Transportation in Plants and Animals is Chapter 11 taken from the JKBOSE and NCERT textbook of Science for students of Class 7th. In the previous post, I provided you with Questions and Answers for Chapter 10 Respiration in Animals. This post is about Transportation in Plants and Animals Question Answers. Before we proceed to Question Answers, you need to have basic information about the chapter. So here is a brief overview of the chapter:
Transportation in Plants and Animals Question Answers
Overview of Chapter
- Movement of water and minerals.
- Movement of food materials.
- Importance of Transpiration.
- The Heart.
- The Blood Vessels.
- Blood.
- Blood Circulation.
- Heartbeat and Pulse.
- Excretion in Animals.
- Excretion in Humans.
- Excretory System in Humans.
- Dialysis and its applications.
TRANSPORT OF MATERIALS IN PLANTS: We have studied that plants transport water and minerals from the soil to the leaves and prepared food from the leaves to other parts of a plant. To perform these functions plants, need a transport system in them.
TRANSPORT IN UNICELLULAR AND SIMPLE MULTICELLULAR PLANTS: Diffusion is a major method by which transport of materials occurs in unicellular organisms like Chlamydomonas and simple multicellular plants like Spirogyra. Diffusion is the movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration until they are spread out evenly.
TRANSPORT IN HIGHER PLANTS(CONDUCTION): The process of diffusion is slow and cannot meet the requirements of transport to all parts in a short period of time in higher plants. So, higher plants have special transport systems which consist of xylem and phloem tubes. It is through these tubes transport of materials takes place.
- Movement of water and minerals: The xylem tubes carry water and minerals from the soil to the leaves of the plants.
- Movement of food materials: The phloem tubes carry food from leaves to other parts of the plant.
TRANSPIRATION: The process of evaporation or loss of water through the stomata present on the surface of leaves is called transpiration.
- Importance of Transpiration: It helps in cooling plants. 2. It generates a force which pulls up water absorbed by the roots from the soil, to reach the stem and leaves.
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: It is the main transport system for human beings and other animals. It is a circulatory system which makes food, water and oxygen available to every part of the body. It also helps in removing waste material from the body. The circulatory system consists of blood, blood vessels and the heart.
- The Heart: The heart is an organ which beats continuously to pump blood to all parts of the body through a network of blood vessels.
- The Blood Vessels: These are tubular or pipe-like structures which circulate the blood throughout the body. Major types of blood vessels are arteries, veins and capillaries.
- Blood: It is a red-coloured fluid tissue which flows in blood vessels. Blood consists of four components i.e. Plasma, Red Blood Cells (R.B.Cs), White Blood Cells (W.B.Cs) and Blood Platelets.
- Blood Circulation: Blood circulates throughout the body by the pumping action of the heart.
- Heartbeat and Pulse: The rhythmic contraction and relaxing of heart muscles which produce a specific lubb-dubb sound is called heartbeat. The expansion of the artery each time when blood is pumped into it is called a pulse.
EXCRETION: The process of removal of wastes produced in the cells of living organisms is called excretion. The parts involved in excretion form the excretory system.
- Excretion in Animals: In small animals like amoeba, paramecium, hydra etc. the process of excretion takes place with help of diffusion. However, in large animals’ diffusion alone is not sufficient, so they have developed specialized organs for excretion.
- Excretion in Humans: Excretory substances in humans are urea, sweat and undigested food. The human body has various organs to get rid of waste. These are the lungs, skin, large intestine, kidneys, and liver.
- Excretory System in Humans: Excretory system in humans: The excretory system in humans beings consists of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a bladder and a urethra.
- Dialysis and its applications: Dialysis is a process or technique of separating small molecules from larger ones by using a semi-permeable membrane. The principle of dialysis is used in an artificial kidney.
Transportation in Plants and Animals Class 7th Question Answers
(I) Multiple Choice Questions – Tick mark the correct choice.
