Smile Please is a lesson taken from Chant English for Class 3rd for JKBOSE Students written by Farooq Ahmad Peer. In this post, I am providing you with Smile Please Class 3rd English Question Answers, Summary and Grammar in Context. The chapter provides a lesson to the budding kids that we should remain satisfied with what we have and must not cry for the things that we don’t have.

In this chapter, there are three children Ayaan, Arman, and Shayaan. Ayaan was sad because he didn’t do well in his test and had lost the game. The other boy Shayaan on the other hand is not able to walk he is still cheerful and happy because his parents told him to be happy and remain content in every situation.
Smile Please Class 3rd English Question Answers
Smile Please Class 3rd Word Meaning
Word | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Compound | खाली जगह | خالی جگہ |
Alone | अकेला | اکیلا |
Heard | सुना | سنا |
Crutches | बैसाखी | بیساکھی |
Beside | बगल में | بگل میں |
Faint | धीमा | دهیما |
Prepared | बना हुआ | بنا ہوا |
Yummy | स्वादिष्ट | مزیدار |
Properly | उचित रूप से | مناسب طریقے سے |
Special | विशेष | خاص |
Smile Please Class Summary in English
It was a hot summer day. The children were playing in the school compound but Ayaan was sitting alone under a tree. Arman invited him to play but he refused sadly. He heard a sound and on turning his head he saw his classmate Shayaan sitting on the other side of the tree. He was having his lunch. He offered Ayaan to have it. Ayaan tasted a piece of omelette and replied that it was delicious.
Shayaan cannot walk on its own. He used crutches to walk. Ayaan asked him what he liked to do. He replied that he like to play games like carrom, chess, ludo, and cricket. He also loved to read books.

Shayaan asked Ayaan why he didn’t play with his friend. Ayaan replied that he was sad because he was not able to perform well in his class test and had also lost a game. Shayaan suggested to Ayaan that they should divide time properly between play and work. He said that his mother told him that children should enjoy every new day.
Shayaan further said that there are so many children in the world who have no one to take care of. He said that they should be thankful to God for beautiful things and there was no reason to be sad. He told Ayaan that his father says that life is about being happy and creating happiness. After listening to Shayaan, Ayaan smiled. In the meantime, lunch break was over, they got up walked to their classroom and enjoyed their next class.
Smile Please Class Summary in Hindi
गर्मी का दिन था। बच्चे स्कूल परिसर में खेल रहे थे लेकिन अयान एक पेड़ के नीचे अकेला बैठा था। अरमान ने उसे खेलने के लिए आमंत्रित किया लेकिन उसने उदास होकर मना कर दिया। उसने एक आवाज सुनी और सिर घुमाने पर उसने देखा कि उसका सहपाठी शायन पेड़ के दूसरी तरफ बैठा है। वह दोपहर का भोजन कर रहा था। उसने अयान को इसे लेने की पेशकश की। अयान ने आमलेट का एक टुकड़ा चखा और जवाब दिया कि यह स्वादिष्ट था।
शायन अपने आप चल नहीं सकता। वह चलने के लिए बैसाखी का प्रयोग करता था। अयान ने उससे पूछा कि उसे क्या करना पसंद है। उसने जवाब दिया कि उसे कैरम, शतरंज, लूडो और क्रिकेट जैसे खेल खेलना पसंद है। उसे किताबें पढ़ने का भी शौक था।
शायन ने अयान से पूछा कि वह अपने दोस्त के साथ क्यों नहीं खेला। अयान ने जवाब दिया कि वह दुखी था क्योंकि वह अपने क्लास टेस्ट में अच्छा प्रदर्शन नहीं कर पाया था और एक गेम भी हार गया था। शायन ने अयान को सुझाव दिया कि उनको समय को खेल और काम के बीच ठीक से बाँटना चाहिए। उसने कहा कि उसकी मां ने उससे कहा था कि बच्चों को हर नए दिन का आनंद लेना चाहिए।
शायन ने आगे कहा कि दुनिया में ऐसे कई बच्चे हैं जिनकी देखभाल करने वाला कोई नहीं है। उसने कहा कि उन्हें सुंदर चीजों के लिए भगवान का शुक्रगुजार होना चाहिए और दुखी होने का कोई कारण नहीं था।
उसने अयान से कहा कि उसके पिता कहते हैं कि जीवन खुश रहने और खुशियां पैदा करने के बारे में है। शायन की बात सुनकर अयान मुस्कुराया। इस बीच, दोपहर के भोजन का अवकाश समाप्त हो गया, वे उठकर अपनी कक्षा में चले गए और अपनी अगली कक्षा का आनंद लिया।
Smile Please Class 3rd English Question Answers
Stop, Think and Write (Page No. 94 and 97)
