Are you browsing the internet for solutions class 3rd English textbook or a summary of the story “The Fisherman and the Genie”? If yes, then you have landed on the right website. In this post, you will find a Summary of the Chapter “The Fisherman and the Genie”. The chapter was adapted from a collection of tales “Arabian Nights”.

The Fisherman and the Genie Class 3rd Summary in English
Once there lived a poor man with his family. He used to make his living by fishing. He went fishing every day and spent hours catching the fish. One day while the net was out of the sea, he found it too heavy. He said to himself that it must be a big fish but it was the body of some animal instead.

He again cast his net into the sea and pulled it out and got a heap of mud this time. The fisherman thought that he and his family had to starve that day. With a little hope, he again cast net into the sea one last time and found a big old jar in the net when he pulled it out. The jar was closed by a beautifully decorated lid. When he opened the jar, a huge genie appeared before the fisherman.
The genie loudly said that he was hungry inside the jar and wanted food immediately. He said that he will eat up the fisherman. The fisherman was afraid after hearing these words. He said to the genie that he didn’t do any harm to him than why he wanted to kill him.

The fisherman was terrified but he thought of tricking the genie to save himself. He said to the genie that he doubts that the genie did not come from the jar and asked the genie how such a huge creature could fit inside the small jar. The genie got angry and said that if he was challenging his powers.

The genie made itself as small as possible and went inside the jar immediately. The fisherman quickly closed the lid of the jar and threw it into the sea. He tricked the genie with his wit and presence of mind. He again threw the net into the sea and finally caught a big fish. He went home happy and thanked God for saving her life.
The Fisherman and the Genie Class 3rd Summary in Hindi
एक बार एक गरीब आदमी अपने परिवार के साथ रहता था। वह मछली पकड़कर अपना जीवन यापन करता था। वह हर दिन मछली पकड़ने जाता था और मछली पकड़ने में घंटों बिताता था। एक दिन जब जाल समुद्र से निकल रहा था तो उसने पाया कि वह बहुत भारी है। उसने अपने आप से कहा कि यह एक बड़ी मछली होगी लेकिन यह किसी जानवर का शरीर था।
उसने फिर से अपना जाल समुद्र में डाला और उसे बाहर निकाला और इस बार कीचड़ का ढेर मिला। मछुआरे ने सोचा कि उस दिन उसे और उसके परिवार को भूखा रहना होगा। थोड़ी सी आशा के साथ, उसने एक बार फिर से समुद्र में जाल डाला और जाल को बाहर निकालने पर उसे एक पुराना घड़ा मिला। घड़े को खूबसूरती से सजाए गए ढक्कन से बंद किया गया था। जब उसने घड़ा खोला, तो मछुआरे के सामने एक विशाल जिन्न प्रकट हो गया।
जिन्न ने जोर से कहा कि वह घड़े के अंदर भूखा था और तुरंत खाना चाहता था। उसने कहा कि वह उसको खा जाएगा। मछुआरा इन शब्दों को सुनकर डर गया। उसने जिन्न से कहा कि उसने उसे कोई नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाया कि वह उसे क्यों मारना चाहता था।
मछुआरा घबरा गया लेकिन उसने खुद को बचाने के लिए जिन्न को छलने की सोची। उन्होंने जिन्न से कहा कि उसे संदेह है कि जिन्न घड़े से नहीं आया था और जिन्न से पूछा कि इतना बड़ा जीव छोटे घड़े के अंदर कैसे फिट हो सकता है। जिन्न को गुस्सा आ गया और उसने कहा कि क्या वह अपनी शक्तियों को चुनौती दे रहा है।
जिन्न ने अपने आप को जितना हो सके छोटा बनाया और तुरंत घड़े के अंदर चला गया। मछुआरे ने झट से घड़े का ढक्कन बंद कर दिया और उसे समुद्र में फेंक दिया। उसने अपनी बुद्धि और सूझ-बूझ से जिन्न को बरगलाया। उसने फिर से समुद्र में जाल फेंका और अंत में एक बड़ी मछली पकड़ी। वह खुश होकर घर गया और उसकी जान बचाने के लिए भगवान को धन्यवाद दिया।
The Fisherman and the Genie Class 3rd Short Summary
Once there lived a poor man with his family. He used to do fishing for his living. He usually spent hours in fishing. One day when he casted his net into sea and tried to pull it out. He found it too heavy. He thought it to be a big fish but it was a body of some animal.
He again threw his net into the sea and got a heap of mud in the net this time. The fisherman became sad and thought that his family had to starve for that day. Without much hope, he again cast his net into the sea and found a big old jar closed by a beautifully decorated lid in the net. When he opened the jar a huge genie appeared before him.
He said to the fisherman that he was hungry and will eat him up. The fisherman got frightened on hearing this but he tricked the genie with his smartness. He said he won’t believe that a huge genie-like him came out of a small jar. The genie made himself small and jumped into the jar. The fisherman quickly closed the lid of the jar threw it into the sea.
Finally, the fisherman caught a big fish in the net and went home happily. He thanked God for saving his life.
The Fisherman and the Genie Word Meaning
Word | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Living | जीविका | رزق |
Fishing | मछली पकड़ना | مچھلی پکڑنا |
Seashore | समुद्र का किनारा | سمندری ساحل |
Cast | फेंकना | پھینکنا |
Catch | पकड़ना | پکڑنا |
Pulled | खींचा | کھینچا گیا |
Sadness | उदासी | اداسی |
Starve | भूखे रहना | بھوکا رہنا |
Hopelessly | मायूसी से | نا امیدی سے |
Gigantic | बहुत बड़ा | بہت بڑا |
Genie | जिन | جن |
Immediately | तुरंत | فوراً |
Hungry | भूखा | بهوکا |
Terribly | बहुत | خوفناک |
Scared | डरा हुआ | ڈرا ہوا |
Challenging | ललकारना | للکارنا |
Creature | प्राणी | مخلوق |
Defeat | हार | شکست |
Possible | संभव | ممکن |
Moral of the Story Fisherman and the Genie
In the story we have studied how the fisherman tricked the huge genie to save his life due to his clear decision making power and smart thinking, The story gives us a lesson that we can overcome the difficult looking situation in life by remaining calm and have clear thinking and smart presence of mind.
That’s it about this post. Hope it has helped. Do share your views in comment section and subscribe to our blog to stay updated.
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