The Poem “Summer and Winter” is Poem 10 taken from Tulip Series English for students of Class 8 of JKBOSE Board for students of Jammu and Kashmir. The poem Summer and Winter has been written by Percy Bysshe Shelley. This particular post is about Summer and Winter Poem 10 Summary and Questions. You will find Difficult words and their meanings, a Summary of the poem Summer and Winter and Question Answers to the poem Summer and Winter. In my previous post, I discussed Stars Speak to Man Poem 9 Summary and Question Answers. So, let’s not waste more time and get started with this post.
Summer and Winter Poem 10 Summary and Questions
In the poem “Stars Speak to Man” the poet draws a comparison between the summer and winter seasons with the help of virtual imagery. Summer is presented as bright and joyful. It symbolizes happiness while winter symbolizes lifelessness.
Poem Summer and Winter (By P.B.Shelley)
It was a bright and cheerful afternoon,
Towards the end of the sunny month of June,
When the north wind congregates in crowds
The floating mountains of the silver clouds
From the horizon—and the stainless sky
Opens beyond them like eternity.
All things rejoiced beneath the sun; the weeds,
The river, and the corn-fields, and the reeds;
The willow leaves that glanced in the light breeze,
And the firm foliage of the larger trees.
It was a winter such as when birds die
In the deep forests; and the fishes lie
Stiffened in the translucent ice, which makes
Even the mud and slime of the warm lakes
A wrinkled clod as hard as brick; and when,
Among their children, comfortable men
Gather about great fires, and yet feel cold:
Alas, then, for the homeless beggar old!
Summer and Winter Word Meanings
Word | English Meaning | Hindi Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
Congregate | To gather; to come together | इकट्ठा होना | جمع |
Horizon | The line where the sky seems to meet the earth | क्षितिज | وہ لکیر جہاں آسمان اور زمین ملتے دکھائی دیتے ہیں |
Stainless | Perfectly clean; clear | स्वच्छ | صاف |
Eternity | Infinite duration, timelessness | अनंत काल | اخلاقیات |
Rejoice | To be full of joy | आनंदित होना | خوش ہونا |
Reed | A type of tall, stiff plant like grass growing together in groups near water | नर्कत | ئھ |
Cornfields | Fields of corn | मकई | مکئی |
Willow | A tree that grows near water and has long, thin branches that hang down | साई का पौधा | سفیدے کا پیڈ |
Glanced | To have a quick look | निगाह डालना | نذر ڈالنا |
Foliage | Leaves, as of a plant or tree; a mass of leaves | पत्ते | پتے ، پودے یا درخت کی طرح |
Stiffen | To become firm or more difficult to bend | ठोस बनाना | سخت کرنا |
Translucent | Allowing only some light to pass through | केवल कुछ प्रकाश को गुजरने देना | صرف کچھ روشنی کو گزرنے کی اجازت دینا |
Slime | Any soft, moist, slippery, sometimes sticky matter, such as soft mud | कीचड़ | کیچڑ |
Clod | A lump, especially of earth, clay, loam, etc. | मिटटी का ढेला | مٹی کا گانٹھ |
Summer and Winter Summary in English
The poem ‘Summer and Winter’ has been written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, an eminent poet of the English language. The poet has drawn a comparison between summer to winter in this poem. The summer season represents joy and happiness and the busy hustle-bustle of all-around while winter represents lifelessness when trees shed leaves and birds die and small plants die too.
The poet says that in the summer season nature and all its elements rejoice under the sun. In June, the beautiful clouds and sky appear shining. When the wind from the north meets with clouds, it appears, as if, the sun and the clouds are full of joy. The sky is bright and sunny and it seems that it is wide open to the horizon. All the things on earth shine out under the sun.
There is greenery everywhere on the earth. The river flows quietly at some places and noisily at others but speaks only of the pleasure that it experiences every time in summer. The fields laden with corn keep smiling and refreshing the minds of by-passers. The reeds, the willow leaves, and the foliage of the larger trees shine out in the months of summer.
On the other side, in the winter season many birds die while several others migrate to pass on the cold of winter, fishes are also still with the deadly cold. Even mud and slime of warm lakes go hard as a brick. All people gather around great fires to keep themselves warm but are unable to feel cosy because of the severe cold outside. The poet feels for those poor homeless old beggars who do not have a home and are left alone to face the cold season.
