Short Story 1 “The Unthankful Man” is taken from Tulip Series English for students of Class 8 of JKBOSE Board for students of Jammu and Kashmir. This particular post is about The Unthankful Man Summary and Question Answers. You will find Difficult words and their meanings, a Summary of the short story The Unthankful Man and Question Answers to the short story The Unthankful Man. In my previous post, I discussed Summer and Winter Poem 10 Summary and Questions. So, let’s not waste more time and get started with this post.
The Unthankful Man Summary and Question Answers
The story “The Unthankful Man” is taken from the Panchatantra series of stories. It tells us about human nature and its thanklessness towards those who do good to him. Raman a poor man in the story is a helpful person. He helped a tiger, a monkey and a goldsmith. The tiger and monkey were thankful to him while the goldsmith proved to be thankless and deceitful.
The Unthankful Man Word Meaning
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Outskirts | The outer area of a city, town, or village | सरहद | کنارا |
Nearby | Not far away | नज़दीक | قریب |
Peep | To secretly look at | झांकना | جھانکنا |
Creature | A living thing | जीव | مخلوق |
Ungrateful | Thankless | एहसान फरामोश | احسان فراموش |
Scared | Fearful | डरा हुआ | ڈرا ہوا |
Slither | To move in a curving way | रेंगना | رینگنا |
Steep | Having a sharp slope | ढालवांपन | ڈهلوان |
Depressed | Unhappy and hopeless | उदास | اداس |
Lock up | Jail | हवालात | حوالات |
Deceived | Cheated | धोखा | دھوکہ دیا |
Cell | A small room in a prison | कक्ष | کمرہ |
Plight | An unpleasant condition | दुखदायी स्थिति | اداس حالت |
Unconscious | Not conscious | बेहोश | بے ہوش |
Chamber | A special room | कक्ष | کمره |
Cruel | Cause suffering | निर्दयी | ظالم |
Maid | A female servant | नौकरानी | نوکرانی |
Charge | Formal accusation | आरोप | الزام |
The Unthankful Man Short Story 1 Summary in English
It is a story of a poor Brahmin who lived on the outskirts of the town. He was so poor that he and his wife had to live without food for several days. His wife was fed up with all this so Brahmin decided to go to the nearest town in search of a job.
There was a dense forest on his way to the town. He felt hungry while crossing the forest so he gathered some wild fruits sat near a well and started eating them. In the meantime, he heard some voices of help coming from the well. He looked into that well and found a tiger, a monkey, a snake, and a man in the well. They asked for his help.
The tiger saw him and requested him to help it come out of the well. Raman was afraid that if he pulls the tiger out it would eat him up but the tiger promised not to harm him. Raman pulled the tiger out. He thanked the man and advised him not to pull the man out of the well because he was an ungrateful creature.
Similarly, he pulled the monkey, and the snake out of the well and they all thanked him for his generosity and promised to help him if he needed it someday. They also warned him not to pull the man out of the well. The poor man felt pity for the man in the well and not considering the warnings given to him by the snake, the monkey, and the Tiger, he also pulled out the man from the well. He also thanked Raman and promised to help him.
Raman then reached the nearest town and tried to find out a job but failed to do so. At last, he felt depressed and decided to go back to the village, so he started his journey back home through the forest. He felt hungry on his way. Then he remembered the monkey had told him to help and decided to go to the monkey. The monkey saw him and presented him with many fruits from the forest. Raman thanked the monkey and continued his journey. He came upon a cave and called out the tiger whom he had saved from the well. The tiger was very happy to see him and gave him a precious necklace which was given to him by a prince.
Raman decided to sell that necklace to the man he had saved from the well as he had told him that he was a goldsmith from Varanasi. He decided to go to Varanasi and sell the necklace to the man. So, he took the necklace to that man. The necklace was made by the same goldsmith for the princess and it went missing. The goldsmith recognized the necklace and reported the matter to the king.
The goldsmith forgot the good deed Raman and falsely implicated the charge of murdering the prince and got him arrested. Raman was deceived by the goldsmith. Raman decided to seek the help of the snake who planned to bite the queen and only he will be able to cure the queen. The king will be pleased and will set him free. The snake slipped into the queen’s chamber and bite the queen. The king announced that if anybody will cure the queen he will be rewarded.
Raman cured her. Then the king asked Raman how did he land in prison. Raman told the entire story to the king. The king got angry with the goldsmith and got him arrested. He gave Raman a bag of gold. Raman thanked the king and went back to his home and lived happily with his wife.
