The chapter “A Game of Chance” is Chapter 7 taken from Melody English and Honeysuckle English for students of Class 6 of JKBOSE and NCERT. You will read about A Game of Chance Class 6 Summary and Word Meanings in this post. In the last post have already read about Question Answers and Explanation of Chapter 6 Fair Play. Let’s get started:
A Game of Chance Class 6 Summary and Word Meanings
The chapter “A Game of Chance” is about a boy Rasheed who lost all his money in trying his luck to win a big prize in the lottery at an Eid fair in his village. The incident makes us aware not to get trapped in greed for big prizes displayed in lotteries etc. because it is a game of chance and nothing else.
A Game of Chance Class 6 Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Tradesmen | Shopkeepers or people who have goods to sell | दस्तकारों | تاجر |
Far and wide | A large number of distant places | दूर के स्थान | دور جگہوں |
Crowd | A large number of people | भीड़ | بھیڑ |
Leading | Giving direction | राह दिखाना | راستہ دکھانا |
Promised | To give one’s word | वादा किया हुआ | وعدہ |
Warned | To alert | आगाह | خبردار کرنا |
Pleased | Happy, delighted | खुश | خوش |
Marked | Labelled | चिह्नित | نشان زد |
Obliged | To do a favour | आभारी | شکر گزار |
Encouraged | To inspire, to motivate | प्रोत्साहित | حوصلہ افزائی |
Trifle | A thing of little value or price | तुच्छ वस्तु | معمولی چیز |
Sympathy | Feelings of pity | सहानुभूति | ہمدردی |
Patted | Slapped lightly with love | पीठ थपथपाई | تھپکی |
Tricks | To dupe or befool | चाल | چالیں |
Tempt: , , | To attract | लुभाना | کهینچنا |
A Game of Chance Class 6 Summary in English
The Eid fair was held in Rasheed’s village every year. It lasted for many days. The tradesmen from far off places came to the fair to sell all kinds of goods. One can easily buy anything at the fair.
Rasheed’s uncle took him and Bhaiya (a domestic help), to the fair. There was a huge rush at the fair and uncle was guiding them the way through the crowd. A few of his uncle’s friends met him. They wanted his uncle to spend some time with them.
Uncle asked Rasheed if he would like to look around the fair along with Bhaiya in his absence. He was happy to do that but his uncle warned him neither to buy anything nor to go too far till he came back. Rasheed promised him to do so.
Rasheed and Bhaiya wander from shop to shop and Rasheed wanted to buy many things but waited for his uncle. Finally, they reached a shop named Lucky Shop. The shop was called so because the owner of the shop wanted everybody to try his luck by paying him 50 paise. There were discs on the table with numbers facing down. One has to pay 50 paise and pick six discs and add the numbers on the discs to get the total. The article marked with the number one gets in total will be theirs.
An old man won a beautiful clock after trying his luck. He did not want it and sold the clock back to the shopkeeper for 15 rupees. He leaves the shop highly pleased. Then a boy won a comb, a fountain pen, a wristwatch and a table lamp. The boy was very happy. He returned the items to the shopkeeper and had received a good deal of cash in return.
Rasheed also wanted to try his luck. Bhaiya also encouraged him to do so. He won a few things of little value but in greed of winning a big prize, he played many games and lost all his money. People around him laughed at him and made fun of him. Both of them returned to the place where Rasheed’s uncle had left them. After Rasheed’s uncle returned, he found him very upset and asked about the matter.
Bhaiya told the uncle about the whole incident that took place after he left us. Rasheed’s uncle smiled and patted him and took him to the shop. He bought him a beautiful umbrella, biscuits, sweets and some other gifts. Then they returned home.
After returning back home, Rasheed’s uncle told him that the man at the Lucky Shop had befooled him. He told Rasheed that the old man and the boy who won costly things were the friends of the shopkeeper. They tricked him and tempted him to try his luck and get the money out of his pocket. He advised Rasheed to forget about the incident and his foolishness.
