The chapter “The Markhor” is about a wild goat found mainly in the Pir Panjal range of mountains. This particular post is about The Markhor Class 7 Summary and Word Meaning. You will find a detailed Summary of the markhor in English and Hindi, Word meaning and a Short summary of the chapter. You can also check out Solutions of all Chapters of Tulip Series English for Class 7th here. Let’s not waste much time and get started:
The Markhor Class 7 Summary and Word Meaning
The Markhor is a wild goat having cork screw shaped horns. It is mainly found in the mountain range of Pir Panjal. It is on the verge of extinction. It is a herbivore and feeds on grass. The teacher in this chapter provides detailed information about the markhor.
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Declining | Decreasing, growing lesser | गिरता | گرتی جارہی ہے |
Reminiscent | Remindful | अतीत का स्मरण दिलानेवाला | یاد دلانے والا |
Corkscrew | Tightly curled, twisted | मुड़ा हुआ | مڑا ہوا |
Isolation | Being lonely | एकातां | علیحدگی |
Flocks | Groups | झुंड | جھنڈ |
Omnivorous | Animals eating meat and vegetables | सर्व-भक्षक | گوشت اور سبزیاں کھانے والے جانور |
Scream | To cry | चिल्लाना | رونا |
Thrilled | Delighted | उत्तेजित | خوشی ہوئی |
Dismount | To come down | नीचे आना | نیچے اترنا |
Vanished | Disappeared | गायब | غائب |
Endangered | In danger, likely to become extinct | खतरे में | خطرے سے دوچار |
Hemis-Shukpachan | A picturesque village in Khalsi and home to many rare wildlife species | ||
Khalsi | A place on Srinagar-Leh Highway, 100 kms away from Leh | ||
Shey | A village 10 kms away from Leh | ||
Giant | Extremely large | बहुत बडा | بہت بڑ ا |
Cliff | A high steep rock; a precipice | चट्टान | پہاڑ |
Shank | The part of an animal's leg between the knee and the ankle | टांग का घुटने से पाांव तक का भाग | ٹانگ کا گھٹنے اور پاؤں کے بیچ کا حصہ |
Mesmerise | (often passive) To have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else | सम्मोहित | میسمرائز |
Bark | To relax in the sun | धपू में भौंकना | دھوپ میں بھونکنا |
Gurgur tea | Local Ladakhi salty-tea to which butter is added (churned) | ||
Momos | Special Ladakhi 'Samosa' type steamed dish | ||
Crept | Crawled | रेंगना | رینگنا |
Lock horns | Engage in conflict | सींगों से लड़ाई करना | سینگوں سے لڑنا |
Long | Desire | इच्छा | خواہش |
The Markhor Class 7 Summary in English
The “Markhor” is an interesting story that shares information about a particular species of animal called Markhors. The word “Markhor” is derived from two Persian words “mar” which means a snake, and “Khor” which means eater. So, the word “Markhor” means “snake eater” but markhor is a herbivore. So, to call these wild goats “Markhor is a misnomer. It is due to their corkscrew horns are similar to that of a snake‟s winding body and that is how they got the name.
Markhor is a wild animal (goat) and an endangered species that live in mountains at a height of 600 to 3500 meters (1900 to 11000 ft). They are found in the wooded mountains of Northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and in the Pir Panchal Range of India.
If we talk about the physical description of the animal, it has grizzled light brown to the black colour coat which is smooth and short in summer and grows longer and thicker in winter. The animal is 132-186 cm (4.4-6.2 ft) long, 65-115 cm (2.1-3.8 ft) high has an 8-20cm (3.2-20 inch) long tail, and a weight of 32-110 kilograms. The male animal has longer hair on the chin, throat, chest, and shanks while the female has short hair and is reddish in colour.
Markhors are mainly active in the early morning and the late afternoon. They are herbivorous animals (grass eaters) and often stand on their hind legs to reach high vegetation. However, these animals serve as prey for wolves, leopards, and humans. Like the Bactrian camel, it is also an endangered species as its number is decreasing very fast. It is estimated that around 2000 to 4000 Markhors are existing in the world.
The process of mating in Markhors takes place in winter and the gestation period lasts between 135 to 170 days. These usually give birth to one or two young ones, rarely it may be three. The Markhors became sexually mature in 18-30 months and have a life span of 12-13 years. They live in flocks, consisting of adult females and their young ones, while the adult males prefer isolation.
Markhor is an endangered animal like the Bactrian camel. If efforts are not made to conserve it, it is likely to get extinct in near future. It is important to preserve this species, if not we will miss the beauty of this beautiful creature.
