The chapter “The Bahu Fort” is taken from Tulip Series English for Class 7 for students of JKBOSE. In this post, you will read about The Bahu Fort Class 7 Summary and Word Meanings in detail. In my last post, you have gone through Question Answer and Explanation of the Chapter Fetching the Doctor. Let’s get started with this post:
The Bahu Fort Class 7 Summary and Word Meanings
The chapter “The Bahu Fort” is an account of one of the oldest forts in Jammu and Kashmir. It describes details about the fort-like who built it, when was it built, what is its significance etc.
The Bahu Fort Class 7 Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Fort | A military building consisting of an area enclosed by a strong wall, in which soldiers live and which is designed to be defended from attack | किला | قلعہ |
Sandstone | A type of rock formed from sand | रेतीला पत्थर | ریت کا پتھر |
Lime | A white powdery substance used in building | चूना | چونا |
Octagonal | Having eight sides | अष्टकोन | آٹھ کونے والا |
Floral | Made of flowers, or decorated with pictures of flowers | फूलों के बारे में, फूलों का | پھولوں کا, پھولوں کے بارے میں |
Baradari | An arched pavilion or gallery | ||
Throng | To be or go somewhere in very large numbers | भीड़ | بھیڑ |
Fair | A large public event where goods are bought and sold, and where there is often entertainment | मेला | منصفانہ |
Decorated | Adored | सजा हुआ | سجایا ہوا |
Magnificent | Splendid, fine | शानदार | شاندار |
Majestic | Kingly, grand | राजसी | شہزادی |
Divine | Godly | दिव्य | الہی |
The Bahu Fort Class 7 Summary in English
The Bahu Fort is situated along the banks of river Tawi and is one of the oldest known structures built by Raja Bahulochan about 3000 years ago. Later it was repaired and partly constructed by Dogra rulers.
The Bahu Fort is at a height of 325 metres and is opposite the old town of Jammu. It has thick walls of sandstone and lime and has eight octagonal towers. The first floor of the fort is beautifully built with arches and floral designs like Baradari drawn on its walls.
A temple popularly known as Bawey Wali Mata temple is on its premises and it makes the place of religious importance. Pilgrims visit the temple every Tuesday and Sunday. The terraced gardens adjacent to Bahu Fort present a beautiful view of the city.
A beautiful garden known as Bagh-e-Bahu having grassy lawns, beautiful flowers and green plants is one of the famous picnic spots in Jammu surrounds the Bahu Fort. The garden has all types of tourist attractions ranging from plants of all types of herbs, shrubs, trees, flowers and waterfalls.
The Mela Bahu Fort is one of the popular festivals celebrated at the fort in the month of March-April. A large number of pilgrims and other people visit the temple during the Mela to seek divine blessings.
There remain all types of entertainment and eatables for children and adults during the Mela. One can enjoy local ice cream (kulfi, malai – baraf), sugarcane juice, gole gappe, aaloo chhola, kachalo, jalebi etc. Children can have balloons and cotton candies. There are also snake charmers and jugglers with monkeys which provide excitement to children and adults.
The Bahu Fort Class 7 Summary in Hindi
बहू किला तवी नदी के किनारे स्थित है और लगभग 3000 साल पहले राजा बाहुलोचन द्वारा निर्मित सबसे पुरानी ज्ञात संरचनाओं में से एक है। बाद में डोगरा शासकों द्वारा इसकी मरम्मत और आंशिक रूप से निर्माण किया गया था।
बहू किला 325 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर है और जम्मू के पुराने शहर के सामने है। इसमें बलुआ पत्थर और चूने की मोटी दीवारें हैं और इसमें आठ अष्टकोणीय मीनारें हैं। किले की पहली मंजिल को खूबसूरती से बनाया गया है और इसकी दीवारों पर बारादरी जैसे फूलों के डिजाइनों से बनाया गया है।
इसके परिसर में बावे वाली माता मंदिर के नाम से प्रसिद्ध एक मंदिर है और यह इस किले को धार्मिक महत्व का स्थान बनाता है। तीर्थयात्री हर मंगलवार और रविवार को मंदिर जाते हैं। बहू किले से सटे सीढ़ीदार बगीचे शहर का सुंदर दृश्य प्रस्तुत करते हैं
बाग-ए-बहू के रूप में जाना जाने वाला एक खूबसूरत बगीचा, जिसमें घास के मैदान, खूबसूरत फूल और हरे पौधे हैं, यह जम्मू के प्रसिद्ध पिकनिक स्थलों में से एक है और बहू किले के चारों ओर है। बगीचे में सभी प्रकार के पौधों, झाड़ियों, पेड़ों, फूलों और झरनों से लेकर सभी प्रकार के पर्यटक आकर्षण हैं।
मेला बहू मार्च-अप्रैल के महीने में किले में मनाए जाने वाले लोकप्रिय त्योहारों में से एक है। मेले के दौरान बड़ी संख्या में तीर्थ यात्री और अन्य लोग दिव्य आशीर्वाद लेने के लिए मंदिर जाते हैं।
मेले के दौरान बच्चों और बड़ों के लिए हर तरह के मनोरंजन और खाने-पीने की चीजें उपलब्ध रहती हैं। कोई भी स्थानीय आइसक्रीम (कुल्फी, मलाई-बाराफ), गन्ने का रस, गोले गप्पे, आलू छोला, कुलचे, जलेबी आदि का आनंद ले सकता है। बच्चों के लिए गुब्बारे और कैंडीज उपलब्ध रहती हैं। सपेरे और बाजीगर भी मौजूद रहते हैं जो बच्चों और वयस्कों को उत्साह प्रदान करते हैं।
The Bahu Fort Class 7 Short Summary
The Bahu Fort is located on the banks of river Tawi and is one of the oldest known structures built by Raja Bahulochan about 3000 years ago. Later it is repaired and partly constructed by Dogra rulers. The fort is at a height of 325 metres and its walls are made of sandstone and lime. It has eight octagonal towers.
A famous temple known as Bawey Wali Mata temple is on the premises of the fort. The pilgrims visit the temple on Tuesday and Sunday. There is also a famous garden Bagh-e-Bahu that surrounds the fort. The garden has all types of tourist attractions like different plants, flowers and waterfalls etc.
The Bahu Fort Mela is one of the famous festivals celebrated in the fort during the months of March-April. A large number of people visit the temple for divine blessings during the Mela. There are all types of entertainment and eatables available in the mela. People can enjoy local ice creams, sugarcane juice, gole gappe, aalo tikki, kachaloo, jalebi etc.
That’s all we have about The Bahu Fort Class 7 Summary and Word Meanings. Hope it helped. Do share your views about this post in comment section below.
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