A Game of Chance Class 6 Summary in Hindi
रशीद के गांव में हर साल ईद का मेला लगता था। यह कई दिनों तक चलता था। मेले में दूर-दूर से व्यापारी हर तरह का सामान बेचने आते थे। मेले में कोई भी आसानी से कुछ भी खरीद सकता था।
रशीद के चाचा उसे और भैया (एक घरेलू सहायक) को मेले में ले गए। मेले में भारी भीड़ थी और चाचा भीड़ में से उनका मार्गदर्शन कर रहे थे। भीड़ में उसके चाचा के कुछ दोस्त उससे मिले। वे चाहते थे कि चाचा उनके साथ कुछ समय बिताएं।
चाचा ने रशीद से पूछा कि क्या वह उसकी अनुपस्थिति में भैया के साथ मेले में चारों ओर देखना चाहेगा । रशीद ऐसा करके खुश था लेकिन चाचा ने उसे चेतावनी दी कि न तो कुछ खरीदें और न ही बहुत दूर जाए जब तक वह वापस न आ जाए। रशीद ने उससे ऐसा करने का वादा किया।
रशीद और भैया दुकान दुकान घूमते रहते हैं और रशीद बहुत सी चीजें खरीदना चाहता था लेकिन अपने चाचा का इंतजार करता रहा। अंत में वे लकी शॉप नाम की एक दुकान पर पहुंचे। दुकान को लकी शॉप इसलिए बुलाया जाता था क्योंकि दुकान का मालिक चाहता था कि हर कोई उसे 50 पैसे देकर अपनी किस्मत आजमाए। मेज पर नीचे की ओर संख्याओं के साथ डिस्क थे। हर एक को 50 पैसे देने होते थे और छह डिस्क लेने होते थे और कुल प्राप्त करने के लिए डिस्क पर संख्याओं को जोड़ना होता था। कुल मिलाकर जो अंक आता था उस अंक से अंकित सामान उनका हो जाता था।
एक बूढ़े आदमी ने अपनी किस्मत आजमाकर एक खूबसूरत घड़ी जीत ली। उसे यह नहीं चाहिए थी और उसने घड़ी को वापस दुकानदार को 15 रुपये में बेच दिया। वह बहुत प्रसन्न होकर दुकान से चला गया। फिर एक लड़के ने एक कंघी, एक फाउंटेन पेन, एक कलाई घड़ी और एक टेबल लैंप जीता। लड़का बहुत खुश हुआ। उसने दुकानदार को सामान लौटा दिया और बदले में अच्छे खासे पैसे लेके गया।
रशीद भी अपनी किस्मत आजमाना चाहता था। भैया ने भी उसे ऐसा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया। उसने कम मूल्य की कुछ चीजें जीतीं लेकिन बड़ा पुरस्कार जीतने के लालच में उसने कई खेल खेले और अपने सारे पैसे खो दिए। आसपास के लोग उसका मजाक उड़ा रहे थे और। वे दोनों वहीं लौट आए जहां रशीद के चाचा उन्हें छोड़कर गए थे। रशीद के चाचा के लौटने के बाद, उन्होंने रशीद को बहुत परेशान पाया और मामले के बारे में पूछा।
भैया ने चाचा को उनके जाने के बाद हुई पूरी घटना के बारे में बताया। रशीद के चाचा मुस्कुराए और उसे थपथपाकर दुकान पर ले गए। उन्होंने उसे एक सुंदर छाता, बिस्कुट, मिठाई और कुछ अन्य उपहार खरीद कर दिए। फिर वे घर लौट आए।
घर लौटने के बाद, रशीद के चाचा ने उसे बताया कि लकी शॉप के आदमी ने उसे धोखा दिया है। उसने रशीद से कहा कि वह बूढ़ा और महंगा सामान जीतने वाला लड़का दुकानदार के दोस्त थे। उन्होंने उसे बरगलाया और उसकी किस्मत आजमाने और उसकी जेब के पैसे लेने का लालच दिया। उसने रशीद को घटना और अपनी मूर्खता के बारे में भूल जाने की सलाह दी।
A Game of Chance Class 6 Short Summary
A Game of Chance is a story of a little boy named Rasheed who was befooled by shop owner of a shop named Lucky Shop on the pretext of trying his luck to win a big prize. Eid fair was held in Rasheed’s village every year and it lasts for a few days.
Rasheed’s Uncle took him and Bhaiya (a domestic help) to the fair. There was a huge crowd at the fair. Uncle met his few friends in the fair who wanted him to spend some time with them. He asked Rasheed to accompany Bhaiya and look around at the fair but warned him not to buy anything or go far away till he returns.
Bhaiya and Rasheed looked around, Rasheed saw so many things and wanted to buy them but he waited for his uncle to return. At last, they reached a shop named Lucky Shop. The owner of the shop wanted everybody to try their luck.
Rasheed saw an old man winning a beautiful clock and a boy winning a few things which motivates him. He also wanted to try his luck. Bhaiya also encouraged him to try his luck. At first, he won a few things of little value but in greed of winning a big prize, he lost all his money. After that, they returned.
When his uncle came to know about it, he smiled at it and patted him. He took Rasheed and Bahiya to the shop and bought him a beautiful umbrella, biscuits, sweets and some other gifts. Then they returned home.
After returning back home, his uncle told him that the Lucky Shop owner had befooled him and suggested to forget about the incident and his bad luck or foolishness.
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