The poem “Naughty Boy” is a long-form poem written by John Keats. In this post, I am providing you with The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Question Answers Summary and Word Meaning etc. The original poem has 4 stanzas in it. This post is strictly based on the poem taken from Tulip Series Book IV for JKBOSE students. The poem in this book is the last stanza of the original poem. In a previous post, you have read about Poem 3 An Evening Prayer Solutions.
The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Question Answers
This poem briefs us about a naughty boy who ran away to the countryside. He ran away to Scotland to see people, their things and compared it to England. He found everything the same as that of England.
The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Text
There was a naughty boy
And a naughty boy was he,
He ran away to Scotland
The people for to see–
Then he found
That the ground
Was as hard,
That a yard
Was as long,
That a song
Was as merry,
That a cherry
Was as red–
That lead
Was as weighty,
That fourscore
Was as eighty,
That a door
Was as wooden
As in England–
So he stood in his shoes
And he wondered,
He wondered,
He stood in his shoes
And he wondered.
(John Keats)
The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Summary in English
The poem, ‘The Naughty Boy’, is a description of a naughty boy by the poet John Keats. The naughty ran away to Scotland. He wanted to see the development of the people there. When he reached there, he found the same hard ground, the same long yard, the same joyous song, the same red cherry, same weighty lead. He also found the same fourscore that was still eighty and the same door which was as wooden as in England. All these things made him surprised.
In this Poem John Keats is talking about the Naughty boy in us. The poet tries to bring out the mindset condition of those people who dream about visiting some distant place that they imagine would be wonderful, mesmerizing and dreamy altogether. But once they reach the place, they feel a sense of disappointment that everything is just the same as in the place as their homeland and then the new place holds no special charm as they imagined while they were reading about it in the books. So, John Keats actually is not talking about a naughty boy in his poem.
The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Summary in Hindi
कविता, ‘द नॉटी बॉय’, कवि जॉन कीट्स द्वारा एक शरारती लड़के का वर्णन है। शरारती स्कॉटलैंड भाग गया। वह वहां के लोगों का विकास देखना चाहते था। जब वे वहाँ पहुंचा, तो उसे वही सख्त जमीन, वही लंबा आँगन, वही हर्षित गीत, वही लाल चेरी, वही वज़नदार सीसा मिला। उसे भी वही चौका मिला जो अभी भी अस्सी का था और वही दरवाज़ा जो इंगलैंड की तरह लकड़ी का था। इन सब बातों ने उन्हें हैरान कर दिया।
इस कविता में जॉन कीट्स हम में शरारती लड़के के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं। कवि उन लोगों की मानसिकता को सामने लाने की कोशिश करता है जो किसी दूर के स्थान पर जाने का सपना देखते हैं जिसकी वे कल्पना करते हैं कि यह अद्भुत, मंत्रमुग्ध करने वाला और स्वप्निल होगा। लेकिन एक बार जब वे उस स्थान पर पहुँच जाते हैं, तो वे निराशा की भावना महसूस करते हैं कि सब कुछ ठीक वैसा ही है जैसा कि उनकी मातृभूमि में है और फिर नई जगह में कोई विशेष आकर्षण नहीं है जैसा कि उन्होंने किताबों में इसके बारे में पढ़ते समय कल्पना की थी। तो, जॉन कीट्स वास्तव में अपनी कविता में एक शरारती लड़के के बारे में बात नहीं कर रहे हैं।
The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Yard | A unit of length equal to 0.9144 meters / 3 feet | गज़ | گز |
Merry | Happy or showing enoyment | आनंदित | خوش |
Weighty | Heavy | भारी | وزنی |
Fourscore | Eighty (Score means twenty) | अस्सी | اسی |
Wonder | To feel or express great surprise at something | आश्चर्य | حیرت |
The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Question Answers
Reading is Fun
Q. 1. Where did the naughty boy go ?
Ans. The naughty boy went to Scotland.
Q. 2. Choose the right answers :
1. The ground was hard / soft / green.
Ans. The ground was hard.
2. The song was long / merry / sad.
Ans. The song was merry.
3. The cherry was red / green / pink.
Ans. The cherry was red.
4. The lead was light / black / heavy.
Ans. The lead was heavy.
Q. 3. What did the boy wonder about ? .
Ans. The boy wondered that everything in Scotland was the same as in England.
Let’s Write
4. Pick out the rhyming words in the poem
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
1. he see
2. found ground
3. hard yard
4. long song
5. merry cherry
6. red lead
7. weighty eighty
Q. 5. Pick out the describing words in the poem :
1. naughty
2. hard
3. long
4. merry
5. red
6. weighty
7. eighty
8. wooden.
6. What are the following things made of ? Pick the right answer from the blue ball.
Desk ________________
Roof ________________
Pen ________________
Shirt ________________
Pipe ________________
Utensils ________________
Desk: wood
Roof: tin
Pen: plastic
Shirt: cloth
Pipe: rubber
Utensils: steel
Q. 7. Write five, things made of wood, plastic, cloth, steel and tin.
Wood Plastic
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Cloth Steel
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Wood Plastic
Chair Pen
Door Tub
Table Mug
Desk Pipe
Window Bucket
Cloth Steel
Shirt Bicycle
Frock Spoon
Coat Car
Pants Plate
Shorts Almirah
Read Aloud
That’s is about The Naughty Boy Class 4 Poem Question Answers Summary and Word Meanings. Hope all your queries are solved. Do share your views in comments
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