The chapter “Time Goes On” is Chapter 4 from Merry Math III for students of Class 3rd of JKBOSE. In a previous post, you read about Fun with Give and Take Answers Page No. 47 to Page No 52. The particular post is about Time Goes On Answers Page No 53 to Page No 58. Let’s get started:
Time Goes On Answers Page No 53 to Page No 58
Page No. 53 Answers
Ulta Pulta Time — This is a story with topsy turvy time.
Sol. As the sun sets rises, Sumana wakes up. What a lovely evening! morning. She washes her face fast in 2 hours minutes and runs out. She goes straight to the bird’s nest. She has been watching the eggs for the last few months days. She was waiting for the baby birds to come out. But before she can blink her eyes, in a week moment a cat jumps onto the tree. The mother bird cries loudly, and Sumana rushes to shoo away the cat. As the cat jumps, it hits the big green mango. Dhum!
…….. In two days _______, it is on the ground! Oh, how sad! The mango is still not fully ripe. It needed one more year _______to become sweet. Suddenly Sumana’s sister calls out _______Are you still not hungry? Has your stomach clock gone to sleep? Come and eat hot upma for dinner _______.
Sol. In two days seconds, it is on the ground! Oh, how sad! The mango is still not fully ripe. It needed one more year week to become sweet. Suddenly Sumana’s sister calls out — Are you still not hungry? Has your stomach clock gone to sleep? Come and eat hot upma for dinner breakfast.
Wasn’t that funny? You must have guessed that the coloured words are wrong. Choose the correct word from the box given below and write it next to the wrong word.
Page No. 54 Answers
How Long does it Take?
Have you seen someone knitting a sweater? Or someone weaving a cloth? Do try to find out from a potter how long it takes to make a pot. Also tell us if you take hours or minutes to have your bath! (Is it years since you last had a bath? Ha, ha!) Think of many different things that can take different times. Make your table as long as you can.
Page No. 55 Answers
Think of some other things, some faster and some slower. Make a long list.
Sol. Take seconds
to whistle, to yawn, to throw a ball, to push a door, to switch on/off a light, to switch on/off a fan, to wash your hands, to pick any fruit or thing etc.
Takes months
Ans. to write a book, to build a house, to complete a semester, etc.
Page No. 56 – 58 Answers
Clap! Clap! — Before you Catch
Play this game
Throw a stone into the air. Clap once before you catch it.
Now try to clap 2 times before the catch.
Try more claps. How many times can you clap before you catch the stone?
Ta Thai — Different Claps
Clap 2 times and say 1 2
Keep clapping 1 2, 1 2, 1 2, ……..
or say Ta Thai, Ta Thai, Ta Thai, ……..
Also stamp your feet Left Right, Left Right, Left Right,…..
Now clap with three beats 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, …….
Say: Ta Thai Tut, Ta Thai Tut, Ta Thai Tut, …….
Can you stamp your feet Left Right Left, Left Right Left, ……
How many of you can speak and stamp at the same time?
Find Out
Have you heard people playing a tabla or the drums? Find out a few different beats they play. Also ask what ‘bols’ they say for the beats they play.
How Old Are We?
Irfan’s mother is twice as old as him.
She is also 20 years older than him.
Guess the ages of Irfan and his mother.
Sol. Irfan’s age is 20 years. His mother’s age is 40 years.
Birth Certificate
Look at the birth certificate of Bincy.
(1) 2/5/2002 shows that Shakeela was born on 2 _________, in the year 2002.
(2) How old will Shakeela be on 2 May 2008? _________
(3) How old will she be in the year 2052? _________
(4) On what date will she be eight years old? Write in numbers. _________
(5) How many months old was Bincy on 2 August 2002? _________
(6) How many years old is Shakeela now? _________
(7) After how many months of her birth was the certificate issued? _________
(8) What is the registration number of her certificate? _________
Sol. (1) 2/5/2002 shows that Bincy was born on 2 May, in the year 2002.
(2) 6 years
(3) 50 years
(4) 2nd May 2010
(5) 3 months
(6) 20 years (considering the present year, 2022)
(7) 3 months and 3 days
(8) 815 /02
That’s all about Time Goes On Answers Page No 53 to Page No 58. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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