Summer and Winter Summary in Hindi
‘समर एंड विंटर’ कविता अंग्रेजी भाषा के प्रख्यात कवि पर्सी बिशे शेली द्वारा लिखी गई है। कवि ने इस कविता में ग्रीष्म ऋतु से शीत ऋतु की तुलना की है। गर्मी का मौसम खुशी और खुशी और चारों ओर व्यस्त हलचल का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, जबकि सर्दी बेजान का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है जब पेड़ पत्ते और पक्षी मर जाते हैं और छोटे पौधे भी मर जाते हैं।
कवि कहता है कि गर्मी के मौसम में प्रकृति और उसके सभी तत्व सूर्य के नीचे आनन्दित होते हैं। जून के महीने में मनमोहक बादल और आकाश चमकते हुए दिखाई देते हैं। जब उत्तर की हवा बादलों से मिलती है, तो ऐसा प्रतीत होता है, मानो सूरज और बादल आनंद से भरे हुए हैं। आकाश उज्ज्वल और धूप है और ऐसा लगता है कि यह क्षितिज तक खुला है। पृथ्वी पर सभी चीजें सूर्य के नीचे चमकती हैं।
धरती पर हर तरफ हरियाली है। नदी कहीं शांत तो कहीं शोर से बहती है लेकिन केवल उस आनंद की बात करती है जो वह हर बार गर्मियों में अनुभव करता है। मकई से लदे खेत राहगीरों के मन को मुस्कुराते और तरोताजा करते रहते हैं। गर्मियों के महीनों में नरकट, विलो के पत्ते और बड़े पेड़ों के पत्ते चमकते हैं।
दूसरी ओर, जाड़े के मौसम में कई पक्षी मर जाते हैं जबकि कई अन्य सर्दी की ठंड से गुजरने के लिए पलायन करते हैं, मछलियां भी अभी भी घातक ठंड के साथ हैं। यहां तक कि गर्म झीलों की मिट्टी और कीचड़ भी ईंट की तरह सख्त हो जाती है। सभी लोग खुद को गर्म रखने के लिए बड़ी आग के आसपास इकट्ठा होते हैं लेकिन बाहर भीषण ठंड के कारण आरामदायक महसूस नहीं कर पाते हैं। कवि उन गरीब बेघर बूढ़े भिखारियों के लिए महसूस करता है जिनके पास घर नहीं है और ठंड के मौसम का सामना करने के लिए अकेले रह जाते हैं।
Theme of Poem Summer and Winter
In this poem poet romantically compare the summer and winter seasons. Summer is described as a bright and joyful season whereas winter is described as a lifeless season in which birds, several plants, and flowers die.
Rhyme Scheme of Poem Summer and Winter
The Poem Summer and Winter has two stanzas that contain 18 lines in total. The poetic device used in the poem is a metaphor. The Poem follows a simple rhyme scheme of AABB.
Thinking About the Poem
1. What do the opening lines of the poem describe?
Ans. The opening lines of the poem describe an afternoon of the summer season. He described the summer afternoon as bright and cheerful.
2. What is the effect of the shining sun on the objects of nature?
Ans. All the natural things like weeds, reeds, rivers, and cornfields rejoice under the shine and warmth of the summer sun.
3. How is the winter described in the poem?
Ans. Winter is described as a deadly and lifeless season in the poem. It is the season in which several birds die while several others migrate, plants and flowers die, and fishes lay stiffened in the frozen water. The people gather around the fire to tackle the harsh winter.
4. Explain the following lines:
All things rejoiced beneath the sun; the weeds,
The river, and the cornfields, and the reeds;
The willow leaves that glanced in the light breeze,
Ans. In these lines, the poet says that all the natural things enjoy the summer season. Everything is alive and awake. In summer all things like weeds, the river, the cornfields. And even the leaves of the willow trees look bright.
5. How does the poem end?
Ans. The poem ends on a sad note. The poet says that during winter, people living in comfortable homes gather around the fireplace yet they feel cold. The poet feels sorry for those old homeless beggars who have no place any themselves during the harsh cold winter season.
Language Work
- The use of words to describe pictures, sounds, movement, smell, taste, etc. is called imagery. In the Poem, ‘bright and cheerful afternoon’, ‘silver clouds’, and translucent ice’, are visual images.
Write down some more images from the poem.
Ans. Some images from the poem are floating mountains, stainless sky, leaves that glanced, wrinkled clod, and hard as a brick.
- Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
Ans. Rhyming words from the poem are afternoon, June; crowds, clouds; sky, eternity; weeds, reeds, breeze, trees; die, lie; makes, lakes; when, men; cold and old.
- Write down five adjectives from the poem. Use them in your sentences.
Ans. The five adjectives from the poem are Stainless, Wrinkled, Light, Cheerful, Comfortable, Homeless, Warm, and Homeless.
- Stainless. The majority of utensils in our kitchen are made up of stainless steel.
- Wrinkled: Older people have wrinkled skin.
- Cheerful: Raja is a cheerful person.
- Comfortable: He is not comfortable with me.
- Warm: People wear warm clothes in winter.
Let’s Write
The second stanza of the poem describes the harshness of winter. Write a paragraph about the hardships you face in winter.
Each season of the year brings with it some joys and sorrows for us. In summer children love to enjoy juicy mangoes, flavoured ice creams, cold drinks, and they love to bathe in streams, etc.
I live in Kashmir. The winter season is a very harsh season to survive here. There is extremely cold outside in winter due to heavy snowfall. The weather remains foggy and chilly. It makes us stick to fireplaces and use kangri and pheran to survive the winters. The water supply pipelines freeze in a cold climate. The Children suffer cough, cold, and pneumonia type of diseases in such an environment. Winter is the hardest climate to survive in Kashmir.
Summer and Winter Extra Questions
1. Who is the writer of the poem “Summer and Winter”
Ans. The poem “Summer and Winter” has been written by a romantic English poet P. B. Shelley.
2. What does the north wind brings with it in the poem?
Ans. The north winds bring with them the mountain of clouds.
3. Which season is described as a lifeless season?
Ans. The winter season is described as a lifeless season.
4. What do comfortable men do in such winter conditions?
Ans. The comfortable men gather around the fireplace to beat the heat of the winter season.
5. Describe briefly the effect of the shining sun on the objects of nature.
Ans. The objects of nature enjoy the shining sun.
6. How do winter impact birds and fishes?
Ans. Several birds die during the winter and fishes got stiffened in the frozen water.
That’s it about Summer and Winter Poem 10 Summary and Questions. Hope it has helped. Do share your views about this post in the comment section.
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