The chapter “Sunita in Space” is Chapter 19 from Let’s Look Around and Learn Environmental Studies for students of Class 5th of JKBOSE and Chapter 11 from Looking Around EVS for students of NCERT. This post is precisely about Sunita in Space Class 5 EVS Question Answers. You have read about Who Will Do This Work Chapter Summary in last post. Let’s get started with today’s post:

Sunita in Space Class 5 EVS Question Answers
The chapter Sunita in Space is about the journey of Sunita Williams in space. Sunita Williams came to India, met children and share her experiences with children. The chapter Sunita in Space has a series of questions and answers regarding how things happen on earth when looked upon from space. She came to India after the death of Kalpana Chawla to fulfil her dream.
What Do You Think Page No. 165
- If the earth is round like a globe, how is it that we do not fall off?
Ans. We do not fall off the earth because the gravitational force of the earth attracts everything towards itself.
- Do the people in Argentina stand upside down?
Ans. No, the people in Argentina are not standing upside down. They are also standing upright. There is no ‘up’ and ‘down’ on the earth. It is relative.
Look at the Photograph and Write Page No. 166
- Can you think why Sunita’s hair was standing?
Ans. On the earth, our hair remains in a downward direction due to the gravitational force of the earth. There is no gravity in space and so Sunita’s hair was standing.
- Look at Sunita’s photographs and the dates written on each of them. Write what all is happening and when?
Date | Event |
2006-12-09 | The spacecraft is taking off. |
2006-12-11 | Astronauts are floating inside the spacecraft. |
2006-12-11 | Astronauts are taking food. |
2006-12-13 | Sunita is working with her hair standing up. |
2006-12-16 | Sunita is roaming outside the spacecraft. |
Classroom Becomes a Spaceship Page No. 166
- Close your eyes. Imagine that your class is a spaceship. Zooo…m in 10 minutes you have entered space. Your spaceship is now going around the earth. Now say:
a) Are you able to sit at one place?
Ans. No, I am not able to sit at one place. Everyone is floating in the spacecraft because there is no gravity in space.
b) What about your hair?
Ans. My hair keeps standing up.
c) Oh, look…where are your bags and books going?
Ans. My bags and books are also floating in the spaceship.
d) What is your teacher doing? Where is her chalk?
Ans. My teacher is also floating in the spaceship and she is trying to catch the chalk which is also floating inside the spaceship.
e) How did you eat your food during the break? How did you drink water? What happened to the ball that you threw up?
Ans. We have to grab the food items floating in the air. The water is floating in the form of blobs and we had to suck them. The ball which I threw up is also floating.
Isn’t it amazing? Page No. 168
- Can you now say why Sunita’s hair kept standing?
Ans. It is due to the absence of gravity in the space Sunita’s hair kept standing.
- Think about why water flows downwards on any slope. On the mountains, too water flows downwards, not upwards.
Ans. The earth attracts everything towards itself with a fore called gravitational force, It is due to the earth’s gravitational force the water flows down the mountain.
Magic 1 – A tiny paper races a coin
Take a 5 rupee coin and a small piece of paper. The paper should be about one-fourth the size of the coin.
- Hold the coin in one hand and the paper in the other. Drop them at the same time. What happened?
- Now place the tiny paper on the coin and drop them. What happened this time? Surprised!
Ans. In the first scenario when the coin and the paper were dropped separately, the coin reaches the ground faster than the paper.
In the second scenario when a tiny piece of paper is placed on the coin and both were dropped together, both reach the ground at the same time.
Magic 2 – A mouse lifts an elephant
To play this you will need a small stone, a bigger stone (lemon-sized), a thick roll of paper (which can be made with layers of paper), a mouse and an elephant made of paper.
- Take a string about 2 feet long.
- At one end of the string tie the small stone. Stick or tie the mouse to the stone.
- Put the string into the roll of paper.
- At the other end of the string tie the bigger stone and stick the elephant.
- Hold the roll of paper and move your hand to rotate the small stone.
- Who is pulling whom? You will be surprised! The mouse lifts the elephant!
How did this magic happen?
Ans. The rotation of the small stone i.e., the mouse generates a force due to which the bigger stone i.e., the elephant is being pulled up.
Look at this Photograph and Tell Page No. 169
- Can you see India?
Ans. Yes, I can see India in this photograph.
- Can you recognise any other place?
Ans. Yes, I can recognise sea areas in it.
- Where is the sea?
Ans. The blue part of the picture represents the sea.
- Do you find anything similar between the globe and this picture of the earth? In what ways are they different?
Ans. The similarity between the globe and this picture is that earth is shown round and land and sea can be easily distinguished. The difference is that it is difficult to recognise a particular country or city in this picture but on the globe, they are marked with boundaries.
- Do you think Sunita could make out Pakistan, Nepal and Burma separately when she saw the earth from space?
Ans. No, I don’t think she could make out these countries when she saw the earth from space.
Look at the Globe in your School and Tell Page No. 169
- Can you find India?
Ans. Yes, I can easily find India.
- Where all do you find the sea?
