Hello Readers, Welcome to the first blog post in Class 5th English Solutions. This post will provide you with The Fowler and the Quails Class 5 Summary and Word Meaning. The story is taken from Jataka Tales. The story is based on the moral “Union is strength”. Let’s get started with this post:
The Fowler and the Quails Class 5 Summary and Word Meaning
There is a well-known famous saying, “Unity is strength.” With the help of teamwork and coordination, we can achieve unimaginable things. Unity is a great virtue. It plays an important role in our life. When we are united then we can surpass the difficult challenges and can accomplish any goal. If we co-operate with each other, no one will be able to break us. But if we quarrel among ourselves, our enemies will take advantage of this and defeat us. The is based on this moral than “Union is Strength”.
The Fowler and the Quails Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Quail | A small bird (Batair in Hindustani) | बटेर | بٹیر |
Fowler | A hunter who catches birds | बहेलिया | شکاری |
Imitate | To copy the behaviour of somebody/something | नकल करना | نقل کرنا |
Huddled | To make huddle of something | ढेर लगाना | ڈھیر لگانا |
Note | Sound (of an animal) | स्वर | آواز |
`At the head of | Leading (a group, etc.) | प्रमुख | معروف |
Crammed | Very or too full | ठूंसना | ٹھونسنا |
Prey | An animal that is hunted and killed for food | शिकार | شکار |
Havoc | Confusion | तबाही | تباہی |
Kinsfolk | A person's blood relations | स्वजन | رشتہ دار |
Morrow | The next day | आगामी दिन | کل |
Device | Trick | युक्ति | تدبیر |
Thorn brake | A thorny bush | कंटीली झाड़ी | کانٹے دار جھاڑی |
Underneath | Beneath | नीचे | نیچے |
Disentangle | Separate, unfold | खोलना | کھولنا |
Bicker | Quarrel | झगड़ना | جھگڑا کرنے والا |
Bag | Catch | भरना | بھرنا |
Alight | Land on something | उतरना | اترنا |
Trod | (past form of tread) Walked | कुचल | کچل دیا |
Bandy | Exchange words argumentatively; discuss an idea or rumour in a casual way | सविस्तार वर्णन करना | سوویسٹر کی وضاحت کرنا |
Wrangle | Quarrel | लड़ाई | جھگڑا |
Moult | Shed feathers, hair or an outer layer periodically | रोआँ गिरना | کینچولی بدلنا |
Whilst | While; a period of time | जबकि | دوران |
Here is a video lecture on Fowler and the Quails summart and word meanings
The Fowler and the Quails Summary in English
Once there lived thousands of quails with a leader quail in a forest. A quail hunter came to that place. He used to imitate the sounds of quails to catch the birds. The fowler draws the birds together by imitating the sounds of quails and then flung his net over them and huddled them in a heap. Then he crammed them in his basket and sold them for his living.
Looking at this, one-day leader quail told other quails that hunter is creating havoc among their kinsfolk. The leader quail advised a plan to save themselves from getting caught in fowler’s net. The leader quail advised other quails to put their heads through the net and together fly away with net to far off place and let down the net on the thorn brake. “By doing this we will escape from getting caught”, said the leader quail. All the quails agreed to the suggestion.
The next day quails executed their plan and flew away with the net and let it down on a thorn brake escaping from beneath. The fowler could not catch any bird and went home empty-handed. The same thing happened for several days and fowler had to go home empty-handed. The fowler’s wife got angry with this and said to him that he had a second establishment to keep up elsewhere.
The fowler replied to her wife that he had no second establishment but the quails have come together and flew away with the net when he cast it over them. He further said that the quails will not remain united for long. And as soon they will start quarrelling, he would catch them and it will make her happy.
Soon after this, one day accidentally a quail while alighting on the feeding ground trod on another quail’s head. It started the quarrel between the two and the quarrel grew serious. The leader quail said that now it is not safe to stay with the quarrelsome group because now they will not lift the net and fowler will get his opportunity to catch the birds. The leader quail along with his followers left the group.
The fowler came back again after a few days and flung his net over the quails. The quails started quarrelling with each other instead of lifting the net. While they were looking at each other to lift up the net. The fowler lifted the net, crammed them into the basket and took them away.
The story tells us that there is great strength in remaining unity as we saw the quails were able to lift up the net till, they were united but lead to their destruction when they did not put up the collective effort.
