The Chapter Robin Hood is taken from Tulip Series English for Class 4. The chapter is about a funny incident that took place when Robin Hood’s men tried to threaten a miler’s son. In this particular post, I am providing you with Robin Hood Class 4 Summary and Question Answers. You can also check out solutions of other chapters of Class 4th English. Let’s get started with this post:

Robin Hood Class 4 Summary and Question Answers
Robin Hood Class 4 Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Miller | A person, especially in the past, who owned or was in charge of a mill | चक्की वाला | چکی والا |
Sack | A large bag made of strong cloth, paper or plastic, used to store a large amount of something | बोरा | بوری |
Meal | The edible parts of grain ground to a coarse powder | आटा | آٹا |
Surround | To be everywhere around something | चारों ओर से घेरना | گهیرنا |
Beware | Used to warn someone to be very careful about something or someone | सावधान होना | خبردار |
Kneel | To go down into, or stay in, a position where one or both knees are on the ground | घुटना टेकना | جهکنا |
Robin Hood Class 4 Summary in English
Robin Hood was a robber. He used to rob the rich people and help the poor people. He was a highly skilled archer and swordsman. His fame spread everywhere among the people of every class. The common people had made him a hero.
Once Robin Hood and his friends were sitting under a tree. They were enjoying themselves eating bread and butter. All of them were in a funny mood. In the meantime, they saw a man coming towards them. Robin Hood said that young fellow was a young miller.
By the time, the man had come near to them. They could clearly see his clothes dusted with flour and he was carrying a sack of flour on his back. When the man came near them, Robin Hood’s men surrounded him pretending to be robbers.
The man warned them that they were on Robin Hood’s Land and if he finds that you are robbing an honest man, he will punish you. Robin Hood’s men came closer to him and threatened him. The man put his sack down and kneeled on the ground.
As he opened the bag, all the men move forward to see what was in the bag. The man at once threw flour onto their faces. Robin Hood laughed at this and asked the man who he was. He told him that he was a miller’s son. Robin praised him for his wit and bravery and revealed his identity to him.
Robin Hood Class 4 Summary in Hindi
रॉबिन हुड एक डाकू था। वह अमीर लोगों को लूटता था और गरीबों की मदद करता था। वह एक अत्यधिक कुशल धनुर्धर और तलवार बाज था। उनकी ख्याति हर वर्ग के लोगों के बीच हर जगह फैल गई। आम लोगों ने उन्हें हीरो बना दिया था।
एक बार रॉबिन हुड और उसके दोस्त एक पेड़ के नीचे बैठे थे। वे रोटी और मक्खन खाकर आनंद ले रहे थे। सभी मजाकिया मूड में थे। इसी दौरान उन्होंने देखा कि एक व्यक्ति उनकी ओर आ रहा है। रॉबिन हुड ने कहा कि युवा साथी एक युवा मिलर था।
तब तक वह आदमी उनके करीब आ चुका था। वे स्पष्ट रूप से देख सकते थे कि उसके कपड़े आटे से सने हुए थे और वह अपनी पीठ पर आटे की एक बोरी लिए हुए था। जब वह आदमी उनके पास आया, तो रॉबिन हुड के लोगों ने लुटेरों का नाटक करते हुए उसे घेर लिया।
उस आदमी ने उन्हें चेतावनी दी कि वे रॉबिन हुड की भूमि पर हैं और यदि वह पाता है कि आप एक ईमानदार व्यक्ति को लूट रहे हैं, तो वह आपको दंडित करेगा। रॉबिन हुड के लोग उसके करीब आए और उसे धमकाया। उस आदमी ने अपनी बोरी नीचे रख दी और जमीन पर घुटने टेक दिए।
जैसे ही उसने बैग खोला, सभी लोग बैग में क्या था यह देखने के लिए आगे बढ़े। उस आदमी ने फौरन उनके चेहरों पर आटा फेर दिया। इस पर रॉबिन हुड हँसे और उस आदमी से पूछा कि वह कौन है। उसने उससे कहा कि वह एक मिलर का बेटा है। रॉबिन ने उसकी बुद्धि और बहादुरी के लिए उसकी प्रशंसा की और उसे अपनी पहचान बताई।
Robin Hood Class 4 Question Answers
Reading is Fun
1. Who was Robin Hood?
Ans. Robin Hood was a robber. He used to rob rich people to help the poor. He was a highly skilled archer and swordsman.
2. Who did Robin Hood and his friends see?
Ans. Robin Hood and his friends saw young coming towards them.
3. What did the man say to Robin Hood?
Ans. The man said that he was a miller’s son.
Let’s Write
1) Write true or false:
- Robin Hood was a good man.
Ans. True
- Robin Hood lived in a palace.
Ans. False
- The man was carrying a bag of clothes.
Ans. False
- The man was not intelligent.
Ans. False
- The man threw flour into the faces of Robin Hood’s friends.
Ans. True
2) Write the rhyming words in the space provided.
3) Apply your knowledge and write one word for the following:
- A place where you read. __________
- A place where you play cricket. __________
- You write with it in your copy. __________
- You sleep on it in the night. __________
- A place where you have a bath. __________
- A room where you read comics in the school. __________
- A place where you read. School
- A place where you play cricket. Playground
- You write with it in your copy. Pen/Pencil
- You sleep on it in the night. Bed
- A place where you have a bath. Bathroom
- A room where you read comics in the school. Library
Read Aloud
Circle the words with zzzz sound. One is done for you.
Grammar Time
A phrase like a sentence is also a group of words that has meaning and makes sense but not a complete sense. It unlike a sentence has neither a subject nor a predicate. e.g.:
(i) at great speed.
(ii) without any fear.
(iii) homework regularly.
(iv) in the ground.
NOTE: A phrase can be turned into a sentence by adding some words to it. . e.g.:
(a) I’ll do my homework regularly.
(b) An honest man faces everything without any sear.
Now write in the space provided which of the following groups of words are sentences and which are phrases:
- There is a lot of noise. ———-
- A good student must be punctual. ——–
- Out of the cage ——–
- Do you like reading novels? ——-
- Three hours late ———
- Be honest. ———
- What a beautiful bird on that tree! ———–
- Man of wisdom ———
- Thank you! ———-
- Last Sunday ————
- There is a lot of noise. Sentence
- A good student must be punctual. Sentence
- Out of the cage Phrase
- Do you like reading novels? Sentence
- Three hours late Phrase
- Be honest. Sentence
- What a beautiful bird on that tree! Sentence
- Man of wisdom Phrase
- Thank you! Sentence
- Last Sunday Phrase
That’s it about Robin Hood Class 4 Summary and Question Answers. Hope this post has solved your query. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below:
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