Ans. The blue-coloured part of the globe represents the sea. It can be easily identified.
- Which countries can you see?
Ans. I can see all countries of the world on the globe. For example, the USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Pakistan, etc.
- Can you see some of the countries with which India plays cricket matches? For Example — England, Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and South Africa.
Ans. Yes, I can see all the countries with which India plays cricket matches.
- What else can you see on the globe?
Ans. Besides the sea and countries, I can see mountains, islands, etc. on the globe.
Look at the Map Given in this Book and Tell Page No. 170
- Can you find the state in which you live? Write its name on the map.
Ans. Yes, I can find the state (now UT) in which I live. It is Jammu and Kashmir.
- Which are the states next to the state you live in? Have you been to any other state?
Ans. Himachal Pradesh and Punjab are next to my state (UT). I have been to Punjab to visit Golden Temple.
- Shahmir thinks that there are lines drawn on the ground between the states. What do you think?
Ans. There are no such lines drawn on the ground between the states These lines are just on the maps to show the boundary of the state.
Think Page No. 170
- Do you think the moon is flat like a coin or round like a ball?
Ans. The moon is not flat like a coin but it is round like a ball.
Page No. 171
Look at the moon tonight and draw what it looks like. Look and draw again after one week, and then after 15 days.
Today’s Date | Date after a week | Date after 15 days |
01-04-2021![]() | 08-04-2021 ![]() | 16-04-2021![]() |
Find Out Page No. 171
- When is the next full moon? At what time will the moon rise on this day? What does the moon look like on this day? Draw it.
Ans. The next full moon is on the 15th of this month. It will rise just after the sunset at about 7:30 P.M. The full moon looks like a complete circle. The students have to draw it themselves.
- What are the festivals related to the moon?
Ans. There are many festivals which are related to the moon. They include Holi, Eid, Karwa Chauth, etc.
- At night look at the sky carefully for 5 minutes.
- a) What could you see?
Ans. I could see the moon and the stars in the night sky.
- b) Did you see anything moving in the sky? What do you think it could be? A star or a shooting star or a satellite (Satellites are used for the TV, telephones and weather reports). Find out more about this.
Ans. Yes, I see something moving in the sky. It could be a shooting star because it crosses the visible sky so quickly. It can’t be a satellite because satellites move very slowly.
Look at the Table and Tell Page No. 171 – 172
- Given below are the times at which the moon rises and sets in Delhi (on the given days).
Date | Time of moonrise (hours: minutes) | Time of moonset (hours: minutes) |
28.10.2007 | 19:16 | 08:50 |
29.10.2007 | 20:17 | 10:03 |
30.10.2007 | 21:22 | 11:08 |
31.10.2007 | 22:29 | 12:03 |
- On 28 October the moon came out at……minutes past……O’clock.
- On 29 October the moon came out at……minutes past……O’clock.
- On 29 October there was a difference of hours……and…….minutes in the time of the moonrise (as compared to 28 October).
- On 28 October the moon came out at 16 minutes past 7 O’clock.
- On 29 October the moon came out at 17 minutes past……O’clock.
- On 29 October there was a difference of 1 hour and 1 minute in the time of the moonrise (as compared to 28 October).
- If you saw the moon rising at 7 pm today, would you see it at the same time tomorrow?
Ans. No the timings of the moonrise vary on daily basis.
- On 31 October the time of setting of the moon is given as 12:03. Have you ever seen the moon at 12 in the afternoon? Why don’t we easily see the moon or stars during the day?
Ans. No, I have not seen the moon at noon because it is not visible at that time. We don’t see the moon and the stars during the daytime due to the bright sunlight which makes them invisible.
An Interesting Photograph! Page No. 172
A spaceship went to the moon. This photograph of the earth was clicked from the surface of the moon. See how the earth is looking. Can you see the surface of the moon? Do you have some questions after looking at this picture? Write down those questions and discuss them in the class.
Ans. Yes, the surface of the moon is visible in the picture. Following are some questions which came to my mind after seeing this picture.
- Who clicked this picture and when?
- How could they land on the moon?
- How is the surface of the moon look like in real?
- Is there air or water on the moon?
- Can we live on the moon?
What we have Learnt Page No. 173
- Why do children always slide down the slide and not slide up? If this slide were there in Sunita’s spacecraft, would children slide like this? Why?
Ans. The children always slide down the slide due to the gravitational force of the earth. If this slide were there in Sunita’s spacecraft, they would not have been able to slide due to the absence of gravity. They would have floated in the spacecraft.
- Why do we see stars mostly at night?
Ans. The stars have dim light which is not visible during the daytime due to the much brighter light of the sun. At night there is no sunlight so we can see the stars in the night.
- Looking at the earth from space, Sunita said, “Different countries cannot be seen as separate from here. These lines are on paper. They are made by us”. What do you understand by this?
Ans. We cannot identify different countries from space because no boundaries are there on the earth that separate different countries. These lines and boundaries are created by human beings for their understanding.
That’s all we have about Sunita in Space Class 5 EVS Question Answers. Hope you got your answers. Do share this post with others.
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