful fountain of the city after Taro. Through this, he wished to encourage all children to honour and always be obedient towards their parents.
Taro’s Reward Class 6 Summary in Hindi
टैरो एक युवा लकड़हारा था जो पहाड़ी पर एक सुनसान जगह पर रहता था। वह जंगल में कड़ी मेहनत करता था लेकिन अपने काम के लिए थोड़ा पैसा कमाता था। वह अपनी कमाई से खुश नहीं था और अधिक कमाना चाहता था क्योंकि वह एक देखभाल करने वाला बेटा था और अपने माता-पिता की इच्छाओं को पूरा करना चाहता था। एक शाम जब टैरो विज्ञापन उसके बूढ़े माता-पिता अपनी झोपड़ी में बैठे थे, एक तेज हवा चली। यह दरारों के माध्यम से झोपड़ी में घुस गया और उन्हें ठंड लग रही थी। टैरो के पिता ने एक कप सेक की कामना की।
इससे टैरो को बहुत दुख हुआ क्योंकि की एक महंगा पेय था और वह अपने पिता के लिए इसे वहन नहीं कर सकता था। उसने अपने बूढ़े पिता की खातिर और पैसे कमाने का फैसला किया।
अगली सुबह, वह सामान्य से पहले उठा और जंगल में चला गया। वह काफी देर तक जंगल में पेड़ों को काटते रहा। उसका मुंह सूख गया और उसे प्यास लगने लगी लेकिन उसने पेड़ काटना जारी रखा क्योंकि वह अपने पिता के लिए एक प्याला सेक खरीदने के लिए और पैसा कमाना चाहता था।
पानी की आवाज सुनकर अचानक उसने पेड़ों को काटना बंद कर दिया। उसने जंगल के उस हिस्से में बहते पानी की धारा न तो कभी सुनी थी और न ही देखी थी। वह प्यासा था इसलिए उसके हाथ से कुल्हाड़ी छूट गई और वह आवाज की दिशा में भाग गया।
उसे चट्टान के पीछे एक छोटा सा झरना छिपा हुआ मिला। वह अपने घुटनों पर झुक गया और तरल पी लिया। वह यह जानकर हैरान रह गया कि यह पानी की जगह सेक है। टैरो ने सेक को घड़े में भर दिया और जल्दी से घर चला गया। उनके पिता सेक पाकर खुश थे। उन्होंने सेक का एक घूंट लिया और कांपना बंद कर दिया।
उसी दिन, उनके घर पड़ोस से एक आगंतुक था। उन्होंने उसकी सेक पेशकश की और टैरो ने उसे जादुई झरने के बारे में बताया। महिला ने आनन-फानन में अपना घर छोड़ दिया और जादुई झरने की कहानी पूरे गांव में फैला दी।
शाम को गांव के सभी लोग टैरो के घर पर जमा हो गए। उन सभी ने जादुई झरने की कहानी सुनी और सेक का एक एक घूंट लिया और घड़ा आधे घंटे में खाली हो गया।
अगली सुबह टैरो पहले दिन की तुलना में काम पर जल्दी निकल गया। उसने अपने साथ सबसे बड़ा घड़ा लिया और उसमें सेक लाने की योजना बनाई। जब वह झरने पर पहुंचा, तो वह यह देखकर हैरान रह गया कि उसके सभी पड़ोसी पहले से ही जादुई सेक को पकड़ने के लिए वहां मौजूद थे। फिर एक ग्रामीण ने तरल का स्वाद चखा और पाया कि यह ठंडा पानी है न कि सेक। इससे वे नाराज हो जाते हैं और वे सभी टैरो को झूठ फैलाने और उन्हें धोखा देने के लिए डुबो देना चाहते हैं। टैरो जंगलों में छिपकर वहां से भाग निकला।
ग्रामीण गुस्से और मायूसी में वहां से चले गए। टैरो अपने छिपने के स्थान से निकल कर झरने के पास गया। उसने फिर से तरल का स्वाद चखा और पाया कि यह वही सेक था। जादुई झरने ने विचारशील बेटे को सेक और अन्य ग्रामीणों को पानी दिया।
टैरो और उसके जादुई झरने की कहानी जापान के सम्राट तक पहुंची। उसने युवा लकड़हारे को बुलाया और उसकी भलाई और दयालुता के लिए उसे बीस सोने के सिक्के दिए। इसके अलावा, उन्होंने टैरो के नाम पर शहर के खूबसूरत फव्वारे का नाम भी रखा। इसके माध्यम से उन्होंने सभी बच्चों को अपने माता-पिता के प्रति सम्मान और हमेशा आज्ञाकारी रहने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने की कामना की।
Taro’s Reward Class 6 Short Summary
Taro was a young hardworking woodcutter. He lived with his aged parents on the hillside in a hut. He was unhappy because he used to earn less for his work. One evening, a strong wind blew into the hut, and the father shivered. He wished for a cup of an expensive drink called saké. But Taro didn’t have enough money, so he decided to work harder for his father.
The next day, when he was at his work, he heard the sound of water. He discovered a waterfall in the forest whose water tasted like saké. He brought some of it to his father to drink. The father’s health improved after he drank the magic saké. The story of a magical waterfall spread like fire in the village by nightfall through a lady who visited Taro in the afternoon. Everyone visited Taro’s house that evening to taste the saké, and Taro’s saké pitcher became empty within no time.
The next morning when Taro went back to the waterfall all his neighbours were there to take home the saké. But the waterfall gave cold water to them. But when Taro tasted it, it was the delicious saké. The magic waterfall gave the saké to the thoughtful son. When the Emperor of Japan heard about the incident, he rewarded him with twenty gold coins. He also named the famous fountain in the city after Taro. Hence, the thoughtful son was rewarded both by the waterfall and the emperor.
Moral of the Story Taro’s Reward
The story teaches us to be respectful and honour our parents all the time. We will be rewarded for our good deeds because the world rewards only those who are honest and loving. It proves that the virtues of honesty and hard work are always rewarded.
That’s all we have about Taro’s Reward Class 6 Summary and Word Meanings. Hope it has answered your query. Do share your views in the comment section below.
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