The “Life” is Chapter 2 from Tulip Series Class 8th English for students of JKBOSE. You have already read Question Answers of Chapter Life in my previous post. This post is precisely about Life Class 8 English Summary and Word Meanings. Let’s get started with this post:

Life Class 8 English Summary and Word Meanings
The Chapter “Life” is a dialogue based on a dramatic poem in the Dogri language written by Ram Nath Shashtri. The poem is translated in the form of a dialogue in English by Shivnath. The passing wind is represented as the narrator in the dialogue which asks the question “What is life” from different things in the universe like the stars, the moon, the cloud, the ocean, the earth and the little girl. Each one of them answered the question in their way and finally, it was satisfied with the little girl’s answer.
Life Class 8 English Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi | Urdu |
Universe | All existing things including the earth | विश्व | دُنیا |
Unveil | Remove one's veil | सामने लाना | سامنے لانا |
Mystery | Thing of which the cause or origin is hidden or impossible to explain | आसानी से न समझ आने वाला | آسانی سے نہ سمجھ آنے والا |
Companions | Friends | दोस्त | ساتھی |
Dependence | Trust in somebody/something; depend on somebody something | निर्भरता | انحصار |
Borrowed | Receive or obtain something temporarily with the promise of returning | उधार लिया हुआ | قرضہ لینا |
Shroud | Cloth or sheet in which a dead person is wrapped | कफन | کفن |
Dignity | True worth | सम्मान | عزت |
Renunciation | Giving up worldly pleasures | सन्यास | سنیاس |
Self-abandon | Absence or lack of personal restraint | आत्म त्याग | خود کو ترک کرنا |
Descends | To climb down | नीचे उतरना | نیچے اترنا |
Numerous | Many | अनेक | بہت |
Sprouts | Begin to grow or appear | बीज | بیج |
Exhausted | Tired | थका हुआ | تھاکہ ہوا |
Confused | Puzzled | उलझन में | اُلجھن میں |
Mediating | Act as a peacemaker or go-between for two or more people, groups etc, who disagree | मध्यस्थता | ثالثی کرنا |
Innocent | Not guilty | बेकसूर | بےگناہ |
Creation | Act of creating | नई चीज बनाना | نئی چیز بنانا |
Alight | On fire; burning | जलता हुआ | روشن |
Captivity | State of being captive (prisoner) | कैद | سزا |
Dislike | Hate | नापसंद | ناپسند |
Benevolence | Kindness | अच्छा | اچھا |
Needy | Without the things that are needed for life | जरूरतमंद | ضرورت مند |
Instinct | Natural inborn tendency to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training | स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्ति | جبلت |
Released | To allow somebody/something to be free | व्यक्ति या वस्तु को (किसी से या कहीं से) मुक्त करना, जाने देना | جاری کرنا |
Brighten | To become brighter | चमकना या चमकाना | روشن کرنا |
Spots | A small dirty mark on something | छोटा गंदा निशान; धब्बा, दाग़ | داغ |
Pearls | A small, hard, round, white object that grows inside the shell of a type of shellfish | मोती | موتی |
Penance | A punishment that you give yourself to show you are sorry | किसी ग़लत काम करने पर दुखी होते हुए अपने को कोई दंड देना | توبہ |
Rumbles | To make a deep heavy sound | गड़गड़ाना | گرجنا |
Parched | Very hot and dry, or very thirsty | बहुत गरम और सूखा, या बहुत प्यासा | بہت پیاسا |
Sentiment | An attitude or opinion that is often caused or influenced by emotion | मनोभाव से उत्पन्न या प्रभावित कोई मनोवृत्ति या विचार | احساس |
Comprehend | To understand something completely | पूरी तरह समझना | سمجھنا |
Yearning | To want somebody/something very much | लालसा होना | تڑپ |
Delighted | Extremely pleased | बहुत ख़ुश | بہت خوش |
Life Class 8 Chapter 2 Summary in English
In this chapter, the passing wind asks the question “What is Life” from various things from the universe, for example, stars, moon, clouds, ocean, earth, and the young girl a similar question. Everyone answered the question about life based on their understanding.
The passing wind first asks its question from the stars and they answered that for them life has its light. According to stars, the light of dependence is no life and so having their light is life for them.
After that wind asked the moon about life and it answered that it is saddened by the dark spots on her surface and they are caused by the borrowed light of the stars and sun. The borrowed light is like a shroud enveloping its body.
Then wind asks the same question from the ocean. The ocean says life is to realize one’s limits and maintain one’s dignity, to contain all bitter experiences- taking them as pearls and rubies. The ocean’s life is a life of penance.
Then the wind approaches the cloud with the same question. The cloud answers that for him life is that when it rumbles, it only rumbles but doesn’t rain. But when it rains, it loses itself and gives away its being in joy and self-abandon. But it must know where to rain. So, life is to rain on hills which are in dire need of water.
The wind then approaches the earth and asked, ‘what is life’ she told that for her, life is love. Taking and giving is true life. Whatever water it gets from the clouds, rivers and streams, it stores it inside in pure trust and distributes it among the thirsty. Thus, for the earth, this taking and giving is true life. To it, the sentiment of motherly love is a boon.
By this time, the wind was exhausted and confused trying to comprehend something she understood from the answers he got from these things of the universe in the meantime she saw a light girl who was lighting new lamps and she had one lamp alight in her hand and se kept some of the lamps unlighted.
