The play “A Strange Trial” is taken from Tulip Series English for students of Class 8 of JKBOSE Board for students of Jammu and Kashmir. This particular post is about A Strange Trial Class 8 Summary and Questions. You will find Difficult words and their meanings, a Summary of the play A Strange Trial and Question Answers to the play A Strange Trial. In my previous post, I discussed the Rustum and Sohrab Class 8 Summary and Questions. So, let’s not waste more time and get started with this post.
A Strange Trial Class 8 Summary and Questions
The play “A Strange Trial” is a part of Lewis Carroll’s compilated story Alice in Wonderland. In this story, a little girl Alice has a strange and wonderful dream which begins with her following a rabbit into its hole. When she entered the hole, she finds herself in a new and unusual world. She finds herself in a new world where she meets all kinds of unusual creatures who talk to her and lead her on a series of adventures. In the current play, Alice is attending a strange trial.
A Strange Trial Class 8 Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Charmed | Very pleased | मंत्रमुग्ध | دلکش |
Amuse | To entertain | मनोरंजन करना | تفریح |
Adventure | An exciting and dangerous activity | साहसिक कार्य | مہم جوئی |
Trial | The judicial examination of issues in a court | अदालती मुकदमा | عدالتی مقدمہ |
Trumpet | A brass musical instrument with a bright ringing tone | तुरही | بگل |
Bewildered | Confused | हक्का-बक्का | گھبرا گیا |
Jury box | An enclosure within a courtroom for the jury | अदालत में जूरी के बैठने का स्थान | عدالت میں جوری کے بیٹھنے کا مقام |
Queer | Strange | विचित्र | عجیب |
Odd | Strange or unexpected | अजीब | انوکها |
Puzzle | A situation which is difficult to understand | पहेली | پہیلی |
Gryphon | A winged monster with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle | ग्रिफ़ोन | گریفون |
Knave | A jack card; (here) it means a dishonest man | धूर्त | چالاک |
Scroll | A long roll of paper | सूचीपत्र | فہرست |
Wig | A covering of artificial hair worn on the head | बालों की टोपी | بالوں کی ٹوپی |
Jury | A body of persons appointed to hear a case | न्यायपीठ | بینچ |
Jurors | Members of a jury | एक जूरी के सदस्य | جیوری کے ارکان |
Put down | Write down | लिखना | لکھنا |
Tart | An open pastry case with a filling, usually of something sweet such as fruit | खट्टा | تیز |
Accusation | The act of charging someone with a crime | आरोप | الزام |
Verdict | A decision or judgement | निर्णय | فیصلہ |
Fidget | To make continuous small movements | बेचैन | بے چین |
Execute | To kill someone as a legal punishment | फांसी करना | پھانسی |
Squeeze | Press together | निचोड़ना | نچوڑنا |
Can't help | Can't avoid | मदद नहीं कर सकता | مدد نہیں کر سکتا |
Pace | Speed | गति | رفتار |
Ridiculous | Stupid, unreasonable or laughable | हास्यास्पद | مضحکہ خیز |
Snore | Breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping | खर्राटा | خراٹے لینا |
Frown | To draw the brows together and wrinkle the forehead | भ्रूभंग | گهرکی |
Treacle | A sweet dark thick liquid used in cooking sweet dishes and sweets | गुड़ | گڑ |
Sentence | Punishment | सज़ा | سزا |
A Strange Trial Class 8 Summary in English
The play starts with Alice entering the courtroom. The King and Queen of Hearts are on their thrones and are surrounded by a large crowd of animals and the whole deck of cards. White Rabbit is standing near the king holding a trumpet and a scroll. Alice surveys the room and introduces the various creatures present in the courtroom. She notices that all of the jurors are writing down their names, which the Gryphon explains that they must do lest they forget their names before the trial’s end.
