Hello everyone, the chapter “Fetching the Doctor” is taken from Tulip Series Book 7 for students of Class 7th of JKBOSE. In this post, you will read about Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Summary and Word Meaning. In my last post, you have gone through Question Answers and Explanation of Chapter 5 Macbeth. Let’s get started:

Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Summary and Word Meaning
The chapter “Fetching the Doctor” is a story about a boy named Hamlin who had to call a doctor at night as his father was in terrible pain. He rode young mare Kittie to reach the doctor’s home and was able to call the doctor to treat his wailing father.
Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Lay | To be in a horizontal position | लिटाना | لیٹنا ، رکھنا ۔ |
Barn | A large building in which hay or grain is kept | खलिहान | گودام |
Prairie | A wild area of flat land without trees | घास का बड़ा मैदान | گھاس کا میدان |
Whip | A piece of leather or rope that is fastened to a stick for hitting animals or people | चाबुक | چابک |
Sway | To move slowly from side to side | बगल से धीरे-धीरे जाना | آہستہ سے جاؤ |
Roused | To make somebody wake up | जगाना | جگانا |
Frightened | Full of fear or worry | डरा हुआ | ڈرا ہوا |
Lantern | A type of light with a metal frame, glass sides and light or candle inside that can be carried | लालटेन | لالٹین |
Beam | A line of light | किरण | کرن |
Carriage | A vehicle with wheels that is pulled by horses | बग्घी | کوچ |
Hardened | To become or to make something hard | कठोर बनाना | سخت کرنا |
Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Summary in English
One day when Hamlin was sleeping upstairs his mother called him in a rushing sound. She called him to come down and go for a doctor instantly. Her sound alerted him and he quickly put on his clothes and came down. He saw his mother was terrified and his father was in terrible pain. His mother asked him to call the doctor instantly.
He heard his father crying while lighting the lantern and putting on his coat. It was 1’o clock in the morning, the wind was cold and he carefully walked through mud and rain to the barn. The thought of covering a long distance to the town in the dark terrified him a bit but he was the son of a soldier and he have to complete his duty.
He saddled Kittie, a young mare for the ride to the town because it was dependable. Kittie and he went away so fast. It was very dark outside but he trusted on horse’s sense to find the road. Hamlin started feeling as if he was a soldier riding through the night to save the city.
Kittie and Hamlin went so fast. He cried to Kittie to run fast and she jumped away like a wolf. She knew Hamlin very well because both of them were together for many days in meadows and races with other wild horses. She was very fast.
When they went past John Martin’s home, his dog barked and after half a mile Marsh’s dog did the same. Both of them went past the meadow where the ground was hard but there were pools of water. Kittie also fell on her knees once but Hamlin shouted to continue and she went on.
The fourth mile of the way was muddy while the fifth mile brought them to the firm village road. Kittie was tired now but the sight of her painful father and helpless mother hardened Hamlin’s heart and he whipped Kittie to make her run fast.
After sometime. Kattie and Hamlin were at the doctor’s door ringing the doorbell. The doctor asked Hamlin about the matter. Looking at Hamlin, he asked him if his father was in pain. Hamlin asked him to hurry and the doctor agreed to come.
Hamlin had a sigh of relief, he turned his horse and climbed onto the saddle and rode home slowly and turned his head often till he saw the light of the doctor’s carriage following him. The doctor rode his carriage swiftly past Hamlin’s horse. The doctor said to Hamlin to come home without any hurry.
Hamlin was relieved of his worry because he had done all he could to call the doctor. He was satisfied knowing about the smile that would come to his mother’s face and the relief that his father will get after treatment.
Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Summary in Hindi
एक दिन जब हैमलिन ऊपर सो रहा था तो उसकी माँ ने उसे तेज़ आवाज़ में बुलाया। उसने उसे तुरंत नीचे आकर डॉक्टर के पास जाने के लिए बुलाया। उसकी आवाज ने उसे सतर्क कर दिया और वह जल्दी से अपने कपड़े पहन कर नीचे आ गया। उसने देखा कि उसकी माँ घबरा हुई थी और उसके पिता भयानक पीड़ा में थे। उसकी माँ ने उसे तुरंत डॉक्टर को बुलाने के लिए कहा।
उसने अपने पिता को लालटेन जलाते और अपना कोट डालते समय कराहते हुए सुना। सुबह के 1 बज रहे थे, हवा ठंडी थी और वह ध्यान से कीचड़ और बारिश में से खलिहान तक पहुंचा। अँधेरे में शहर की लंबी दूरी तय करने के विचार ने उसे थोड़ा डरा दिया लेकिन वह एक सैनिक का बेटा था और उसे अपना कर्तव्य पूरा करना था।
उसने शहर की लंबी दूरी तय करने के लिए सवारी के लिए एक युवा घोड़ी किटी को चुना क्योंकि यह भरोसेमंद थी। किट्टी और वह तेजी से चले गए। बाहर बहुत अँधेरा था लेकिन उसे रास्ता खोजने के लिए घोड़े की सूझ पर भरोसा था। हैमलिन को ऐसा लगने लगा जैसे वह शहर को बचाने के लिए घोड़े पर सवार एक सिपाही हो।
किटी और हैमलिन तेजी से गए। किट्टी हैमलिन को अच्छी तरह से जानती थी क्योंकि वे दोनों कई दिनों तक घास के मैदानों और अन्य जंगली घोड़ों के साथ दौड़ में साथ थे। वह बहुत तेज थी।
जब वे जॉन मार्टिन के घर के पास गए, तो उनका कुत्ता भौंकने लगा और आधा मील बाद मार्श के कुत्ते ने भी ऐसा ही किया। वे दोनों उस घास के मैदान के पार गए जहां जमीन सख्त थी लेकिन पानी के कुंड थे। किट्टी भी एक बार घुटनों के बल गिर गई लेकिन हैमलिन आगे बढ़ने के लिए चिल्लाया और वह आगे बढ़ गई।
रास्ते का चौथा मील कीचड़ भरा था जबकि पाँचवाँ मील उन्हें पक्की गाँव की सड़क पर ले आया। किटी अब थक चुकी थी लेकिन उसके दर्दनाक पिता और असहाय माँ की दृष्टि ने हैमलिन के दिल को कठोर कर दिया और उसने किटी को तेजी से दौड़ने के लिए कोड़ा मारा।
कुछ देर बाद। केटी और हैमलिन डॉक्टर के दरवाजे पर घंटी बजा रहे थे। डॉक्टर ने हैमलिन से मामले के बारे में पूछा। हैमलिन को देखते हुए, उसने उससे पूछा कि क्या उसके पिता को दर्द हो रहा है। हैमलिन ने उसे जल्दी करने के लिए कहा और डॉक्टर आने के लिए तैयार हो गया।
हैमलिन ने राहत की सांस ली, वह अपने घोड़े को घुमाया और काठी पर चढ़ गया और धीरे-धीरे घर की और चल दिया और बार बार पीछे मुड़ कर देखता रहा जब तक कि डॉक्टर की गाड़ी की रोशनी उसके पीछे नहीं आ गई। डॉक्टर तेजी से अपनी गाड़ी में सवार होकर हैमलिन के पास के से गुजरा। डॉक्टर ने हैमलिन को बिना जल्दी किए घर आने को कहा।
हैमलिन अपनी चिंता से मुक्त हो गया क्योंकि उसने डॉक्टर को बुलाने के लिए हर संभव कोशिश की थी। वह अपनी मां के चेहरे पर आने वाली मुस्कान और इलाज के बाद अपने पिता को मिलने वाली राहत के बारे में जानकर संतुष्ट था।
Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Short Summary
Once there lived a boy named Hamlin with his old parents. One day while he was sleeping upstairs, his father had a terrible pain. His mother called him quickly and told him to call the doctor instantly.
It was 1 a.m. and there was a cold wind outside. He saddled Kittie, a young mare to cover the distance to the town and set out to call the doctor. He was in fear for some time after thinking about covering such a long distance in dark but he was the son of a soldier and he had to complete his duty.
He raced Kittie to her full speed. There was mud and rain at some places and they also went past meadows on their way. While they went past Martin John’s and Marsh’s houses, their dogs barked at them.
Kittie was tired till they reached the main road of the village but sight but the sight of her painful father and helpless mother hardened Hamlin’s heart and he whipped Kittie to make her run fast.
After some time, they reached a doctor’s residence. The doctor asked Hamlin if his father was in pain. Hamlin replied positively. The doctor agreed to come with him. Hamlin turned back and slowly rode back home but kept looking back till the doctor’s carriage followed him.
The doctor’s carriage overtook him and the doctor told him to come back without hurry. Hamlin was relieved because he did all he could do to call the doctor and was satisfied thinking about the smile that would come to his mother’s face and the relief that his father will get after getting treated.
That’s all we have about Fetching the Doctor Class 7 Summary and Word Meaning. Hope you liked it. Do share your views about this post.
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