The Unthankful Man Short Story 1 Summary in Hindi
यह एक गरीब ब्राह्मण की कहानी है जो शहर के बाहरी इलाके में रहता था। वह इतना गरीब था कि उसे और उसकी पत्नी को कई दिनों तक बिना भोजन के रहना पड़ता था। उसकी पत्नी इस सब से तंग आ चुकी थी इसलिए ब्राह्मण ने नौकरी की तलाश में पास के शहर जाने का फैसला किया।
शहर के रास्ते में घना जंगल था। जंगल को पार करते समय उसे भूख लगी तो उसने कुछ जंगली फल इकठ्ठे किये और एक कुएँ के पास बैठ कर खाने लगा। इसी दौरान उसे कुएं से मदद की कुछ आवाजें सुनाई दीं। उसने उस कुएँ में देखा और कुएँ में एक बाघ, एक बंदर, एक साँप और एक आदमी पाया। उन्होंने उसकी मदद मांगी।
बाघ ने उसे देखा और उससे कुएँ से बाहर निकलने में मदद करने का अनुरोध किया। रमन को डर था कि अगर वह बाघ को बाहर निकालेगा तो वह उसे खा जाएगा, लेकिन बाघ ने वादा किया कि वह उसे नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाएगा। रमन ने बाघ को बाहर निकाला। उसने उस आदमी को धन्यवाद दिया और उसे सलाह दी कि वह उस आदमी को कुएँ से बाहर न निकाले क्योंकि वह एक कृतघ्न प्राणी था।
इसी तरह, उसने बंदर और सांप को कुएं से बाहर निकाला और उन सभी ने उसकी उदारता के लिए उसे धन्यवाद दिया और किसी दिन जरूरत पड़ने पर उसकी मदद करने का वादा किया। उन्होंने उस व्यक्ति को कुएं से बाहर न निकालने की चेतावनी भी दी। गरीब आदमी को उस आदमी पर तरस आया और उसने सर्प, बंदर और बाघ द्वारा दी गई चेतावनियों पर ध्यान न देते हुए उस आदमी को भी कुएं से बाहर निकाला। उसने भी रमन को धन्यवाद दिया और उसकी मदद करने का वादा किया।
रमन फिर पास के शहर में पहुंचा और नौकरी खोजने की कोशिश की लेकिन ऐसा करने में असफल रहा। अंत में, वह उदास महसूस कर रहा था और उसने गांव वापस जाने का फैसला किया, इसलिए उसने जंगल से होते हुए अपने घर की यात्रा पर रास्ते में उसे भूख लगी । तब उसे याद आया कि बंदर ने उसे मदद करने के लिए कहा था और उसने बंदर के पास जाने का फैसला किया। बंदर ने उसे देखा और उसे जंगल से कई फल भेंट किए। रमन ने बंदर को धन्यवाद दिया और अपनी यात्रा जारी रखी। वह एक गुफा पर आया और उस बाघ को बुलाया जिसे उसने कुएं से बचाया था। बाघ उसे देखकर बहुत खुश हुआ और उसे एक कीमती हार दिया जो उसे एक राजकुमार ने दिया था।
रमन ने उस हार को उस आदमी को बेचने का फैसला किया जिसे उसने कुएं से बचाया था क्योंकि उसने उसे बताया था कि वह वाराणसी का एक सुनार है। उसने वाराणसी जाने और आदमी को हार बेचने का फैसला किया। तो, वह हार को उस आदमी के पास ले गया। हार उसी सुनार ने राजकुमारी के लिए बनाया था और वह गायब हो गया। सुनार ने हार को पहचान लिया और राजा को मामले की सूचना दी।
सुनार रमन के नेक काम को भूल गया और राजकुमार की हत्या का झूठा आरोप लगाकर उसे गिरफ्तार करवा दिया। रमन को सुनार ने धोखा दिया था। रमन ने उस सांप की मदद लेने का फैसला किया जिसने रानी को काटने की योजना बनाई थी और केवल वही रानी को ठीक कर पाएगा। राजा प्रसन्न होगा और उसे मुक्त करेगा। सांप रानी के कक्ष में फिसल गया और रानी को काट लिया। राजा ने घोषणा की कि यदि कोई रानी को ठीक करेगा तो उसे पुरस्कृत किया जाएगा।
रमन ने उसका इलाज किया। तब राजा ने रमन से पूछा कि वह जेल में कैसे आया। रमन ने सारी कहानी राजा को सुनाई। राजा ने सुनार से क्रोधित होकर उसे गिरफ्तार कर लिया। उसने रमन को सोने का एक थैला दिया। रमन ने राजा को धन्यवाद दिया और अपने घर वापस चला गया और अपनी पत्नी के साथ खुशी-खुशी रहने लगा।
Working with the Text
1. What was Raman’s Wife fed up with?
Ans. Raman’s wife was fed up with their poverty because they had to stay hungry for a day due to this.
