Are you looking for solutions to class 5th English? You are at the right place you will solutions of the class 5th English on this website. In this post, I will detail to you about Gulliver Among the Little People Class 5th Summary and Word Meanings. Gulliver Among the Little People is taken from Gulliver’s Travel a book written by Jonathan Swift that recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver an Englishman and a trained surgeon and the adventures that he faced on his sea voyages. In this story, Gulliver’s ship named ‘The Antelope” got destroyed in the storm and he swam to the land of little peoples. Let’s get started:
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Gulliver Among the Little People Class 5th Summary
Gulliver Among the Little People Class 5th Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Sailor | A person who works on a ship | नाविक | ملاح |
Roar | Make a long, loud, deep sound | गरज | دہاڑ |
Struck | Past tense of 'strike' which means hit | मारना | مارنا |
Lay | Put something in a horizontal position | लेटा था | لیٹا تھا |
Tie | Bind together | बांधना | باندھنا |
Strings | Pieces of strong thin cord used for fastening and tying things | रस्सियां | رسیاں |
Tiny | Very small | बहुत छोटा | چهوٹا |
Loaf | Bread which is shaped and baked in a single piece and can be sliced for eating | रोटी | روٹی |
Giant | A tall and strong imaginary creature | दानव | عظیم |
Gulliver Among the Little People Summary in English
Once in a ship, The Antelope Gulliver was travelling to the South Seas. The ship had thirty sailors, a captain, and a doctor in it. The ship was sailing near the rock and suddenly there was a storm. The ship struck the rock and got broken into two. The sailors jumped into the sea. Gulliver was able to swim to the shore safely. He walked for some distance and lay down the soft grass and fell asleep.
When he woke up in the morning, he found himself tied to the ground with strings and felt that some animals were moving on his body. These were little men, only six inches tall. Gulliver was surrounded by so many tiny men, some of them have bows and arrows. He was in Lilliput, the country of tiny men.
Gulliver tried to free himself from the strings but tiny men shot arrows at him. The arrows hit him all over the body. They were sharp and painful. Gulliver decided not to break any more threads and lay quietly and did not move for a long time. Now, the tiny men stopped shooting arrows at him. They came near him and made a platform near his head. One of them try to speak to Gulliver but he did not understand.
Gulliver was hungry and thirsty and made some signs to ask for food and water. They understood him and brought him food and water. He ate and drank and then went to sleep again. The men went to the king and told him about the giant (Gulliver) on the seashore. The king wanted to see Gulliver so the tiny men made a big cart (about two meters long and one meter wide) having twenty-two wooden wheels. They put Gulliver on the cart and took him to the king.
When the king of Lilliput saw Gulliver, he was surprised. Gulliver was taken to an old temple and was put there. The king’s men tied one of his legs to the pillar of the temple with a strong chain. The crowd of people came and saw him. Gulliver did some funny tricks to please the king and the people of the Lilliput.
One day Gulliver requested the king to take away his chains as he wanted to walk. The king said that will be dangerous for the public of Lilliput but Gulliver assured that he will not harm anyone. So, the king ordered them to take away his chains. He was free now. Gulliver stayed in Lilliput for several months.
Gulliver Among the Little People Class 5th Summary in Hindi
एक बार “द एंटेलोप” नामक एक जहाज में गुलिवर दक्षिण समुद्र की यात्रा कर रहा था। जहाज में तीस नाविक, एक कप्तान और एक डॉक्टर थे। जहाज चट्टान के पास से गुज़र रहा था और अचानक एक तूफान आया। जहाज चट्टान से टकराया और दो भागों में टूट गया। नाविक समुद्र में कूद गए। गुलिवर तैर कर किनारे तक सुरक्षित पहुंच गया। वह कुछ दूर चला और और कोमल घास पर सो गया।
सुबह जब वह उठा तो उसने खुद को रस्सियों से जमीन से बंधा हुआ पाया और महसूस किया कि उसके शरीर पर कोई जानवर चल रहा है। ये नन्हे आदमी थे, केवल छह इंच लंबे। गुलिवर इतने नन्हे – नन्हे आदमियों से घिरा हुआ था, उनमें से कुछ के पास धनुष और बाण थे। वह नन्हे आदमियों के देश लिलिपुट में था।
गुलिवर ने खुद को रस्सियों से छुड़ाने की कोशिश की लेकिन नन्हे आदमियों ने उस पर तीर चला दिए। तीर उसके पूरे शरीर पर लगे। वे तेज और दर्दनाक थे। गुलिवर ने और अधिक धागे न तोड़ने का निश्चय किया और चुपचाप लेटा रहा और बहुत देर तक हिला नहीं। अब नन्हे आदमियों ने उस पर तीर चलाना बंद कर दिया। वे उसके पास आए और उसके सिर के पास एक मंच बनाया। उनमें से एक ने गुलिवर से बात करने की कोशिश की लेकिन वह नहीं समझा।
गुलिवर भूखा-प्यासा था और उसने भोजन और पानी मांगने के लिए कुछ संकेत दिए। वे उसे समझ गए और उसके लिए भोजन और पानी लाए। उसने खाया पिया और फिर सो गया। वे लोग राजा के पास गए और उसे समुद्र के किनारे वाले इस दैत्य (गुलिवर) के बारे में बताया। राजा गुलिवर को देखना चाहता था इसलिए नन्हे आदमियों ने लकड़ी के बाईस पहियों वाला ठेला (लगभग दो मीटर लंबा और एक मीटर चौड़ा) बनाया। उन्होंने गुलिवर को ठेले पर चढ़ाया और राजा के पास ले गए।
लिलिपुट के राजा ने जब गुलिवर को देखा तो वह हैरान रह गया। गुलिवर को एक पुराने मंदिर में ले जाया गया और वहाँ रखा गया। राजा के लोगों ने उसके एक पैर को एक मजबूत जंजीर से मंदिर के खंभे से बांध दिया। लोगों की भीड़ ने आकर उसे देखा। गुलिवर ने राजा और लिलिपुट के लोगों को खुश करने के लिए कुछ मजेदार टोटके किए।
एक दिन गुलिवर ने राजा से उसकी जंजीरें हटाने का अनुरोध किया क्योंकि वह चलना चाहता था। राजा ने कहा कि यह लिलिपुट की जनता के लिए खतरनाक होगा लेकिन गुलिवर ने आश्वासन दिया कि वह किसी को नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाएगा। इसलिए, राजा ने उन्हें उसकी जंजीरें हटाने का आदेश दिया। वह अब आजाद था। गुलिवर कई महीनों तक लिलिपुट में रहा।
Gulliver Among the Little People Class 5th Short Summary
Gulliver was an Englishman. He was a trained surgeon. Once he was travelling in a ship. The ship was caught in a storm. Gulliver jumped into the sea to save himself. He swam to the shore of an island. He found himself all alone there. He was tired and went to sleep.
When he woke up, he found his arms and legs tied to the ground with small threads. There were tiny men all around him. Some of them were moving on his body also. Gulliver caught some, but they were so small that they slipped through his fingers. The tiny men made a big cart and put Gulliver on it. They took Gulliver to their king. The Gulliver promised that he would not harm anyone. The king ordered to take away Gulliver’s chains. Gulliver was free now. He lived among the Lilliputians for several months.
That’s all about Gulliver Among the Little People Class 5th Summary. Hope it has helped you for your query. Do share your views about this post in the comments section below.
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