Hello students Chapter 2 Let Us Read Stories is taken from the textbook Chant English for students of Class 4th of JKBOSE. This textbook is introduced into the curriculum by JKBOSE from the 2023-24 session. In this chapter, there are two stories and this post about Chapter 2 Let us Read Stories Class 4 Question Answers will provide you with summaries, word meanings and textual exercises associated with them. Let’s get started:
Chapter 2 Let us Read Stories Class 4 Question Answers
Part A) The Coloured Jackal Story Summary
Once there was a jackal who reached a village in search of food. When he realised it he started hiding here and there due to fear and as evening approached he tried to flee from the village but the dogs came to know about him and ran after him. The jackal ran for his life and reached a dyer’s shop. He fell into the tub of blue dye kept in the shop. When he came out, the dogs couldn’t recognise him. They searched for the jackal everywhere but could not find him. In the meantime, the jackal left for the jungle and reached there at night.
After he reached the jungle the other jackals surrounded him because they haven’t seen a colourful animal in the jungle. They told him that the lion was a cruel king so they wanted him to be their king. The jackal was so happy after hearing this and he accepted the offer and became the new king of the jungle. All the animals obeyed all his instructions and served him with respect.
One day the new king (coloured Jackal) was sitting with other jackals around him. In the meantime, one of them howled and others too followed. Hearing that, he couldn’t control himself and started howling too forgetting that he was king of the jungle. The jackals came to know that he too was a jackal and he can’t be the king. They got so angry, attacked him and tore him into pieces.
Moral of the Story the Coloured Jackal
The moral of the story is that people cannot hide their true selves for a long time.
The Coloured Jackal Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Sage | A learned and wise person | ऋषि | بابا |
Meditate | To worship in silence for a period of time | चिन्तन करना | غور کرنا |
Cast a spell | To enchant someone with magic | जादू करना | جادو کرنا |
Glare | Strong shining light | चमक | چکاچوند |
Disperse | To scatter | बिखेरना | منتشر کرنا |
Puzzle | To confuse | उलझन | تذبذب میں ڈالنا |
Fiddle | To interfere | हस्तक्षेप करना | مداخلت کرنا |
The Coloured Jackal Think and Answer
- The jackal fell into a dyer’s/potter’s container.
- The dog chased the _________.
- The jackal reached the jungle during the _________.
- The jackal was made the king/queen of the jungle.
- The new king turned out to be a ______.
- The _________ jackal was flattered.
- The ______ king also howled with other jackals.
- The jackal fell into a dyer’s/potter’s container.
- The dog chased the jackal.
- The jackal reached the jungle during the midnight.
- The jackal was made the king/queen of the jungle.
- The new king turned out to be a liar/fraud.
- The coloured jackal was flattered.
- The new king also howled with other jackals.
Part B) The Sage and the Mouse Summary
Once there lived a sage in the forest. He used to meditate there and there was a mouse hole near that place. A mouse would come out of the hole and climb up the sage’s shoulder. He began to like the mouse and changed it into a beautiful young girl. The girl grew older and sage thought of her marriage. The girl wanted to marry the most powerful man on earth.
The sage thought that the sun is the most powerful so he visited him and asked him if he could marry his daughter but the sun told the sage that the cloud is more powerful than him. The sage asked the same question from clouds but he got the answer that wind is more powerful than him.
The sage approached the wind and asked the same question. The wind answered that the mountain is more powerful than him. The sage went to the mountain and asked the same question. The mountain replied that though he was the strongest there was someone more powerful than him who eats him from within.
The sage asked him who was, the mountain answered that it was the mouse. The sage was puzzled at this answer but he again cast the spell on the woman and changed it into the mouse. They both married and live happily after that.
Moral of the Story the Sage and the Mouse Summary
One must never fiddle with nature. The birds of the same flock fly together.