The White Rabbit, serving the court as a herald, requests silence in the court and reads the accusation that the Knave of Hearts has stolen the Queen’s tarts. White Rabbit calls the first witness. The first witness is the Mad Hatter. He enters the courtroom with a cup of tea in one hand and a piece of bread in the other. The King threatens the Hatter all through the cross-examination, and the Hatter becomes more and more nervous. Alice finds that she has started to grow again. The Dormouse got upset by Alice’s growth and went to the other side of the court to avoid being crushed by Alice. The Hatter is excused, and he takes off to go back to his tea. When he gets outside, the Queen calls for him to be executed, but the Hatter manages to escape.
The Cook is the next witness. She is not cooperative with court proceedings. The King asks her, what the tarts are made of and the Cook replies “Pepper”. The Dormouse sleepily calls out the word “treacle”. The calls to behead the Dormouse. There is confusion in the courtroom. The Dormouse is being chased and thrown out of the court. In the meantime, Cook disappears.
The King asks the Queen to conduct the next cross-examination. The White Rabbit calls the next witness: it’s Alice. Alice jumps to the White Rabbit’s call to the stand. She forgets that she has grown larger and knocks over the jury stand, then scrambles to put all of the jurors back. The King begins to cross-examine her, with illogical questions but Alice remains completely composed.
The White Rabbit presents a completely ambiguous poem, in an unmarked letter that was written by the Knave of Hearts. The letter is unsigned, so the Knave refuses the charge. The King reasons that the Knave must have meant mischief as he didn’t sign the note like an honest man. Alice demands to read the poem. While the poem appears to have no meaning, the King explains and calls for a verdict. When the queen calls out for her beheading, Alice declares that she is not afraid; after all, they are only a pack of cards. Suddenly all the cards rise and fall upon her.
And Alice wakes up, with her head in her old sister’s lap. She had been dreaming. She tells her adventures to her sister.
A Strange Trial Class 8 Summary in Hindi
नाटक की शुरुआत ऐलिस के कोर्ट रूम में प्रवेश करने से होती है। हार्ट्स के राजा और रानी अपने सिंहासन पर हैं और जानवरों की एक बड़ी भीड़ से घिरे हुए हैं और ताश के पत्तों का पूरा डेक है। राजा के पास एक तुरही और एक स्क्रॉल पकड़े हुए सफेद खरगोश खड़ा है। ऐलिस कमरे का सर्वेक्षण करती है और कठघरे में मौजूद विभिन्न जीवों का परिचय देती है। उसने नोटिस किया कि सभी जूरी सदस्य अपने स्वयं के नाम लिख रहे हैं, जो ग्रिफॉन बताते हैं कि उन्हें ऐसा करना चाहिए कि ऐसा न हो कि वे मुकदमे के अंत से पहले अपना नाम भूल जाएं।
व्हाइट रैबिट, एक हेराल्ड के रूप में अदालत की सेवा कर रहा है, अदालत में चुप्पी के लिए अनुरोध करता है और इस आरोप को पढ़ता है कि नेव ऑफ हार्ट्स ने रानी के टार्ट्स चुरा लिए हैं। व्हाइट रैबिट पहले गवाह को बुलाता है। पहला गवाह मैड हैटर है। वह एक हाथ में चाय का प्याला और दूसरे हाथ में रोटी का टुकड़ा लेकर अदालत कक्ष में प्रवेश करता है। जिरह के दौरान राजा हैटर को धमकाता है, और हैटर अधिक से अधिक घबरा जाता है। ऐलिस को पता चलता है कि वह फिर से बढ़ने लगी है। ऐलिस के बढ़ने से डोरमाउस परेशान हो गया और ऐलिस द्वारा कुचले जाने से बचने के लिए अदालत के दूसरी तरफ चला गया। हैटर को माफ कर दिया गया है, और वह अपनी चाय पर वापस जाने के लिए रवाना होता है। जब वह बाहर निकलता है, तो रानी उसे मार डालने के लिए कहती है, लेकिन हैटर भागने में सफल हो जाता है।
