Hello Readers, Are you looking out for JKBOSE Solutions for Class 3rd on the internet? Well If Yes, then you have clicked the right link, here you will find Class 3rd JKBOSE Solutions for all subjects for students of JKBOSE. The students will get in-depth insights into all the chapters of the subjects prescribed by JKBOSE for students of Class 3rd.

Note: The Contents of this Page are updated continuously. Solutions of all the subjects will be updated over time.
Class 3rd English Solutions
- Unit 1 The Mighty Ant
- Unit 2 The Wonder Machine
- Unit 3 The Fisherman and the Genie
- Unit 4 Smile Please
- Unit 5 The Wrong Move
- Unit 6 Animals, Our Friends
Class 3rd EVS Solutions
- Poonam’s Day Out
- The Plant Fairy
- Water O’ water
- Our First School
- Foods We Eat
- Flying High
- What is Cooking
- From Here to There
- Work We Do
- Sharing Our Feelings
- The Story of Food
- Games We Play
- Here Comes A Letter
- A House Like This
- Our Friends – Animals
- Drop By Drop
- Families Can Be Different
- Left-Right
- A Beautiful Cloth
- Web of Life
Class 3rd Mathematics Solutions
1. Where to Look From
2. Fun with Numbers
3. Give and Take
4. Long and Short
5. Shapes and Designs
6. Fun with Give and Take
7. Time Goes On
8. Who is Heavier?
9. How Many Times?
10. Play With Patterns
11. Jugs and Mugs
12. Can we Share?
13. Smart Charts
14. Rupees and Paisé
Class 3rd Hindi Solutions
- प्रार्थना
- शरीर सबसे बड़ी पूँजी (कहानी)
- बाबा जित्तो
- देशगान (कविता)
- बहादुर बित्तो
- बुद्धिमान बकरियाँ (कहानी)
- नमन आपको (कविता)
- सोने का कंगन (कहानी)
- मुर्गा और लोमड़ी (कहानी)
- कौन सिखाता है (कविता)
- बूझो तो जानें (पहेलियाँ)
- चाँद की ओर चंद्रयान (लेख)
- आओ कचरे से खाद बनाएँ
Class 3rd Urdu Solutions