The Poem “Written in March” described in this post is taken from Tulip Series English Book IV for students of Class 4th of JKBOSE. It is written by William Wordsworth. The poet describes the beauty of the spring season in the poem. In this post, I am providing you with a Written in March Poem Question Answers and Summary. In my previous post, you have read about the Summary and Question Answers of the Poem All things Bright and Beautiful. Let’s get started:
The poem Written in March is a nature-centric poem written by an English poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850). The poet through the medium of this poem tries to describe the beauty of spring season which comes after surpassing the harsh winter season. The poem is written in 1798 during the French Revolutionary Wars when the lives of people were changing with changing seasons. The poet tries to relate the human life during the war and after the war with winter being taken over by the spring.
Written in March Poem Question Answers and Summary
Written in March Poem Text

Written in March Poem Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
(of a bird) to make a series of short high sounds | चहचहाना | چہچہانا | |
Glitter | to produce a lot of small bright flashes of reflected | चमक | چمک |
Graze | (of animals) to eat grass | चरना | چرنا |
Defeat | to win a victory over someone in a fight, war or competition | हार | شکست |
Retreat | to move back or withdraw | पीछे हटना | پیچھے ہٹنا |
Bare | exposed; uncovered | नंगा | ننگا |
Ploughboy | a boy working on a farm | हल चलाने वाला | ہل چلانے والا |
Whoop | to give or make a loud cry of joy or excitement | ख़ुशी भरी ऊँची आवाज़ करना | خوشی سے اونچی آوازیں لگانا |
Fountain | a stream of water | फव्वारा | فواره |
Prevailing | existing in a particular place or at a particular time | प्रचलित | غالب |
Written in March Poem Summary in English
The poets begin the poem with the crowing of cock which marks the beginning of the day. The stream of water is flowing while the birds are chirping around. The lake glitters as the sun moves over the green fields. All the people, whether they are old or young are working very hard. They all are very dedicated to their work. The poet described the normal day in the world to show the routine that exists.
The cattle are grazing and they are not raising their heads. Although they are forty in number they look like a single identity. The poet compared snow to a defeated army because it recedes with the onset of the spring season. The hilltops are bare after the snow has retreated and now, they will be covered with a green cover of nature. The ploughboy is extremely happy with this changing season. The mountains and fountains too look cheerful at the coming of the spring season.
The sky is getting clear. Small clouds are floating over it. The days of rain and snow are gone now and days of greenery and flowers have approached.
Written in March Poem Summary in Hindi
कवि कविता की शुरुआत मुर्गे के बांग से करते हैं जो दिन की शुरुआत का प्रतीक है। पानी की धारा बह रही है जबकि पक्षी चहक रहे हैं। जैसे ही सूरज हरे-भरे खेतों में जाता है, झील चमकती है। सभी लोग, चाहे वे बूढ़े हों या जवान, बहुत मेहनत कर रहे हैं। ये सभी अपने काम के प्रति बेहद समर्पित हैं। कवि ने दुनिया में सामान्य दिन का वर्णन उस दिनचर्या को दिखाने के लिए किया है जो मौजूद है।
मवेशी चर रहे हैं और वे सिर नहीं उठा रहे हैं। यद्यपि वे संख्या में चालीस हैं, वे दिखने में एक लगते हैं। कवि ने बर्फ की तुलना एक पराजित सेना से की है क्योंकि यह वसंत ऋतु की शुरुआत के साथ कम हो जाती है। बर्फ के हटने के बाद पहाड़ की चोटियाँ नंगी हो गई हैं और अब, वे प्रकृति के हरे भरे आवरण से ढँक जाएंगी। हल चलाने वाला इस बदलते मौसम से बेहद खुश है। बसंत ऋतु के आगमन पर पहाड़ और फव्वारों में खुशी का ठिकाना नहीं है।
आसमान साफ हो रहा है। उस पर छोटे-छोटे बादल तैर रहे हैं। बारिश और हिमपात के दिन अब चले गए हैं और हरियाली और फूलों के दिन आ गए हैं।
Written in March Poem Question Answers
Reading is Fun
1. What are the people in the poem doing?
Ans. The people regardless of their age whether they are young or old are working very hard.
2. Why do the cattle not raise their heads?
Ans. The cattle do not raise their heads because they are grazing.
3. What does the poet compare snow with? What does it mean?
Ans. The poet compares snow with the defeated army. It means like the defeated army back away from the territory, snow also receded at the onset of spring season.
4. What does life in fountains mean?
Ans. The life in the fountain means the life of joy and excitement.
5. Tick mark the right answer:
a) The ploughboy is at the top / bottom of the bare hill.
Ans. The ploughboy is at the top of the bare hill.
b) There is joy / sorrow in the mountains.
Ans. There is joy in the mountains.
c) There is water / sand in the fountains.
Ans. There is water in the fountains.
6. Write True or False
a) There is no water in the stream.
Ans. False
b) The cattle are grazing.
Ans. True
c) There is water in the fountains.
Ans. True
d) It is raining in the poem.
Ans. False
e) The sun shines bright in the poem.
Ans. False
f) The fields are yellow.
Ans. False
g) It is snowing in the poem.
Ans. False
Let’s Write
“Army’ is a collective noun. It means a group of people who fight. A collective noun which describes a group of things or people, animals etc as a unit.
Fill in the blanks with the words given below:
pile, shoal, heap, swarm, team, class, pack, regiment, family, herd
- A ___________ of books.
- A ___________ of bees.
- A ___________ of dust.
- A ___________ of fish.
- A ___________ of players.
- A ___________ of students
- A ___________ of wolves.
- A ___________ of four.
- A ___________ of soldiers.
- A ___________ of cattle.
- A pile of books.
- A swarm of bees.
- A heap of dust.
- A shoal of fish.
- A team of players.
- A class of students
- A pack of wolves.
- A family of four.
- A regiment of soldiers.
- A herd of cattle.
Read Aloud
bitter | glitter | |
grazing | blazing | amazing |
bare | mare | care |
That’s all about the poem Written in March Question Answers and Summary. Hope you found your answers. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
[…] In this poem, the poet describes the beauty of the spring season. You have already read the Summary and Question answers of the poem Written in March. Here is a simple quiz having 10 MCQs from the poem “Winter in March”. Play the […]