The Sage and the Mouse Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Stray | To lose way | भटका हुआ | آوارہ |
Cautious | Careful | सावधान | محتاط |
Chase | To run after | पीछा करना | پیچھا |
Slip | To move silently | खिसक जाना | کهسکنا |
Dyer | One who colours fabrics or clothes | कपड़ा रंगनेवाला | کپڑا رنگنے والا |
Container | A vessel for holding something | बरतन | برتن |
Disappoint | To fail to meet the expectation or hope of | निराश करना | مایوس کرنا |
Monarch | King, ruler | सम्राट | بادشاہ |
Flatter | To praise too much | चापलूसी करना | چاپلوسی کرنا |
Nod | To agree by moving one’s head up and down | सिर हिलाकर सहमति देना | سر ہلانا |
Assemble | To bring together | एकत्र होना | اکٹها هونا |
Howl | Loud sound made by a jackal | भेडिये का शब्द | چیخنا |
Resist | To oppose | प्रतिरोध करना | مزاحمت کرنا |
Pounce | To attack | झपटना | جھپٹنا |
The Sage and the Mouse Think and Answer
1. What was the sage doing in the forest?
Ans. He used to meditate in the forest.
2. Who did the sage think to be the strongest?
Ans. The sage thought that the sun was the strongest being.
3. Who did the mountain think to be stronger? Why?
Ans. The mountain thought the mouse was stronger than him. It was because the mouse eats him from inside.
4. What lesson did you learn from the story?
Ans. The story taught us the lesson that we should never interfere with nature also the birds of the same flock fly together.
The Sage and the Mouse Language Work
Rewrite the following in the sequence that appears in the stories that you read.
- The jackal fell into the container.
- The jackal reached the jungle, in the middle of the night.
- The dogs chased the jackal.
- The jackal was made the king.
- The jackals saw a coloured animal.
3. The dogs chased the jackal.
1. The jackal fell into the container.
2. The jackal reached the jungle, in the middle of the night.
5. The jackals saw a coloured animal.
4. The jackal was made the king.
- The sage transformed the girl into a mouse.
- The sage transformed the mouse into a girl.
- The sage met the sun, the cloud, the wind and the mountain.
- The sage thought of marrying off the girl.
- The girl wanted to marry the most powerful being.
2. The sage transformed the mouse into a girl.
4. The sage thought of marrying off the girl.
5. The girl wanted to marry the most powerful being.
3. The sage met the sun, the cloud, the wind and the mountain.
1. The sage transformed the girl into a mouse.
The Sage and the Mouse Grammar in Context
Priya and Rohan are classmates. They introduce themselves and engage in dialogue. Punctuate their introductions and the dialogue using capital letter, full stop, comma and question mark wherever required.
my name is priya i am in class IV and live at channi, himmat i study in a school at jammu i want to be a teacher when i grow up
I am ruhan.i am in class III i love to play cricket badminton chess volleyball etc i want to be a doctor when i grow up amit is my best friend he wants to be an astronaut.
My name is Priya. I am in class IV and live at Channi, Himmat. I study in a school at Jammu I want to be a teacher when I grow up
I am Ruhan. I am in class III. I love to play cricket, badminton, chess and volleyball etc. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Amit is my best friend he wants to be an astronaut.
priya: where are you going Ruhan
ruhan: i am going to school
priya: where is your bag
ruhan: my bag is in the room
priya: when did you sleep yesterday
ruhan: i slept at 9 pm yesterday
priya: what is your teacher’s name
ruhan: my teacher’s name is sahil
priya: who is your best friend
ruhan : riyan is my best friend
priya: why don’t you read books
ruhan: i will try to read good books
priya: what do you want to be when you grow up
ruhan: I want to be a doctor when I grow up
Priya: Where are you going Ruhan?
Ruhan: I am going to school.
Priya: Where is your bag?
Ruhan: My bag is in the room.
Priya: When did you sleep yesterday?
Ruhan: I slept at 9 pm yesterday.
Priya: What is your teacher’s name?
Ruhan: My teacher’s name is Sahil.
Priya: Who is your best friend?
Ruhan: Riyan is my best friend.
Priya: Why don’t you read books?
Ruhan: I will try to read good books.
Priya: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ruhan: I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
Life Skills
Leaders are supposed to be honest and responsible. The coloured jackal, the new king of the jungle, was dishonest about his identity. He got punished for the same. Let the teacher divide the class into groups. The teacher will ask each group to maintain and decorate their classroom or organize a cricket match or language quiz for their class under the supervision of a group leader. Each group will select its leader and discuss the qualities of good leadership with the help of the hints given below.
- communicator
- positive thinker
- listener
- patient
- motivator
- adjustable
- responsible
- tolerant
That’s all about Chapter 2 Let us Read Stories Class 4 Question Answers. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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