The question answers of the poem “The Fountain Class 5 Poem Question Answers” discussed in this post is based on the Tulip Series Book V for students of Class 5th of JKBOSE. In my previous post, you have read about the Summary of the poem The Fountain. The poem is written by James Russell Lowell. This particular post is about The Fountain Class 5 Poem Question Answers, Language Work and Let’s Write. Let’s get started with the post:
The Fountain Class 5 Poem Question Answers
Reading is Fun
1. How is the fountain described in the first stanza?
Ans. In the first stanza, the poet described the fountain seems full of light in the sunshine. It kept leaping and flashing from morning till night.
2. How does the fountain look in the moonlight?
Ans. The fountain looks whiter than snow in the moonlight and sways rhythmically like flowers when the wind rushes.
3. How does the poet describe the happy mood of the fountain?
Ans. The poet describes the happy mood of the fountain in three ways. In the sunshine, the fountain looks bright, glittering and leaping upward. In the moonlight, it appears snowy white and sways rhythmically like flowers when the wind blows in. In the starlight, it rises and falls like spray. It looks happy day and night.
4. What is the poet’s wish in the end?
Ans. The speaker wished that he should be like the fountain always fresh, full of energy, forever climbing and changing yet remaining constant.
Language Work
A. Pick out the adjectives used for the fountain in the poem?
Ans. The adjectives used for the fountain in the poem are flower-like, whiter, blithesome, cheery, glad, ceaseless, aspiring, glorious, upward etc.
B. Pick out the verbs that show the movement of the fountain?
Ans. The verbs that show the movement of the fountain are leaping, flashing, waving, rushing, climbing, etc.
C. Pick out the sets of rhyming words from the poem:
Light Night
Snow Blow
Starlight Midnight
Spray Day
Heavenward Downward
Cheery Aweary
Best Rest
Tame Same
Content Element
Be Thee
Let’s Talk
How does the moonlight make the night beautiful? Share your ideas with the class.
Ans. Students have to answer the question in a class by sharing their ideas.
My Idea on How Moonlight makes the night Beautiful
A night without moonlight looks so scary and dark. A night looks beautiful with the moonlight. The moonlight seems to bathe everything on the earth. It is a symbol of joy and beauty. When there are no clouds in the sky the moon looks like a glowing ball in the sky and produces a calm light that illuminates the earth.
Let’s Write
Make a list of things used to make a fountain.
Ans. The list of things used to make a fountain is as follows:
- One deep pot about 30 inches and one shallow pot about 3 inches. Each pot should have one single drain hole in its bottom.
- One plastic bucket has a capacity of 15 litres, having a slightly wider diameter than a large pot’s base.
- Tin snips
- Electric drill having masonry bits.
- Fountain pump that can lift water up to 3 ft.
- One 2 square feet sturdy steel mesh.
- 42 inches of plastic tubing that fits the pump outlet.
- Two glazed ceramic containers, one smaller diameter so it nests into the other.
- Silicone caulking
- Stones to cover the steel mesh.
Other Important Questions from Poem The Fountain
1. Who wrote the poem “The Fountain”?
Ans. James Russell Lowell wrote the poem the fountain.
2. What qualities according to the speaker does the fountain naturally have?
Ans. The fountain is always happy and cheerful and lively. It is always fresh, fit, constant and aspiring all the time.
3. In what mood do you find the fountain throughout the day?
Ans. The fountain is happy throughout the day.
4. How does the fountain aspire?
Ans. The fountain always aspires to climb upwards.
5. How is the fountain described in the poem?
Ans. At the beginning of the poem, the poet explains how the fountain is filled with light in the presence of sunlight, and the light reflects and leaps and flashes from morning tonight. He explains the fountain in the moonlight as whiter than the snow, and waves just like the flower waves as the wind flows. In the starlight, the fountain rushes in a spray. The fountain is happy and lively every time.
6. What does the poem The Fountain teach?
Ans. We learn from the fountain to keep ourselves always fresh and changing but remains constant. We should always look towards higher things. We should work hard from morning till night and should never feel tired.
7. What is the central idea of the poem The Fountain?
Ans. The poet describes the motion of the fountain during sunlight and moonshine that inspires him to achieve his highest goals in life. He wishes to be happy and cheerful in all situations of life just like the fountain.
8. How does the fountain look in the moonlight?
Ans. In the moonlight, it appears snowy white and sways rhythmically like flowers when the wind blows in.
9. Which quality of the fountain affects the poet?
Ans. The qualities of the Fountain qualities of freshness, change fitness, constancy and aspiring to affect the poet.
10. Why has the Fountain been called glorious?
Ans. The fountain looks very beautiful when it goes up. So, the poet calls it glorious. The poet wishes to be a fresh changeful constant and upward like the fountain.
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