Looking for Class 3rd poem My Home poem solutions or summary and not able to find any relevant post on Google, don’t worry you have landed on the right website now. In this post, I will detail you with My Home Class 3 Poem Summary and Question Answers. In my previous post, I have discussed the Poem letters Solutions and Summary, If you haven’t read my last post, you can also check it out. Let’s not waste time and get started with today’s post:

My Home Class 3 Poem Summary and Question Answers
The poem “My Home” is written by an American Professor and author Henry Hallam Tweedy (1868-1953). In this poem, the poet tells us about the child’s love for his/her home. The child describes the comforts of his/her home and tells us that he/she does not like to go too far from his/her home because he feels unsafe.
My Home Class 3 Poem Text
Let’s Read
Of all the houses in the world
The one that I love the best
Is that in which I wake and play.
And lay me down to rest
My father built it by his toil,
My mother makes it home.
You cannot find a happier place
No matter where you roam.
The rooms are clear, bright and fair
With pictures, books, and toys
And food, and clothes, and beds, and chairs
Of all us boys and girls.
So full of love and joy it is,
So safe and bright and warm,
I would not go too far from it
Lest I should come to harm.
Henry Hallam Tweedy
My Home Class 3 Poem Word Meaning
Word | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
World | दुनिया | دنیا |
Wake | जागना | جاگنا |
Rest | आराम | آرام |
Toil | मेहनत | محنت |
Happier | खुश | زیادہ خوش |
No matter | भले ही | اگرچہ |
Roam | घूमना-फिरना | گھومنا |
Bright | चमकदार | روشن |
Fair | सुंदर | خوبصورت |
Safe | सुरक्षित | محفوظ |
Warm | गरम | گرم |
Come to harm | नुक्सान पहुंचाना | نقصان پہنچانا |
Lest | नहीं तो | یسا نہ ہو |
My Home Class 3 Poem Summary in English
In this poem, the child describes his love for his home. The child says that he loves his house very much because it is the best of all the houses in the world. It is the place where the child lives, plays and takes rest. His father has built it with his hard work while his mother has made it home. The child feels that a home is the happiest place in the world even if you tour beautiful destinations or tourist attractions. Home has its own beauty. It gives us peace of mind and satisfaction when we are at home.
The child further says that his home has beautiful, airy and bright and clean rooms. The rooms have pictures, books and toys. The rooms also contain food, clothes, beds and chairs for all the children. The home is full of the love of family members. It is quite joyful to live in a home with family. The home is a safe place, well lighted and protects us from cold. The child is scared of going far from his home.
My Home Class 3 Poem Summary in Hindi
इस कविता में बालक अपने घर के प्रति अपने प्रेम का वर्णन करता है। बच्चा कहता है कि वह अपने घर से बहुत प्यार करता है क्योंकि यह दुनिया के सभी घरों में सबसे अच्छा है। यह वह जगह है जहाँ बच्चा रहता है, खेलता है और आराम करता है। उनके पिता ने इसे अपनी मेहनत से बनाया है जबकि उनकी मां ने इसे घर बनाया है। बच्चे को लगता है कि घर दुनिया की सबसे खुशहाल जगह है, भले ही आप सुंदर स्थलों या पर्यटन स्थलों की यात्रा करें। घर की अपनी सुंदरता होती है। जब हम घर पर होते हैं तो यह हमें मन की शांति और संतुष्टि देता है।
बच्चा आगे कहता है कि उसके घर में सुंदर, हवादार और उज्ज्वल और साफ-सुथरे कमरे हैं। कमरों में चित्र, किताबें और खिलौने हैं। कमरों में सभी बच्चों के लिए भोजन, कपड़े, बिस्तर और कुर्सियाँ भी हैं। घर परिवार के सदस्यों के प्यार से भरा होता है। परिवार के साथ घर में रहना काफी सुखद है। घर एक सुरक्षित जगह है, अच्छी तरह से रोशनी है और हमें ठंड से बचाता है। बच्चा अपने घर से दूर जाने से डरता है।
My Home Class 3 Poem Question Answers
Let’s Talk
- Which is your favourite place in your home?
Ans. My favourite place in my home is beautiful garden in front of my home.
- Tell your class about this place in a few sentences.
Ans. Our home has a garden full of flowers and fruit trees in front of it. It has green grassy lawn and beautiful flowers of rose, daisy and tulips. There is a plum tree and an apple tree in the garden. I love to water the plants and look after them. Our family sit in the lawn of the garden in the evening during summers. The birds build nests on the trees in the garden while butterflies and bees roam the flower plants.
- Discuss the different types of work carried out by your family members.
Ans. We are five members in our family. My father is shopkeeper and my mother is a housewife. My father goes to open his shop in the morning and return in the evening while my mother does the household chores. I and my sisters went to school and we also help our mother in her work after coming back from school.
Let’s Write
Choose the right answer and write it in the space provided.
1. Who lives in the house?
a) boys
b) girls
c) both
d) children and parents
Ans. d) children and parents
2. What is in the house?
a) cellphones
b) books
c) video games
d) dolls
Ans. b) books
3. The rooms in the house are
a) bright
b) dull
c) dirty
d) small
Ans. a) bright
4. The poet says that the home is not
a) happy
b) safe
c) sad
d) bright
Ans. c) sad
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B
Column A | Column B |
toil | move about |
roam | shining |
safe | hurt |
harm | work hard |
bright | secure |
Column A | Column B |
toil | work hard |
roam | move about |
safe | secure |
harm | hurt |
bright | shining |
Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
Clean toiled safe bright built
- Those lazy people did nothing, while my father ____________.
- I hate dirty places, so I keep my room ______________.
- The dark clouds passed away, and it was sunshine ____________.
- Our parents keep us away from danger and we feel ____________.
- Houses take long to be ____________.
- Those lazy people did nothing, while my father toiled.
- I hate dirty places, so I keep my room clean.
- The dark clouds passed away, and it was sunshine bright.
- Our parents keep us away from danger and we feel safe.
- Houses take long to be built.
Let’s Do
A) Draw and Colour your home.
Ans. Drawing and Class activity for students.
B) Name your family members.
Ans. Do it yourself.
C) Let the children explain describe their homes in one or two sentences with help of suitable words and expressions.
e.g. a sweet home
a beautiful home
The teacher will write these expressions on the board.
Ans. Activity for students to be done in class.
Off to the language lab
Sing the rhymes
Where is the kite?
Blue and white.
Which we bought for fun
When hot was the sun.
I was talking to my friend on phone
When I saw an elephant alone.
Nearby I saw a dolphin in the sea
And an amphibian under the tree.
Read aloud the words with the letter sounds wh and ph
Draw any four pictures on a piece of chart paper from the above given table. Name them.
Now colour the pictures containing wh sound blue and the picture/s containing ph sound yellow.
Ans. Activity for students.
That’s all about My Home Class 3 Poem Summary and Question Answers. Hope you find answer for your query. Do share your views about this post in comment section.
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