The Fowler and the Quails Summary in Hindi
एक बार एक जंगल में एक प्रमुख के साथ हजारों बटेर रहते थे। उस स्थान पर एक शिकारी आया। वह पक्षियों को पकड़ने के लिए बटेरों की आवाज की नकल करता था और फिर उन पर अपना जाल फेंक कर ढेर में दबा देता है। तब उस ने उन्हें अपनी टोकरी में भरकर अपने जीवन यापन के लिए बेच देता था।
यह देखते हुए एक दिन प्रमुख बटेर ने अन्य बटेरों से कहा कि शिकारी उनके स्वजनों में कहर ढा रहा है। प्रमुख बटेर ने खुद को शिकारी के जाल में फंसने से बचाने के लिए एक योजना की सलाह दी। प्रमुख बटेर ने अन्य बटेरों को सलाह दी कि वे अपने सिर जाल के माध्यम से रखें और साथ में जाल के साथ दूर तक उड़ जाएं और कंटीली झाड़ी पर जाल को नीचे कर दें। “ऐसा करने से हम पकड़े जाने से बच जाएंगे”, प्रमुख बटेर ने कहा। सभी बटेरों ने सुझाव पर हामी भर दी।
अगले दिन बटेरों ने अपनी योजना को अंजाम दिया और जाल के साथ उड़ गए और नीचे से निकलते हुए एक कंटीली झाड़ी पर उसे नीचे कर दिया। शिकारी किसी भी पक्षी को नहीं पकड़ पाया और खाली हाथ घर चला गया। कई दिनों तक ऐसा ही होता रहा और शिकारी को खाली हाथ घर जाना पड़ा। शिकारी की पत्नी इस बात से नाराज हो गई और उससे कहा कि उसके पास दूसरी जगह रखने के लिए दूसरा प्रतिष्ठान है।
शिकारी ने अपनी पत्नी को उत्तर दिया कि उसके पास कोई दूसरा प्रतिष्ठान नहीं है, लेकिन बटेर एक साथ आ गए हैं और जाल के साथ उड़ गए जब उसने उन्हें उनके ऊपर डाला। उसने आगे कहा कि बटेर लंबे समय तक एकजुट नहीं रहेंगे। और जैसे ही वे झगड़ने लगेंगे, वह उन्हें पकड़ लेगा और यह उसे प्रसन्न करेगा।
इसके तुरंत बाद, एक दिन गलती से उतरते समय एक बटेर का पैर दूसरे बटेर के सिर पर जा गिरा इससे दोनों के बीच झगड़ा शुरू हो गया और झगड़ा गंभीर हो गया। प्रमुख बटेर ने कहा कि अब झगड़ालू समूह के साथ रहना सुरक्षित नहीं है क्योंकि अब वे जाल नहीं उठाएंगे और शिकारी को पक्षियों को पकड़ने का अवसर मिलेगा। प्रमुख बटेर ने अपने अनुयायियों के साथ समूह छोड़ दिया।
शिकारी कुछ दिनों के बाद फिर वापस आया और बटेरों पर अपना जाल फेंक दिया। बटेर जाल उठाने की बजाय आपस में झगड़ने लगे। जब वे जाल को ऊपर उठाने के लिए एक दूसरे को देख रहे थे। शिकारी ने जाल उठाया और उन्हें टोकरी में ठूंस कर ले गए।
कहानी हमें बताती है कि एकता में बड़ी ताकत है क्योंकि हमने देखा कि बटेर तब तक जाल को ऊपर उठाने में सक्षम थे, जब तक कि वे एकजुट थे, लेकिन जब उन्होंने सामूहिक प्रयास नहीं किया तो वे नष्ट हो गए।
The Fowler and the Quails Class 5 Short Summary
Once there lived head quails with thousands of quails in a forest. The fowler came to that place and used to imitate the notes of the quails to catch the birds and cram them into his basket and sell them in the market for his living. He was creating havoc on the generation of quails.
The leader quails suggested a plan to other quails to save themselves from the fowler. He told other quails to put up their head through the net, lift the net and fly away and let it down on the thorny bushes and escape from the net.
They started to execute the plan from the very next day and the fowler had to return home empty-handed every day. It made her wife angry and she started doubting him of an extramarital affair. He told her that quails have been united. He further said that the quails will not remain united for long and he would catch them.
After a few days, there was a quarrel between the two quails which grew into a bigger fight. Looking at this the leader quail with some of his followers left the group. The fowler came back to the forest, he threw his net over the quails and they look at one another for lifting the net. The fowler lifted the net, crammed them into the basket and took them away.
That’s it for this post. Hope it has helped you. If yes, do share your views about this post in comment section below and subscribe our blog for other posts.
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