रसोइया अगला गवाह है। वह अदालती कार्यवाही के प्रति सहयोगी नहीं है। राजा उससे पूछता है कि टार्ट किस चीज से बने होते हैं और रसोइया “काली मिर्च” का जवाब देता है। डोरमाउस नींद से “ट्रेकल” शब्द को पुकारता है। रानी डॉरमाउस का सिर काटने के लिए कहती है कोर्ट रूम में अफरातफरी का माहौल है। डॉरमाउस का पीछा किया जा रहा है और अदालत से बाहर फेंक दिया जा रहा है। इसी बीच कुक गायब हो जाता है।
राजा रानी से अगली जिरह करने के लिए कहता है। व्हाइट रैबिट अगले गवाह को बुलाता है: यह ऐलिस है। ऐलिस स्टैंड पर व्हाइट रैबिट की कॉल पर कूद जाती है। वह भूल जाती है कि वह बड़ी हो गई है और जूरी स्टैंड को तोड़ देती है। राजा अतार्किक सवालों के साथ उसकी जिरह करना शुरू कर देता है लेकिन ऐलिस पूरी तरह से शांत रहती है।
व्हाइट रैबिट एक पूरी तरह से अस्पष्ट कविता प्रस्तुत करता है, एक अचिह्नित पत्र में जिसे नेव ऑफ हार्ट्स द्वारा लिखा गया था। पत्र अहस्ताक्षरित है, इसलिए नेव ने आरोप से इनकार कर दिया। राजा का तर्क है कि नेव का मतलब शरारत रहा होगा क्योंकि उसने एक ईमानदार आदमी की तरह नोट पर हस्ताक्षर नहीं किया था। ऐलिस कविता पढ़ने की मांग करती है। जबकि कविता का कोई अर्थ नहीं है, राजा स्पष्टीकरण प्रदान करता है और निर्णय की मांग करता है। जब रानी ऐलिस का सिर काटने के लिए पुकारती है, तो ऐलिस घोषणा करती है कि वह डरती नहीं है; आखिरकार वे केवल ताश के पत्तों का एक पैकेट हैं। अचानक सारे पत्ते उठ खड़े होते हैं और उस पर गिर पड़ते हैं।
और ऐलिस अपनी बड़ी बहन की गोद में सिर रखकर जागती है। वह सपना देख रही थी। वह अपनी बहन को अपने कारनामों के बारे में बताती है।
A Strange Trial Question Answers
Working with Text
1. What did Alice remember?
Ans. Alice remembered the incidents when she followed a white rabbit into its hole. She remembered seeing a lot of odd creatures who said odd things and acted oddly too. She also remembered drinking a strange liquid which made her grow smaller and then she ate cake to grow again in size.
2. Why according to Gryphon were the Jurymen putting down their names?
Ans. According to Gryphon, the jurymen were putting down their names because they feared they might forget their names before the end of the trial.
3. The first witness was:
a) Alice b) White Rabbit c) King d) Mad Hatter
Ans. d) Mad Hatter
4. ‘Give your evidence or ‘I’ll have you executed whether you’re nervous or not.
a) Who says these words and whom?
b) What do you mean by ‘I’ll have you executed?
Ans. a) The King said these words to the Mad Hatter.
b) It means that if Mad Hatter will be unable to prove his innocence the King will give orders to his soldiers to kill Mad Hatter.
5. What, according to Alice, is the first wise thing that the King has said that day?
Ans. According to Alice, the first wisest thing that King did that day was King’s reply in which he says that Mad Hatter is a poor speaker.
6. Knave denies having imitated somebody’s handwriting. What evidence does he give?
Ans. Knave denies having imitated somebody’s handwriting and he tries to prove it by saying that the letter is not signed by him.
