The Prodigal Son is a Chapter 6 from Tulip Series English for Class 5th. It is a story taken from the Stories of the Bible. It is a story of love and forgiveness. In this post, I am detailing you with The Prodigal Son Class 5 Summary and Word Meaning. The students can also check out Class 5th English Solutions for all chapters. Let’s not waste time and get started with this post:
The Prodigal Son Class 5 Summary and Word Meaning
The Prodigal Son is a story of the love and forgiveness of parents. The Almighty has blessed us with so many bounties and blessings, but the most lovable of them is the selfless love, care and shelter provided to us by our parents. The story also reflects the grace and mercy of God. Repentance on behalf of man is the only way to atone for the sins.
The Prodigal Son Class 5 Summary
Once a rich man was having two sons. He loved both of them very much. The elder one was hardworking and obedient while the younger one loves to enjoy without working hard. He likes freedom and doesn’t like to share any responsibility. He was eyeing his father’s property.
One day he demanded his share of the property. The inherited property is usually divided after the death of the parents. The younger son was being selfish and immature demanded his share. The father divided the property between the two.
The younger son settled away from there and he wasted his property in living a lavish lifestyle, drinking wine and gambling. He was almost starving to death. At the same time, there was a terrible famine in the country. He had no place to live and nothing to eat and needed a job badly. He got himself hired at one place. The person sent him to his fields to feed the animals. He was ready to eat to feed the animals eat but didn’t get anything.
He fell down and become unconscious due to hunger. After he regained his consciousness, he thought that the hired men of his father have more savings and money than he had and decided to go to his father and beg pardon for his sins and work for him as a hired man. This will give him a place to live and food to eat.
He went to his father who was waiting for him. The father embraced him and kissed him. The son cried in front of his father and said that he is worth being called his son. The father ordered the servants to dress him nicely and bring a ring for him and shoes for his feet and arrange a feast.
The elder son after returning from the fields heard the music and asked one of the fellows what was going on. He replied that his brother has come back and your father has arranged a feast for him. He got angry and did not go in. He asked his father he have been working like a slave for him but he haven’t given me so much to enjoy with my friends but now you have arranged a feast for your younger son.
The father told the elder son that he has always been with him all the time and all that he has belongs to him. We must enjoy it because for us your brother was dead but he came back safe and sound. The father told the elder son that we should not forget to rejoice when a sinner repents and returns to God. God teaches us to be kind and merciful to sinners.
The Prodigal Son Class 5 Summary in Hindi
एक बार एक धनी व्यक्ति के दो पुत्र थे। वह उन दोनों से बहुत प्यार करता था। बड़ा वाला मेहनती और आज्ञाकारी था जबकि छोटा बिना मेहनत किए आनंद लेना पसंद करता था। वह स्वतंत्रता पसंद करता था और किसी भी जिम्मेदारी को साझा करना पसंद नहीं करता था। उसकी नजर अपने पिता की संपत्ति पर थी।
एक दिन उसने संपत्ति में अपने हिस्से की मांग की। विरासत में मिली संपत्ति को आमतौर पर माता-पिता की मृत्यु के बाद विभाजित किया जाता है। छोटा बेटा स्वार्थी हो रहा था और अपरिपक्व अपने हिस्से की मांग कर रहा था। पिता ने दोनों के बीच संपत्ति बांट दी।
छोटा बेटा वहीं से दूर जाकर बस गया और उसने अपनी संपत्ति को एक भव्य जीवन शैली जीने, शराब पीने और जुआ खेलने में बर्बाद कर दिया। वह लगभग भूख से मर रहा था। उसी समय, देश में भयानक अकाल पड़ा। उसके पास न रहने क लिए जगा था न खाने क लिए खाना उसे बुरी तरह से नौकरी की जरूरत थी। उसने किसी क घर मजदूरी करना शुरू किया। उस व्यक्ति ने उसे जानवरों को चराने के लिए अपने खेतों में भेज दिया। वह जानवरों को खिलाने वाले खाने को खाने के लिए खाने के लिए तैयार था लेकिन उसे कुछ नहीं मिला।