The Markhor Class 7 Summary in Hindi
“मारखोर” एक दिलचस्प कहानी है जो मार्खोर नामक जानवर की एक विशेष प्रजाति के बारे में जानकारी साझा करती है। “मारखोर” शब्द दो फारसी शब्दों “मार” से बना है जिसका अर्थ है सांप, और “खोर” जिसका अर्थ है खाने वाला। तो, “मारखोर” शब्द का अर्थ है “साँप खाने वाला” लेकिन मार्खोर एक शाकाहारी है। तो, इन जंगली बकरियों को “मारखोर एक मिथ्या नाम है। यह उनके कॉर्कस्क्रू सींग के कारण सांप के घुमावदार शरीर के समान है और इसी तरह उन्हें यह नाम मिला।
मारखोर एक जंगली जानवर (बकरी) और एक लुप्तप्राय प्रजाति है जो 600 से 3500 मीटर (1900 से 11000 फीट) की ऊंचाई पर पहाड़ों में रहती है। वे उत्तरी पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान, ताजिकिस्तान, उजबेकिस्तान और भारत के पीर पंजाल रेंज के जंगली पहाड़ों में पाए जाते हैं।
अगर हम जानवर के विवरण के बारे में बात करते हैं, तो इसमें हल्के भूरे से काले रंग का कोट होता है जो गर्मियों में चिकना और छोटा होता है और सर्दियों में लंबा और मोटा होता है। जानवर 132-186 सेमी (4.4-6.2 फीट) लंबा, 65-115 सेमी (2.1-3.8 फीट) ऊंचा है जिसकी पूंछ 8-20 सेमी (3.2-20 इंच) लंबी है, और वजन 32-110 किलोग्राम है। नर जानवर की ठुड्डी, गले, छाती और टांगों पर लंबे बाल होते हैं जबकि मादा के बाल छोटे होते हैं और रंग लाल होता है।
मारखोर मुख्य रूप से सुबह और देर दोपहर में सक्रिय होते हैं। वे शाकाहारी जानवर (घास खाने वाले) हैं और अक्सर उच्च वनस्पति तक पहुंचने के लिए अपने पिछले पैरों पर खड़े होते हैं। हालाँकि, ये जानवर भेड़ियों, तेंदुओं और मनुष्यों के शिकार बनते हैं। बैक्ट्रियन ऊंट की तरह यह भी एक लुप्तप्राय प्रजाति है क्योंकि इसकी संख्या बहुत तेजी से घट रही है। अनुमान है कि दुनिया में लगभग 2000 से 4000 मार्खोर मौजूद हैं।
मारखोर में संभोग की प्रक्रिया सर्दियों में होती है और गर्भधारण की अवधि 135 से 170 दिनों के बीच होती है। ये आमतौर पर एक या दो बच्चों को जन्म देते हैं, शायद ही कभी यह तीन बच्चों को जन्म देते हैं। मारखोर 18-30 महीनों में यौन रूप से परिपक्व हो गए और उनका जीवन काल 12-13 वर्ष है। वे झुंड में रहते हैं, जिसमें वयस्क मादा और उनके बच्चे शामिल हैं, जबकि वयस्क नर अलगाव पसंद करते हैं।
मारखोर बैक्ट्रियन ऊंट की तरह एक लुप्तप्राय जानवर है। यदि इसे संरक्षित करने के प्रयास नहीं किए गए, तो निकट भविष्य में इसके विलुप्त होने की संभावना है। इस प्रजाति को संरक्षित करना जरूरी है, नहीं तो हम इस खूबसूरत प्राणी की सुंदरता को याद करेंगे।
The Markhor Class 7 Short Summary
The Markhor is a wild animal. It is an endangered animal whose number is decreasing day by day. It is found on the Pir Panjal mountain range at the height of 600 – 3500 metres. The name of the animal is a misnomer which means “snake eaters” but these are herbivores. It is due to the shape of their horns they are called Markhors.
The animal has grizzly brown to a black coat of hair on its body which is short and smooth in summer and becomes longer and thicker in winter. The male animals have longer hair on their chin, throat, chest and shanks while females are reddish in colour. Males have longer horns (about 160 cm) than females (25 cm).
The animals live in groups however males like to live in isolation. The mating process in markhors take place in winters and it has a gestation period of 135-170 days. Markhor usually gives birth to one or two young ones and rarely does it give birth to three. Markhors become sexually mature after 18-30 months and have a life span of 12-13 years.
The Markhors change their diet according to season. In summer they feed on the grass while in winters they feed on leaves. They became prey for wolves, leopards and humans. The Markhor is also an endangered species like the Bactrian camel. If efforts are not made to conserve it, it is likely to get extinct in future.
That’s all we have about The Markhor Class 7 Summary and Word Meaning. Hope it has helped you with your query. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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