“When the Earth Shook” is Chapter 12 from Let’s Look Around and Learn Environmental Studies for students of Class 5 of JKBOSE. You will go through When the Earth Shook Class 5 Question Answers in this post. You have already read about Summary Notes of Chapter 11 The Earth. Let’s get started:

When the Earth Shook Class 5 Question Answers
The chapter “When the Earth Shook” is a brief description of the destruction caused by an earthquake which took place in the Kutch area of Gujarat on 26 January 2001.
When the Earth Shook Question Answers
Discuss and Write Page No. 110.
- Have you or anyone that you know ever faced such difficulty?
Ans. No, I haven’t ever faced any such difficulty.
- Who all helped at such a time? Make a list.
Ans. There are several NGOs, volunteer organisations and many governmental organisations that were included in helping the people during the time of crisis. They took the injured out from the debris and provided them with food, clothes and medicines.
Discuss Page No. 111
- A lot of people from other places came to Jasma’s village. Who were these people? In what ways would they have helped the villagers.
Ans. The people from NGOs, administration and other cities were the first to reach the village. They helped the villagers by providing them with food, medicines and clothes. The people from different groups helped the villagers to set up the tents. Some peoples among them were scientists, they tried to find which areas have more chances of having an earthquake. Some of them were engineers and architects, they showed the special designs for houses.
- People in Jasma’s village rebuilt their houses with suggestions from the engineers. Will these houses be safer than before in case there is an earthquake again? Why?
Ans. Yes, the houses rebuilt with the suggestions from engineers will be comparatively safer than before in case there is an earthquake again. It is because these were prepared according to the suggestions and designs approved by engineers
- Think, if there were an earthquake, where you live, would your house be in danger? What kind of damage could take place?
Ans. If there is an earthquake, my house is in danger. It is in a hilly area and there are tall trees around my house. There is a danger of rocks slipping from upper areas and hitting the house in case of an earthquake. The trees around my home could get uprooted and can hit my home badly.
Write Page No 112
- Compare your house with that of Jasma. List in your notebook what materials were used in making both the houses.
Jasma’s House | My House |
Jasma’s house was a kaccha house | My house is a pucca house. |
It was made up of clay, cow dung cakes, pieces of mirror, lime for whitewashing, a bamboo roof | My house is made up of stone, bricks, sand cement, iron, wood, glass and steel etc. |
Write Page No. 113
- According to the T.V report, thousands of people were injured and some died in Gujarat. If the buildings had been made in a way that they would not fall in the earthquake, would the damage have been different? How?
Ans. Yes, if the buildings had been made in a way that they would not fall in the earthquake, the damage would have been different. It is because the earthquake-proof buildings would not have been damaged much and damage would have been less.
- At times like this, when people have lost their homes and all their belongings, what kind of help would they need?
Ans. The people would need tents, food, water, milk, medicines, clothes, blankets etc. at times like this when they have lost their homes and all their belongings.
- In such situations whose help is needed and for what? Write in your notebook as shown here.
Whose help will be needed | How will they help |
1. Dog | To smell out where people are lying trapped. |
2. ______________________ | ________________________ |
Whose help will be needed | How will they help |
1. Dog | To smell out where people are lying trapped. |
2. Crane and JCB machines | To remove the debris from the site. |
3. Stretchers | To evacuate the injured and dead people from the debris. |
4. Ambulances | To carry the injured people to hospitals. |
5. Doctors | To treat the injured people. |
6. Volunteers | To remove people from debris and help people by providing them with food, medicine and clothes. |
Discuss Page No.114
- Have you ever seen people in your area helping each other? When?
Ans. Yes, I have seen the people in my area helping each other about two years back when there was a cloudburst in my village and there was a flood-like situation. Many people lost their homes and all their belongings.
- Why do people live together in a neighbourhood?
Ans. People live together in the neighbourhood to help each other and share their sorrows and celebrate their happiness. Children of all the families also play together.
- Imagine, living in a place where there were no other houses or people around. How would it be? For example, whom do you play with?
Ans. Living in a lonely place would be scary. There will be no one to play with children and share happiness and sorrows when we are living in a lonely place.
- People face a lot of difficulties when they lose people from their family, or their houses and belongings. In newspapers of the last month, look for news related to such disasters – earthquakes, floods, fires, cyclones etc. in different parts of the world. Collect these news reports and paste them into your notebook.
Ans. Activity to be done by the students themselves
What We Have Learnt Page No. 115
- What type of difficulties are faced by the people during floods. Look at the picture, what kind of a school have the children come to after the flood? Write down what people had to do to make their life normal again after the flood.
Ans. There are several difficulties faced by the people during floods. These include:
- People got trapped in water in flood-affected areas. They need to be evacuated from that place.
- They lost all their belongings and homes, so must be provided with shelter, food and clothes.
- Several people got injured in the floods. They need medicines for proper treatment.
The children had to come to open school after school. People had to rebuild their homes and reestablish their workplaces. The government should help the people by providing them with work to earn their livelihood. The banks should provide loans at low-interest rates to restart their life.
That’s all we have about When the Earth Shook Class 5 Question Answers. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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