वह नीचे गिर गया और भूख के कारण बेहोश हो गया। होश में आने के बाद, उसने सोचा कि उसके पिता के किराए के लोगों के पास उससे अधिक बचत और पैसा है और उसने अपने पिता के पास जाने और अपने पापों के लिए क्षमा माँगने और एक किराए के आदमी के रूप में काम करने का फैसला किया। इससे उसे रहने के लिए जगह और खाने के लिए खाना मिलेगा।
वह अपने पिता के पास गया जो उसकी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था। पिता ने उसे गले लगाया और चूमा। बेटा अपने पिता के सामने रोया और कहा कि वह उसका बेटे कहलाने लायक है। पिता ने नौकरों को आदेश दिया कि वे उसे अच्छे कपड़े पहनाएँ और उसके लिए एक अंगूठी और उसके पैरों के लिए जूते लाएँ और दावत की व्यवस्था करें।
बड़े बेटे ने खेतों से लौटने के बाद संगीत सुना और एक साथी से पूछा कि क्या हो रहा है। उसने उत्तर दिया कि उसका भाई वापस आ गया है और तुम्हारे पिता ने उसके लिए भोज की व्यवस्था की है। वह क्रोधित हो गया और अंदर नहीं गया। उसने अपने पिता से पूछा कि वह उसके लिए दास की तरह काम कर रहा है लेकिन उसने उसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ आनंद लेने के लिए इतना नहीं दिया है लेकिन अब अपने छोटे बेटे के लिए एक दावत की व्यवस्था की है।
पिता ने बड़े बेटे से कहा कि वह हर समय हमेशा उसके साथ रहा है और जो कुछ उसके पास है वह उसका है। हमें इसका आनंद लेना चाहिए क्योंकि हमारे लिए वह मर गया था लेकिन वह सुरक्षित और स्वस्थ होकर वापस आ गया। पिता ने बड़े बेटे से कहा कि जब कोई पापी पश्चाताप करता है और भगवान के पास लौटता है तो हमें आनन्दित होना नहीं भूलना चाहिए। परमेश्वर हमें पापियों के प्रति दयालु और दयालु होना सिखाता है।
The Prodigal Son Class 5 Short Summary
A rich man had two sons. The elder son was hard-working but the younger one loved to do nothing but enjoy all the time. The younger son took from his father his share of the property and went to a distant land. There he wasted all he had and began to starve. He was now full of repentance. He had sinned against his father and God.
There was no way left for him but to return to his father. The father was happy that his son had come back. He arranged for him a big feast. But the elder son was angry to see this. He complained of it to his father. But the father spoke words of great wisdom. He said, “This brother of yours was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and has been found. Let us accept him, for he wants to become a good man. God teaches us to be kind and merciful.”
Moral of the Story The Prodigal Son.
The main message of the story The Prodigal Son is that it doesn’t matter how many sins we are involved in, how far we go from our Almighty he is always delighted when we turn back to him. His unconditional love is waiting for us to return home where he greets us with open arms. Every lost child (a sinner, meaning all of us) who is found (turns to God) is cause for the greatest celebration. God is ready to receive sinners who come to Him in repentant faith.
The Prodigal Son Class 5 Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Umpteen | Many | अनेक | بہت |
Inheritance | Money, property, etc., that is received from someone when that person dies | विरासत | وراثت |
Prodigal | Extravagant; one who wastes one's money | फ़िज़ूल खर्च करने वाला | فیزول خرچ کرنے والا |
Harsh | Difficult | कठोर | سخت |
Inhabitant | A native | निवासी | باشندہ |
Pod | A seed vessel of certain plants, as peas | फली | پھلی |
Hired men | Servants | भाड़े के आदमी | کرائے کے آدمی |
Fetch | Go and bring | लाना | لانا |
Feast | A special meal with large amounts of food | दावत | دعوت |
Lost to the fold | Gone astray | भटक गया | بھٹک گیا |
Merry | Happy | आनंदित | خوش کن |
Entreat | Request | विनती करना | التجا کرنا |
Slaving | Working like a slave | गुलाम की तरह काम करना | غلام کی طرح کام کرنا |
That’s all about The Prodigal Son Class 5 Summary and Word Meaning. Hope this post has helped you for the query. Do share your views about this post in the comments section below:
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