(1) In plants, materials are transported through
(a) xylem
(b) xylem and phloem
(c) phloem
(d) root hair
Ans. (b) Xylem and phloem
(2) Food is transported in the plants through
(a) xylem
(b) root hair
(c) phloem
(d) diffusion
Ans. (c) Phloem.
(3) Water absorption is more because
(a) of xylem
(b) of more transpiration
(c) of phloem
(d) more water is required by the plant body
Ans. (b) Of more transpiration
(4) Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the plant
(a) in bright light
(b) in dim light
(c) in the shade
(d) covered with a polythene bag
Ans. (a) In bright light.
(5) The colour of blood is red due to the presence of
(a) chlorophyll
(b) anthocyanin
(c) haemoglobin
(d) red blood cells
Ans. (a) Chlorophyll
(6) In an adult normal rate of heartbeat is
(a) 72 times per minute
(b) 92 times per minute
(c) 82 times per minute
(d) 62 times per minute
Ans. (a) 72 times per minute
(7) Blood cells which protect the body from infection are
(a) RBCs
(b) Platelets
(c) WBCs
(d) Haemoglobin
Ans. (c) WBCs
(II) Fill in the blanks:
- In most animals, circulation is brought about by a liquid called blood.
- Blood moves through tubes called blood vessels.
- Two useful things that are circulated in all animals are oxygen and food.
- The liquid part of blood is called plasma.
- The substance in red blood cells that links up with oxygen is called haemoglobin.
- The red colour of the blood is due to the presence of haemoglobin.
- The excretion of wastes in unicellular organisms takes place by diffusion.
- Getting rid of waste materials in living beings is called excretion.
- Most liquid wastes are excreted through the kidneys.
- The skin helps in the excretion of water and salts.
- In man, carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs.
- Kidneys are made up of a number of filters called nephrons.
- Kidneys are connected to the urinary bladder by long tubes called a ureter.
- Artificial kidney machines work on the principle of dialysis.
(III) Match the Column A with those in Column B.
Column A | Column B |
1. Heart | (a) A living pump |
2. Food and oxygen | (b) Can poison an organism |
3. Waste products | (c) Movement of materials |
4. Carrier of oxygen | (d) Materials needed by every living thing. |
5. Circulation | (e) Pipes for transport in man |
6. Arteries and Veins | (f) Red blood cells |
Column A | Column B |
1. Heart | (a) A living pump |
2. Food and oxygen | (d) Materials needed by every living thing. |
3. Waste products | (b) Can poison an organism |
4. Carrier of oxygen | (f) Red blood cells |
5. Circulation | (c) Movement of materials |
6. Arteries and Veins | (e) Pipes for transport in man |
(IV) Write true or false in front of the statements given below:
- In spirogyra, the transport of materials takes place through osmosis. (True)
- Xylem and phloem are vascular tissues. (True)
- ‘Girdling experiment demonstrates food synthesis in plants. (True)
- Platelets help in the clotting of blood. (True)
- In Hydra, excretion takes place through diffusion. (True)
(V) Answer the following questions:
1. How does the transport of materials take place in unicellular plants?
Ans. The transport of materials in unicellular plants like Chlamydomonas takes place by the process of simple diffusion.
2. Define diffusion.
Ans. Diffusion is the movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration until they are spread out evenly.
3. What are two aspects of transport in higher plants?
Ans. The two aspects of transport in higher plants are:
a) Movement of water and minerals takes place from roots to other parts of plants through the stem and its branches.
b) Movement of food materials from leaves to other parts of the plant
4. Mention the functions of (a) Xylem and (b) Phloem.
Ans. Functions of Xylem: The xylem transports water and minerals from roots to other parts of plants especially leaves for the synthesis of food.
Functions of Phloem: Phloem transports food prepared in leaves to other parts of a plant.
5. Name a process by which water loss takes place in plants.
Ans. Transpiration.
6. Define the following:
(i) Circulatory system (ii) Arteries (iii) Veins
(i) Circulatory system: It is a system of organs which helps the flow of materials in the body of an organism is called the circulatory system.