1. What were the children doing?
Ans. The children were playing games in the school compound.
2. What does Shayaan like to do?
Ans. Shayaan likes to play games like carrom, chess, ludo, and cricket. He also loves to read books.
3. Why was Ayaan sad?
Ans. Ayaan was sad because he was not able to do well in his class tests. He had also lost the game.
4. Who should we thank for all bright and beautiful things?
Ans. We should thank Almighty God for all bright and beautiful things because he had provided us with all these things.
5. What advice does Shayaan give to Ayaan about time management?
Ans. Shayaan advises Ayaan to divide our time properly between work and play.
6. Do you think that Shayaan is a strong boy? Why?
Ans. Yes, Shayaan is a strong boy. Though he can’t walk or run like other boys still he has a very positive attitude towards life.
Let’s Talk about Life Skills
- Shayan made an omelette himself. Let students talk about the things they can do themselves. The teacher should encourage the students to interview each other.
Ans. To be done by the students as Class Activity.
- Cooking and time management are important life skills. Discuss.
Ans. Cooking is a very important life skill. All of us should know about cooking so that we can become self-dependent. It helps us to develop our self-confidence. If we know how to cook it becomes easy for us to survive.
Time management on the other hand is another important life skill. Time management is very important for making proper use of time and maintaining discipline in life.
Let’s Write
A) In Let’s Talk, you spoke about the activities that you can do yourself. Now, write about them in the given below lines.
- I can make tea and Maggie.
- I can cook rice.
- I can ride a bicycle.
- I can swim.
- I can iron my school uniform.
- I can tie my shoelaces.
- I can make a good drawing on a computer. (Students have to write what they can do)
B) Write Yes or No for the statements given below.
- We should share lunch with our friends.
Ans. Yes.
- We should only work not play.
Ans. No
- We should not work hard.
Ans. No
- We should thank God for all the bright and beautiful things.
Ans. Yes
- We should manage our time properly between work and play.
Ans. Yes
- We should be attentive in the classroom.
Ans. Yes
- We should respect our teachers.
Ans. Yes
Grammar in Context
Ayaan and Shayaan are friends.
They study in Srinagar. Ayaan’s
father is a teacher. He works in
Ladakh. Shayaan’s father is a
doctor. He works in Jammu.
Arti is Ayaan’s sister. She is a
computer engineer in Bangalore.
Look at the above passage.
Ayaan, Shayaan and Arti are
names of persons. Each begins
with a capital letter. Srinagar,
Ladakh, Jammu, and Bangalore
are names of places and they
too begin with capital letters.
All simple sentences (assertive)
start with a capital letter
and end with a full stop.
Use capital letters and full stops in the below given sentences.
- shayaan and ayaan are friends
- they are talking to each other in the garden
- they also share things between themselves
- shayaan loves reading books but ayaan loves playing tennis
- arti works in bangalore and ayaan studies in jammu
The names of persons and places begin with a capital letter.
All the simple sentences (assertive sentences) start with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
- Shayaan and Ayaan are friends.
- They are talking to each other in the garden.
- They also share things between themselves.
- Shayaan loves reading books but Ayaan loves playing tennis.
- Arti works in Bangalore and Ayaan studies in Jammu.
This is it about Chapter Smile Please Class 3rd English Question Answers. Hope it has solved your query. Share your views about this post in comments below:
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