2. What did Raman see when he peeped into the well?
Ans. Raman saw a tiger, a monkey, a snake, and a man in the well when peeped into it.
3. Why was Raman scared of the snake?
Ans. Raman was scared of a snake because he feared that if he pulled the snake out of the well, it might bite him and he would die.
4. What did the monkey do when Raman was hungry?
Ans. The monkey climbed up the tree and brought sweet and juicy mangoes and gave them to Raman.
5. What did the tiger give him?
Ans. The tiger him the necklace which it received from the princess.
6. What did the goldsmith do when Raman showed him the necklace?
Ans. The goldsmith took the necklace from Raman and asked him to wait for him at the shop. He went to the king and showed the necklace to him. He told the king that this man must have killed the princess and stolen her necklace. He got Raman arrested.
7. How did Raman cure the queen?
Ans. Raman cured the queen of the snakebite by touching her forehead.
8. Why did the king send the goldsmith to jail?
Ans. The goldsmith was an ungrateful man. He forgot the kindness of the goldsmith and deceived Raman. He falsely framed the wrong charges of princess murder and got him arrested and sent him to jail.
Language Work
A. Who said the following and to whom?
- “Why don’t you go to the nearby town and seek a job?”
Ans. Raman’s wife to Raman.
- “I live in Varanasi and I am a goldsmith by profession.”
Ans. Goldsmith to Raman.
- “Once I saved a prince’s life. In return, he gave this necklace.”
Ans. The Tiger to Raman.
- “You have killed our prince and stolen his necklace.”
Ans. The guard to Raman.
- “How did you land up in the prison?”
Ans. The King to Raman.
- “Go home and live happily.”
Ans. The King to Raman.
B. Make sentences using the following phrasal verbs:
Fed up with, Pass-through, Help out, Pull out, Callout, Slither away, Wait for, Lockup, Wake up, Land up in, Peep into, Take to, Slip into
- Raman’s wife was fed up with their poverty.
- He had to pass through the forest on his way to the city.
- The snake requested Raman to help him out in coming out of the well.
- Raman pulled out the monkey from the well.
- He called out to his friend for his help when he was in trouble.
- The snake slithered away after thanking Raman.
- You have to wait for three more hours.
- She is very angry and locked himself up in a room.
- It is a good habit to wake up early in the morning.
- The king asked Raman about how he landed up in a prison.
- He peeped into the well and saw a tiger, a monkey, a snake, and a man in it.
- I have taken to waking up early in the morning.
- He slipped into the well.
Grammar Work
Look at the following examples:
- The teacher said to the students, “Let us read a poem today.”
The teacher proposed to the students that they should read a poem that day.
- The teacher said, “Let the boys go home.”
The teacher said that the boys might be allowed to go home.
The teacher said to let the boys go home.
- Shahid said, “Let him work ever so hard, there are no prospects of his success.”
Shahid said that he might work ever so hard, there were no prospects of his success.
Now report the following sentences in the same way:
- “Let us push on a little further,” said Shabir.
Ans. Shabir proposed that they should push on a little further.
- He said to me, “Let us wait for our friend.”
Ans. He suggested to me that we should wait for our friend.
- Mubashir said, “Abuji, let us go to the Nishat Bagh.”
Ans. Mubashir proposed to his Abuji that they should go to the Nishat Bagh.
- The boy said to the teacher, “Let me take my seat, Sir.”
Ans. The boy respectfully asked his teacher to let him take his seat.
- Rashid said to Hamid, “Let me have a cup of tea.”
Ans. Rashid asked Hamid to let him have a cup of tea.
- He said, “Let him run fast, he cannot catch the train.”
Ans. He said that he might run fast, but he could not catch the train.
He said that however fast he might run, he could not catch the train.
Let’s Write
It was a chilly morning and started for school……
Hurry, join, close, scream, escape, help, be thankful, etc.
Sit in groups and form a story using the above verbs. Take turns to add your silence
It was a chilly morning and started for school and I was getting late so I had to hurry up. I had to join the morning assembly and need to enter the gate of the school before it gets closed. On the way, I heard the scream of somebody crying for help. I stopped and went to look into the matter. I saw an injured lying on the road. A car had hit her and fled away. She had a narrow escape but her leg was bleeding. I took her to the nearby hospital. She thanked me for the timely help.
That’s all about The Unthankful Man Summary and Question Answers. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below.
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