7. What happens when the whole pack of cards and all the animals fall upon Alice?
Ans. When the whole pack of cards and animals fall upon Alice, she screams and tries to beat them off but they run in different directions and disappear.
8. A strange trial was a dream that Alice dreamt about. (True/False)
Ans. True
Language Work
A. Match the phrasal verbs on the left with their meaning on the right:
A | B |
(i) Put down | (a) Defeat |
(ii) Pick up | (b)To criticize strongly |
(iii) Send for | (c) Give |
(iv) Take off | (d) Make a line |
(v) Put on | (e) Make haste |
(vi) Stare at | (f) Write down |
(vii) Hurry up | (g) See |
(viii) Look at | (h) Wear |
(ix) Fall in | (i) Take in hand |
(x) Hand over | (j) Look at something continuously |
(xi) Beat off | (k) Remove |
(xii) Hit out | (l) Send someone a message asking them to come to see you |
A | B |
(i) Put down | (f) Write down |
(ii) Pick up | (i) Take in hand |
(iii) Send for | (l) Send someone a message asking them to come to see you |
(iv) Take off | (k) Remove |
(v) Put on | (h) Wear |
(vi) Stare at | (j) Look at something continuously |
(vii) Hurry up | (e) Make haste |
(viii) Look at | (g) See |
(ix) Fall in | (d) Make a line |
(x) Hand over | (c) Give |
(xi) Beat off | (a) Defeat |
(xii) Hit out | (b)To criticize strongly |
B. In spoken English and written informal English, we use short forms/contradictions of certain words instead of full forms. In the play you have read, there are many short forms. Here are the full forms of these words. Write the short forms of these words in the space provided.
Full Form | Short Form |
I have | I've |
I am | I'm |
I am not | I ain't |
That is wrong | That's Wrong |
Let us try | Let's try |
That is all | That's all |
The trial is beginning | The trial's beginning |
It is happening | It's happening |
You have not met | You haven't met |
He is wearing | He's wearing |
She does not like | She doesn't like |
You had better | You'd better |
They are putting | They're putting |
They would get | They'd get |
It is not mine | It isn't mine |
You would not | You wouldn't |
I cannot help | I can't help |
You have no right | You've no right |
Do not talk | Don’t talk |
I did not | I didn't |
Shall not | Shan't |
It is the oldest | It's the oldest |
There is more | There's more |
Here is a piece | Here's a piece |
You do not know | You don't know |
We have had | We've had |
You are nothing | You're nothing |
C. Look at the following sentences from the text:
The King and the Queen of Hearts sit on the thrones with the whole pack of cards around them. The underlined words show combination or collection. Now fill in the blanks.
Choose words from those given in the box. Consult a dictionary if necessary.
Bevy brood throng staff suite chest cluster litter string shoal chain |
- A shoal of fish.
- A bevy of ladies.
- A suite of rooms.
- A cluster of stars.
- A staff of officials.
- A throng of people.
- A brood of chickens.
- A litter of puppies.
- A chest of drawers.
- A string of camels.
- A chain of mountains.
D. Look at these sentences:
- That is the most important piece of evidence we’ve had today.
- What you say is unimportant?
The word italicized in the two sentences from the play are antonyms. i.e., words meaning the opposite of each other. In the following sentences, choose the antonym of the italicized word from the four options.
- Honesty is the best policy.
- a) sobriety
- b) deceit
- c) uprightness
- d) rectitude
Ans. (b). Deceit
- The chairman initiated the proceeding with a brief speech.
- a) complicated
- b) started
- c) closed
- d) confused
Ans. d) closed
- William Wordsworth is celebrated for his lucid style.
- a) notorious
- b) unpopular
- c) unknown
- d) renowned
Ans. b) unpopular
- A faithful officer is always vigilant towards his duties.
- a) innocent
- b) ignorant
- c) irresponsible
- d) careless
Ans. d) careless
That’s all about A Strange Trial Class 8 Summary and Questions. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section.
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