Then wind then asked the girl about life, and why she had left some lamps unlighted she answered that she had done so as those lamps had no oil in them. It was no use trying to light up those lamps. She is lighting only those who are yearning to awake, waiting to be lighted. She loves this play of life.
The wind after hearing this, the wind smiles as this play greatly impressed her. She is so delighted that she forgets herself and joins the little girl.
Life Class 8 Chapter 2 Summary in Hindi
इस अध्याय में, बहती हवा ब्रह्मांड की विभिन्न चीजों से “जीवन क्या है” प्रश्न पूछती है, उदाहरण के लिए, तारे, चंद्रमा, बादल, महासागर, पृथ्वी और युवा लड़की एक समान प्रश्न पूछती है। सभी ने अपनी समझ के आधार पर प्रश्न का उत्तर दिया।
बहती हवा पहले सितारों से अपना सवाल पूछती है और उन्होंने जवाब दिया कि उनके लिए जीवन रोशनी है। सितारों के अनुसार, निर्भरता का प्रकाश कोई जीवन नहीं है और इसलिए उनका प्रकाश होना उनके लिए जीवन है।
उसके बाद हवा ने चंद्रमा से जीवन के बारे में पूछा और उसने उत्तर दिया कि वह उसकी सतह पर काले धब्बों से दुखी है और वे सितारों और सूर्य के उधार के प्रकाश के कारण हैं। उधार लिया हुआ प्रकाश अपने शरीर को ढँकने वाले कफन की तरह है।
फिर हवा सागर से वही सवाल पूछती है। सागर कहता है कि जीवन अपनी सीमाओं को महसूस करना और अपनी गरिमा को बनाए रखना है, सभी कड़वे अनुभवों को शामिल करना है- उन्हें मोती और माणिक के रूप में लेना। समुद्र का जीवन तपस्या का जीवन है।
फिर हवा उसी प्रश्न के साथ बादल के पास आती है। बादल जवाब देता है कि उसके लिए जीवन यह है कि जब वह गड़गड़ाहट करता है, तो वह केवल गड़गड़ाहट करता है लेकिन बारिश नहीं करता है। लेकिन जब बारिश होती है, तो वह खुद को खो देता है और अपने अस्तित्व को आनंद और आत्म-त्याग में दे देता है। लेकिन यह पता होना चाहिए कि बारिश कहाँ करनी है। तो, जीवन उन पहाड़ियों पर बारिश करना है जिन्हें पानी की सख्त जरूरत है।
हवा फिर पृथ्वी के पास आती है और पूछती है, ‘जीवन क्या है’ उसने उत्तर दिया कि उसके लिए जीवन प्रेम है। लेना और देना ही सच्चा जीवन है। बादलों, नदियों और नालों से जो भी पानी मिलता है, वह उसे अपने अंदर जमा कर लेती है और प्यासों में बांट देती है। इस प्रकार, पृथ्वी के लिए, यह लेना और देना ही सच्चा जीवन है। उसके लिए मातृ प्रेम की भावना एक वरदान है।
इस समय तक, हवा थक गई थी और ब्रह्मांड की इन चीजों से मिले उत्तरों से कुछ समझने की कोशिश कर रही थी, इस बीच उसने एक लड़की को देखा जो नए दीपक जला रही थी और उसके हाथ में एक दीपक था।
फिर हवा ने लड़की से जीवन के बारे में पूछा, और उसने कुछ दीपक क्यों जलाए थे, उसने उत्तर दिया कि उसने ऐसा किया था क्योंकि उन दीपकों में तेल नहीं था। उन दीयों को जलाने की कोशिश करने का कोई फायदा नहीं था। वह केवल उन्हें जला रही है जो जागने के लिए तरस रहे हैं, प्रकाश की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं। वह जीवन के इस खेल से प्यार करती है।
यह सुनकर हवा मुस्कुराती है क्योंकि इस नाटक ने उसे बहुत प्रभावित किया। वह इतनी खुश है कि वह खुद को भूल जाती है और छोटी बच्ची से जुड़ जाती है।
Life Class 8 Chapter 2 Short Summary
In this chapter, the passing winds asked the different things of the universe a simple question “What is life”. Through the questions, the poet has tried his level best to unveil the mystery, “What is life”.
After knowing the different answers, we come to know that everyone has one’s aspect of seeing life and viewpoints of people on the same thing differ, based on their personal experiences.
The passing wind asks the same question to stars and they answer that having their light and being free from captivity is life. The wind asks the same question to the moon. It answers that it has no life since it is living on the borrowed light from the sun. The wind asks the ocean the question and answers that to realise one’s limit and maintain one’s dignity is his idea of life.
The wind then asked the same question from the cloud and it answers to bring joy to the needy in life. The wind then approaches the earth with the same question, the earth answers that a life of benevolence or a life of motherhood or maternal instinct is life for her.
Finally, the wind was exhausted by now saw a little girl lighting lamps and asked her what is she doing, the girl answered that she was lighting lamps that have oil in them. The wind then inquires what about those lamps which have no light. The girl answered that only those lamps can be lighted which have oil in them.
Here it is used as a metaphor where the poet has stated that only those minds can be awakened which have the urge to gather and imbibe light and knowledge. The wind smiles at this answer and joins the little girl.
The meaning of life varies from person to person. Everyone has different motivations and goals. However, these different aspects should not distract us from leading life in a good and fulfilling way, just like the little girl lighting lamps.
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