Hello Readers, we are here to provide detailed JKBOSE Solutions for Class 7 for all subjects i.e. English, Maths, Science, Hindi, Urdu, Social science, Kashmiri etc. The solutions to all the questions in your JKBOSE textbooks will be presented on this page. The solutions uploaded on this page are prepared after proper study and research on the topics of the chapters. These solutions will help you excel in exams and score good marks. JKBOSE Solutions for Class 7 for all subjects will be updated on this page over time.

Note: The Contents of this Page are updated continuously. Solutions for all the subjects will be updated over time.
Class 7 English Solutions.
(Old English Tulip Series (Discontinued)
- The Markhor. (abridged)
- Lal Ded. (abridged)
- Tobacco – The Silent Killer. (abridged)
- A Mad Tea Party. Lewis Caroll
- Macbeth. Shakespeare (edited by Thomas Donagh)
- Fetching the Doctor. Hamlin Garland & Heath
- The Bahu Fort. (abridged)·
- Windows. Wes Magee.
- Trees. Joyce Kilmer
- Abou Ben Adhem. Leigh Hunt
- The Rebel. D.J.Enright
- Sympathy. Charles Mackay
- To Sleep. Wordsworth
- The Gumbie Cat. T.S.Eliot
- Three Questions. Leo Tolstoy
- The Little Girl. Katherine Mansfield
- Face Showing. B.P. Sathe
- A Shadow. R.K. Narayan
- Lalajee. Jim Corbett
Melody English Class 7th Solutions (New English)
- Three Questions
- A Gift of Chappals
- Gopal and the Hilsa Fish
- The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom
- Quality
- Expert Detectives
- The Invention of Vita-Wonk
- Fire: Friend and Foe
- A Bicycle in Good Repair
- The Story of Cricket
- The Squirrel
- The Rebel
- The Shed
- Chivvy
- Trees
- Mystery of the Talking Fan
- Dad and the Cat and the Tree
- Meadow Surprises
- Garden Snake
- The Pandemic
Let’s Read English Class 7th Solutions (New Supplementary English)
- The Tiny Teacher
- Bringing up Kari
- The Desert
- The Cop and the Anthem
- Golu Grows a Nose
- I Want Something in a Cage
- Chandni
- The Bear Story
- A Tiger in the House
- An Alien Hand
- The Wrath of Heaven
Class 7 Science Solutions.
- Nutrition in Plants.
- Nutrition in Animals.
- Fibre to Fabric.
- Heat.
- Acids, Bases and Salts.
- Physical and Chemical Changes.
- Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate.
- Winds, Storms and Cyclones.
- Soil
- Respiration in Organisms.
- Transportation in Plants and Animals.
- Reproduction in Plants.
- Motion and Time.
- Electric Current and its Effects.
- Light.
- Water.
- Forests: Our Lifeline.
- Waste Water Story.