(ii) Arteries: The blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of the body (except the pulmonary artery) are called arteries.
(iii) Veins: The blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body and carry it to the heart are called veins.
7. Name the main parts of the circulatory system.
Ans. The main parts of the circulatory system are
a) Heart
b) Blood
c) Blood Vessels (Arteries, Veins & Capillaries)
8. Mention the functions of blood.
Ans. The main functions of blood are:
1. Blood carries food, air and water to all the parts of the body.
2. It carries CO2 from every cell to the lungs where it is exhaled out of the body.
3. It regulates body temperature.
4. It helps us to fight against diseases and the formation of blood clots in case of an injury.
9. Describe the functions of the following:
(i) Heart (ii) Blood vessels (iii) Red blood cells (iv) White blood cells (v) Platelets
(i) Heart: The heart is an organ which pumps blood to all the parts of the body through a network of blood vessels. The heart works like a pump throughout life. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of various chambers of the heart maintain the circulation of blood and the transport of substances to the different parts of the body.
(ii) Blood vessels: These are tube-like structures which carry blood from the heart to different parts of the body and vice versa. There are three types of blood vessels a) Arteries b) Veins c) Capillaries.
(iii) Red blood cells: These are red colour components of blood. They have haemoglobin in them which is responsible for the red colour of the blood and it also binds to the oxygen and transports it to all parts of the body.
(iv) White blood cells: These cells are soldiers of the body because they kill germs and help the body in fighting against infections.
(v) Platelets: These cells are responsible for clotting blood in case of an injury or cut.
10. Describe, in brief, the circulatory system in human beings.
Ans. The circulatory system in human beings consists of blood, blood vessels and the heart.
a. The Heart: The heart is an organ which beats continuously to pump blood to all parts of the body through a network of blood vessels.
b. The Blood Vessels: These are tubular or pipe-like structures which circulate the blood throughout the body. Major types of blood vessels are arteries, veins and capillaries.
c. Blood: It is a red-coloured fluid tissue which flows in blood vessels. Blood consists of four components i.e. Plasma, Red Blood Cells (R.B.Cs), White Blood Cells (W.B.Cs) and Blood Platelets.
11. Name the organ from which oxygenated blood goes into the heart.
Ans. Lungs
12. Define excretion.
Ans. The process of removal of wastes produced in the cells of living organisms is called excretion.
13. How does excretion occur in lower animals?
Ans. In lower animals like amoeba, paramecium, hydra etc. the process of excretion takes place with help of diffusion.
14. Why is the process of excretion important for living beings?
Ans. There is a variety of waste products which are produced during various activities. These waste products are toxic in nature and need to be removed from the body. The process of removing waste products from the body is called excretion.
15. Name the various organs of excretion in humans.
Ans. The various organs of excretion in humans are:
a) Lungs.
b) Skin.
c) Large Intestine.
d) Kidneys.
e) Liver.
16. What waste products are removed by the following parts?
(a) Skin (b) Kidneys (c) Lungs (d) Large intestine
Ans. (a) Skin: Urea, salts and excess water are removed by sweat glands present in the skin.
(b) Kidneys: Urea and nitrogen are excreted in urine by the kidneys.
(c) Lungs: Carbon dioxide and water vapours are expelled out by the lungs.
(d) Large intestine: Large intestine excrete some waste with faeces through the anus.
- Name the organs of excretion in earthworms, insects and vertebrates.
Animals | Organs of Excretion |
Earthworms | Nephridia |
Insects | Malpighian tubules |
Vertebrates | Kidneys |
- Define sweating.
Ans. Sweating is the production of watery fluids from sweat glands in the skin. Sweat contains dissolved salts and wastes in t.
- What is the importance of sweating?
Ans. The importance of sweating is as under:
- a) It helps in the removal of wastes like urea, excess salts and water from the body.
- b) It balances the body temperature by producing a cooling effect in hot summer.
That’s all about Transportation in Plants and Animals Question Answers. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section.
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