“Play with Patterns” is Chapter 10 from Merry Math IV for students of Class 4th of JKBOSE. This particular post is about Play with Patterns Class 4 Math JKBOSE Solutions. In a previous post, you read about Halves and Quarters Class 4 Math JKBOSE Solutions. Let’s get started:
Play with Patterns Class 4 Math JKBOSE Solutions
Page No. 132 Solutions
Can you see how Tinu has made different patterns using the same block? Now you too make 3 different patterns using
Pattern 1.
Pattern 2.
Pattern 3.
Ans. In this question, we have to make 3 patterns such that they repeat after some blocks. So, the reference patterns are as follows.
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
Pattern 3
Page No. 133 Solutions
Yamini has used her blocks to make a few patterns. Help her to take these patterns forward.
We can also make patterns with numbers and letters. Below are a few examples. Can you take them forward?
Ans. Yes, we can take them forward as under:
Pattern 1: In this pattern the alphabets of the English language are written in the pair of 3 alphabets in one.
Pattern 2: In this pattern the counting and the alphabet’s both are in reverse order as we move forward.
Pattern 3: In this pattern the upcoming triangle is filled by a number which is obtained by subtracting 100 from the previous one.
Pattern 4: In this pattern the upcoming triangle is filled by a number which is obtained by adding 100 in the previous one.
Now write your own number patterns.
Page No. 134 Solutions
Make a pattern without numbers.
No Number Comes Twice
Look at the number box. Can you see a pattern?
Now you try writing the letters A B C in the box so that no letter comes twice in any line.
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Magic Patterns
Look at the pattern of numbers 1 to 7. See how each line adds up to 12!
Now you fill these stars. Use numbers 1 – 9 and the rule that the numbers on each line add up to 15.
Ans. The numbers 1-9 can be filled in these stars as shown:
See, the numbers on each line add up to 15.
I column = 2 + 7 + 6 = 15
II column = 9 + 5 + 1 = 15
III column = 4 + 3 + 8 = 15
1 Row = 2 + 9 + 4 = 15
2 Row = 7 + 5 + 3 = 15
3 Row = 6 + 1 + 8 = 15
Page No. 136-137 Solutions
Now use numbers 1-6 to make your own magic triangle.
Rule: Numbers on each side must add up to 10.
1st Line: 3+2+5=10
2nd Line: 5+4+1=10
3rd Line: 3+6+1=10
Number Towers
Numbers can be arranged as a tower. We start from below and get this number pattern.
Rule: We add 2 numbers below to get the number in the box above them.
Using the same rule, complete these numbers towers.
The Same Sum Rule
Now you write any number and the three numbers after that. Make a pattern using the rule. See if you get the same sum.
Ans. Write any three numbers and the three numbers after that,
First from left First from Right
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 |
Add first from left and first from right
31 + 36 = 67 |
Add Second from left and second from right
32 + 35 = 67 |
Add third from left and third from right
33 + 34 = 67 |
Yes, after addition, we get the same sum.
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Patterns with Addition
Now, you try to make such a pattern with 5 numbers in order. Does the sum grow by 5 each time?
Yes, the sum grows by 5 each time.
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Secret Messages
Yamini explained the rule—Numbers have been used for letters.
For example, ‘J’ is 10, ‘P’ is 16. So, JUMP is 10 21 13 16.
Complete this list of letters and numbers to help you.
Teenu wants to write to his friend ‘good morning.’ What will he write by using the same rule ?
Ans. He will write like this: 7 15 15 4 13 15 18 14 9 14 7
If we change the rule and write 1 in place of ‘B’ 3 in place of ‘D’ and so on, then how will we write ‘Let Us Dance’?
Ans. If can be written as:
11 4 19, 20 18, 3 0 13 2 4
Page No. 140 Solutions
More Secret Messages
Shablu and Jaggu are playing a game. They are writing some secret messages. But Kahuli is not able to understand them.
So Jaggu explained the rule-
Jaggu-You see we have changed each letter by its next letter. That is, we write ‘G’ in place of ‘F’, ‘O’ in place of ‘N’.
So Yes becomes ZFT.
Kahuli-Oh! Now I understand.
Kahuli-See what I have written XF BSF GSJFOE T
What was Kahuli’s secret message?
Ans. The message was: We are friends.
What did Shablu and Jaggu write?
Ans. Shablu wrote IFMMP! IPX BSF ZPV?
Means Hello! How are you?
Jaggu gave the reply by GJOF UIBOL ZPV.
Means fine thank you.
Shablu again asked to him XJMM ZPY QMBZ XJUI NF ?
Means Will you play with me?
Jaggu replied ZFT!
Means YES.
Use the same rule to write: “Meet me on the moon.”
Ans. It can be written as NFFU NF PO UIF NPPO.
Make different rules and ask your friends to crack the secret message.
Ans. Students should try to make secret messages themselves.
Page No. 141 Solutions
Upside Down
Anisha is playing with this card. Draw what it will look like. When upside down.
Ans. The card, when made upside down, will look like as shown below:
Floor Patterns
Have you ever seen a floor with tiles of these shapes?
Ans. No, I have never seen these shapes of tiles on the floor.
(a) Now, you cover this floor with this tile.
(b) Can you make such a floor design with a tile like a circle?
Try with this green tile without leaving a gap. Could you do it? Discuss with your friends.
We cannot make a design without leaving a gap by using circular tiles.
(c) Complete this tiling pattern.
(d) Ramaiya has made a wall with his blocks. Can you complete this for him?
(e) Renu began to paint this wall. Now you help her to complete it.
That’s it about Play with Patterns Class 4 Math JKBOSE Solutions. Hope you found it useful. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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