The chapter “Seeds and Seeds” is about different types of seeds. The chapter is taken from Let’s Look Around and Learn from Class V Environmental Studies for students of JKBOSE. In this post, I am providing you with Seeds and Seeds Chapter 3 Question Answers. You can also check out Solutions of all chapters of Class 5 Environmental Studies from here. Let us get started with this post:

The chapter “Seeds and Seeds” is about different types of seeds. It also describes how seeds travel from one place to another. It also tells us about some seeds of different vegetables that came to India from different countries.
Seeds and Seeds Chapter 3 Question Answers
Discuss Page No. 27
- What things are soaked before cooking in your house? Why?
Ans. The pulses like Chana Rajmah, Rongi, Pharasbeen (kidney bean) are soaked before cooking in our home. The seeds are soaked because it makes them soft and easy to cook.
- What things do you eat after sprouting? How are they sprouted? How much time does it take?
Ans. We mostly eat sprouts of Chana and Moong in our home. These are sprouted by soaking them overnight in water and then after draining the water they are kept suspended in a wet cloth for some time. The chana seeds take almost 2 days for sprouting while moong seeds take about one and a half days to sprout.
- Has the doctor or someone you know ever told you to eat sprouts? Why?
Ans. Yes, Doctors advise my brother to eat sprouts because sprouts are nutritious and are good for health.
Tell and Write Page No 28
- In which bowl did the seeds sprout? What difference did you see between this bowl and the other bowls?
Ans. The seeds in the Bowl 2 sprouted because it has both air and water for the seeds to sprout. The seeds in Bowl 1 and Bowl 3 did not sprout because in Bowl seed got water but not air while in Bowl 3 seed got air but not water.
- Why did Ghulama’s mother tie the chana in a damp cloth?
Ans. Ghulama’s mother tied the chana seeds in damp cloth because she wanted to make sprouts from chana seeds and moisture and air are necessary for sprouting.
Find Out page No. 30
- How long did it take for the plant to come out from the soil?
Ans. It took almost 7-10 ten days for the plant to come out from the soil.
- What was the difference in the height of the plant on the first and second day?
Ans. The height of the plant on the second day is increased by almost 6-7 millimetres.
- On which day did the height of the plant increase the most?
Ans. On the 5th day, the height of the plant increased the most.
- Did new leaves come out of the plant every day?
Ans. Yes, new leaves came out of the plant but not every day after a gap of a few days.
- Was there any change in the stem of the plant?
Ans. Yes, the stem of the plant got thicker and stronger day by day.
Discuss Page No. 30
- Which seeds took the most number of days for the stem to come out of the soil?
Ans. The seeds of Sesame took the most number of days to come out of the soil.
- Which seeds took the least days to come out of the soil?
Ans. The seeds of mustard took the least number of days to come out of the soil.
- Which seeds did not grow at all? Why?
Ans. The seeds which did not get proper air and water did not grow at all.
- Did anyone’s plant dry up or turn yellow? Why did this happen?
Ans. Yes, a few plants dry up or turn yellow. It happens because they did not get proper air and water.
- What would happen if the plants do not get water?
Ans. If the plants did not get water, they will turn yellow and dry up.
Straight from the heart Page No. 30
- What is inside the seed?
Ans. A seed has cotyledons and an embryo inside it. We can say it has a baby plant inside it.
- How does a big plant grow from a tiny seed?
Ans. The seeds by absorbing water and nutrients from the soil grow to be a big plants.
Think and Imagine Page No. 30
- What would happen if plants could walk? Draw a picture.
Ans. If plants could walk, then animals would never get their food and would have died of hunger because they would have never approached plants. Draw a figure yourself imagining the legs and feet of plants.
Find Out Page No. 31
- Do some plants grow without seeds?
Ans. Yes, several plants grow without seeds like rose, banana, mint, potato etc.
Think Page No. 32
- Did you keep aniseed (saunf ) and cumin (jeera) in your list?
Ans. Yes, I kept aniseed and cumin on my list.
- Which was the smallest seed and which was the biggest seed in your collection?
Ans. The smallest seed was cumin while the largest seed was Mango.
Make lists of Page No. 33
- Seeds that are used as spices in your home.
Ans. The seeds of cumin, aniseed, black pepper, and coriander are used as spices in my home.
- Seeds of vegetables.
Ans. The seeds of vegetables include Tomato, lady finger, bitter gourd, brinjal.
- Seeds of vegetables.
Ans. The seeds f fruits are apple, pomegranate, orange.
- Light seeds (check by blowing them).
Ans. Seeds of cumin, aniseed, black pepper etc.
- Seeds which are flat.
Ans. Seeds of rajma, apple, bitter gourd, cumin, aniseed and sesame.
- Make more groups. How many groups of seeds did you make?
- 1. Edible seeds.
- Oilseeds.
- Seeds that float on water.
- Sticky seeds.
- Heavy seeds
- Do you know any games that you can play with seeds? Discuss with your friends.
Ans. I know some games that we can play with seeds. Games like Boojo To Jane in which payer has to predict the number of seeds in the fist or make whistles by rubbing mango seed.
Wandering Seeds
- Have you ever seen any seed that can fly?
Ans. Yes, I have seen seeds that can fly like poppy seeds, dandelion seeds or cotton seeds.
- What is it called in your area?
Ans. It is called budhiya ke baal in our area.
- Look at your seed collection. Guess how many of those could have travelled by flying
Ans. The seeds like those of cumin, aniseed or mustard could have travelled by flying
- Think what would happen, if seeds did not spread and remained at one place only.
Ans. If seeds would not have spread and would have remained in one place then they would have fallen under the plant and could not have gotten enough water and air to grow properly into a new plant.
- Make a list of the different ways by which seeds are spread.
Ans. The seeds are spread by birds, animals, water, air and human beings.
What we have Learnt Page No. 35
- What do you think the seeds need for sprouting? Write in your own words.
Ans. The seeds need air and water for sprouting. If they get only water or air, they will not sprout at all.
- How do seeds spread to far off places? Write in your own words.
Ans. The most common ways by which seeds spread to far off places are wind, water, birds and animals. Birds and animals throw seeds after eating the fruit. The wind and water also carry seeds to far places.
That’s all we have about Seeds and Seeds Chapter 3 Question Answers. Hope it has helped you with your query. Do share your views in the comment section.
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