The poem “Trees” discussed in this post is extracted from Tulip Series English for students of Class 7 of JKBOSE. I will discuss Trees Poem 2 Class 7 Question Answers and Summary in this post. The poem is written by Joyce Kilmer. I will provide you with Difficult words and their meanings, a Summary of the poem, and Question Answers to the poem Trees in this post. In my previous post, I discussed Class 7th English Poem 1 Windows Question Answers (By Wes Magee) with you. So, let’s not waste any more time and get started with today’s post.

Trees Poem 2 Class 7 Question Answers and Summary
The poem “Trees” is full of praise for the trees around us. The poet describes the beauty of trees in this poem and is thankful to God for creating such wonderful living things.
Poem 2 Trees (By Joyce Kilmer) Text
Only God Can Make A Tree
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree;
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain,
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Trees Poem Class 7 Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Lovely | Beautiful | सुंदर | خوبصورت |
Breast | Chest | छाती | چھاتی |
Leafy | Full of leaves | पत्तियों से भरा हुआ | پتیوں سے بھرا ہوا |
Robins | Small brown European birds | छोटे भूरे यूरोपीय पक्षी | چھوٹے بھورے یورپی پرندے |
Bosom | Breast, Chest | छाती | سینہ |
Lain | To be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface | किसी सतह पर क्षितिज स्थिति में होना या स्थानांतरित होना | کسی سطح پر افقی پوزیشن میں ہونا یا منتقل کرنا |
Intimately | Closely | घनिष्ठता से | قریب سے |
Leafy Arms | Branches | शाखाएं | شاخیں |
Poem Trees Class 7 Summary in English
In this poem, the poet is describing the beauty of trees. The poet says that trees are more wonderful and beautiful than poems. The trunk of trees is like its hungry mouth which is attached to the earth’s chest. The trees look at God all day and use their branches to pray. In the summer season, beautiful robin birds build their nests on trees and enjoy their company. In the winter season snow move on the surface of the trees. Trees live and enjoy the rain. The poems can be written by human beings but trees are only made by God.
Poem Trees Class 7 Summary in Hindi
इस कविता में कवि पेड़ों की सुंदरता का वर्णन कर रहा है। कवि कहता है कि पेड़ कविताओं से भी अधिक अद्भुत और सुन्दर होते हैं। वृक्षों का तना उसके भूखे मुंह के समान होता है जो पृथ्वी की छाती से जुड़ा होता है। पेड़ पूरे दिन भगवान को देखते हैं और प्रार्थना करने के लिए अपनी शाखाओं का उपयोग करते हैं। गर्मियों के मौसम में, सुंदर रॉबिन पक्षी पेड़ों पर अपना घोंसला बनाते हैं और उनकी कंपनी का आनंद लेते हैं। शीत ऋतु में वृक्षों की सतह पर हिमपात होता है। पेड़ रहते हैं और बारिश का आनंद लेते हैं। कविताएं इंसान लिख सकता है लेकिन पेड़ तो भगवान ने ही बनाए हैं।
Trees Poem 2 Class 7 Question Answers
Reading is Fun
1. What does the poet compare a tree with?
Ans. The poet compares a tree with a poem.
2. What does the tree look at all day?
Ans. The tree looks at God all day.
3. How does the tree pray?
Ans. The tree uses its leafy branches to pray to God.
4. What does a tree wear in summer?
Ans. The tree wears nests of robin birds in summer.
Language Work
A) Write True (T) or False (F):
- The poet shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.
Ans. True
- Poems are not made by fools like the poet.
Ans. False
- Only God can make a tree.
Ans. True
- The tree does not like rain.
Ans. False
- The tree looks at God all day.
Ans. True
- Pick out the rhyming words from the poem:
Ans. See-tree, day-pray, wear-hair, lain-rain, me-tree, etc.
Let’s Write
(a) Write five sentences on your favourite tree.
Ans. 1. Chinar is my favourite tree.
- I have trees planted in a park nearby my home.
- It was planted by my grandfather.
- It has grown big now.
- People rest in its shade in summers.
- During the evening hours, children play under it.
- It is home to so many birds.
- The shedding of leaves from chinar trees during autumn is a rare sight to watch.
- It has a long life span.
- I love this tree very much.
(b) Write down the words from the poem which have been repeated.
Ans. The words like God, tree, whose, her and poem are repeated.
(c) Pick out the words which start with the following consonant sounds:
/f/, /s/, /p/, and /b/
/f/: flowing, fools.
/s/; see, sweet, summer, snow.
/p/: poem, pressed, pray.
/b/: breast, bosom but.
Read Aloud
That’s all we have about Trees Poem 2 Class 7 Question Answers and Summary. Hope it has helped Do comment your views about this post and also share this post with others.
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