The Chapter “A Treat for Mosquitoes” is taken from the Let’s Look Around and Learn Environmental Studies Textbook for students of JKBOSE. This post is precisely about A Treat for Mosquitoes Class 5 Chapter 6 Question Answers. In the last post, you have read about Chapter Notes of Chapter 5 Our Health Services. Let’s get started:
A Treat for Mosquitoes Class 5 Chapter 6 Question Answers
The Chapter “A Treat for Mosquitoes” introduces young kids to diseases caused by mosquitoes. How to protect ourselves from mosquitoes and how to stop the growth of mosquitoes in our homes and surroundings. A disease named Anemia is also made known to young kids in this chapter.
A Treat for Mosquitoes Chapter 6 Question Answers
Find Out Page No 53
1. Do you know anyone who has had malaria?
Ans. Yes, one of my sisters suffered from malaria last year.
2. How did they find out that they had malaria?
Ans. She was having a cold and shivering. After a blood test, it was found she had malaria.
3. What problems did they have on having malaria?
Ans. She suffered from a high fever. The fever came with bouts of shivering after regular intervals. She became very weak.
4. What other diseases can be caused by mosquito bites?
Ans. Following are some other diseases that can be caused by mosquito bites:
(a) Dengue (6) Chikungunya (c) Filaria.
5. In which season is malaria more common? Why do you think this happens?
Ans. Malaria is most common in the rainy season. It is because mosquitoes get a suitable environment to breed during the rainy season as the water gets accumulated at every possible place and hence there are more cases of malaria.
6. What do you do in your house to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Also, find out from your friends about what they do?
Ans. We should do the following things to protect ourselves from mosquitoes.
1. Use of mosquito repellant in our house.
2. Mosquito repellant cream
3. Using mosquito nets
4. Wire mesh on windows
5. Keeping the surroundings clean
6. Removing stagnant water from the surroundings.
7. Spraying kerosene oil on the standing water.
- Look at the report of the blood test given below. Which words in the report help us to know that the person has malaria?
Ans. The report clearly indicates that the malaria parasite found in the blood sample means the person is suffering from malaria.
Tell Page No 55 – 56
- Look at Aarti’s blood report and find out the minimum required haemoglobin.
Ans. After looking at this report I found that the minimum required amount of haemoglobin in blood is 12gm/dl
- How much did Aarti’s haemoglobin go up and how long did it take for that?
Ans. Aarti’s haemoglobin went up by 2.5 gm/dl, i.e. by around 30%. It took about three months.
- What does the newspaper report say about the problems caused by anaemia?
Ans. The newspaper report tells that anaemia affects both the physical and mental health of children. Due to anaemia, children do not grow properly and their energy levels remain down. This affects their study as well.
- Have you or anyone in your family ever needed to get a blood test? When and why?
Ans. Yes, my mother needed to get a blood test done when she was having a fever last month and it showed the was having malaria.
- What was found out by the blood test?
Ans. By doing the blood test we got to know that she was suffering from malaria.
- Have you had a health check-up in your school? What did the doctor tell you?
Ans. Yes, we had a health check-up two months back at our school. The doctor told me I am anaemic and gave me iron tablets.
Find Out Page No. 56
- Ask a doctor or elders about the food items which contain iron.
Ans. I asked the doctor and he told me that green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and cabbage, amla, apple, meat and fish contain iron.
Find Out and Tell Page No. 56
- Have you seen any poster like this put up anywhere?
Ans. Yes, I have seen such posters on the walls of my street and near my school too.
- Who do you think puts up such posters, or gives ads in the newspaper?
Ans. I think the Health department of government puts up such posters and gives ads in the newspaper.
- What are some of the important points given in the poster?
Ans. The important points in the poster are as follows:
- We should remain beware of mosquitoes because they cause serious diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya.
- Don’t allow water to stagnate around you and fill the pits.
- Water pots, coolers and tanks should be kept clean and dried after every week.
- Fish can be put in ponds to remove mosquito larvae.
- Mosquito nets should be used to prevent mosquito bites.
- Kerosene oil should be sprayed on standing water to prevent mosquito eggs to grow.
- Why do you think pictures of a tank, cooler and pits are shown in the poster?
Ans. It is because these are the places where water can stagnate and could allow the breeding of mosquitoes. We should not let the water get collected in tanks and coolers, should clean them regularly and fill the pits.
Think Page No. 57
- Why do you think it talks about putting fish in the tank?
Ans. It talks about putting fish in the tank because it prevents the breeding of mosquitoes.
- What do you think the fish eat?
Ans. The fish feeds on the larvae of mosquitoes.
- What will happen when oil is spread on the water?
Ans. The spreading of oil on the water kills the eggs and larvae of mosquitoes by cutting off their oxygen supply.
Find Out Page No. 58
- Which diseases are spread by flies and how?
Ans. The diseases like dysentery, cholera, typhoid etc. are spread by flies. They spread the diseases by picking up the harmful germs from contaminated materials and transferring them to uncovered food items.
Mosquito check Page No. 58
- Divide your class into two or three groups. Each group will go around to check one area in the school or around it. It must carefully note if water has collected anywhere, and mark ✓ where it finds stagnant water.
- Since how many days has water been collected there?
Ans. The water has collected there for almost 8-10 days.
- Has it caused any problem in the area?
Ans. Yes, there are many problems in the area. The area looks quite dirty and there is a foul smell of water. The area is turned into a breeding place for mosquitoes and germs.
- Who is responsible for keeping these places clean?
Ans. At home, we are responsible to keep the house clean. At school, the school authorities are responsible to maintain the premises clean. Outside the premises, it’s the municipality’s responsibility to keep it clean.
- Who is supposed to get the gutters and drains repaired?
Ans. The municipality authority is supposed to get the gutters and drains repaired.
- Can any larvae be seen in the collected water?
Ans. Yes, we could see many larvae in the collected water.
Tell Page No. 59
Is there a pond or river around your house or school? Go and look around and observe these things:
- Can you see algae in or around the water?
Ans. Yes, I can see algae in or around the water.
- Where else have you seen algae?
Ans. I have seen algae in ponds, near hand pumps and on damp walls.
- Are there plants growing on the side or in water? Find out their names. Draw some of these in your notebook.
Ans. Some of the plants which grow on the side or in the water are; liverworts, mosses, etc.
- Do you think these were planted by someone or did they grow on their own?
Ans. These plants are not planted by someone. They grow on their own.
- What else can you see in the water? Make a list.
Ans. I can also see the following things in water; fish, crab, prawns, larvae, etc.
What we have learnt Page No. 60
- What can you do so that mosquitoes do not breed in your house, school and neighbourhood?
Ans. We have to avoid water stagnation in and around our surroundings, keep the surroundings clean, spray any chemicals to avoid mosquitoes to breed, use fish in water ponds to check the growth larvae of mosquitoes etc.
- How can you find out if someone has malaria?
Ans. We can find out if someone has malaria by having a blood test done.
That’s all we have about A Treat for Mosquitoes Class 5 Chapter 6 Question Answers. Hope you got answers to your queries. Do share your views in the comment section.
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