The chapter “First Aid” is taken from the Let’s Look Around and Learn Environmental Studies Textbook for Class 5th of JKBOSE. This particular will detail you about First Aid Class 5th EVS Question Answers. In my last post in the Class 5th EVS category, you read about Summary Notes of Chapter A Treat for Mosquitoes. Let’s get started with this post:
First Aid Class 5th EVS Question Answers
The chapter “First Aid” aims to aware children of the basic knowledge about First Aid. It also shares information about how to provide First Aid in case of minor accidents and injuries like burns, heatstroke, bleeding nose, insect bites, wounds and sprain etc.
First Aid Class 5th Question Answers
Burns Page No. 63 – 64
- In case of burns what should be done immediately?
Ans. In case of burns we should do the following:
(i) Pour cold water on the burn till the burning sensation stops.
(ii) We can also keep an ice or cold-water pack on the burn.
(iii) If a person’s clothes catch fire, make the person roll on the floor.
(iv) Cover the burn with a thin and light cotton cloth to protect it from dust, dirt flies etc.
(v) If the burn is severe, then the doctor should be consulted.
- What precautions should we take while using a gas stove at home? Write any three of them.
Ans. We should take the following precautions while using a gas stove.
- The gas stove should be placed in a place where there is enough ventilation.
- Inflammable materials should not be placed close to the gas stove.
- After use, we should put off the gas stove.
Heat Stroke Page 64
- What first aid should be given to a victim of a heat stroke?
Ans. This first aid is given to a victim of heatstroke
(i) The patient should be made to lie in a shady place.
(ii) A cold sponge is helpful if a patient has a high fever or cold.
(iii) Patient should be given a solution of salt, sugar and lime or juice of unripe mango.
Let us find out Page 65
- Which are the hottest months in the place where you live?
Ans. May and June.
- What is the unit of measuring temperature?
Ans. Celsius.
Bleeding Nose Page 65
- What first aid should be given in case of bleeding nose?
Ans. Following First aid is given in case of bleeding nose.
(i) Make the patient lie down with his head in a lower position than the body.
(ii) Pour cold water on the patient’s head.
(iii) A cold pack can be put on the nose.
Wounds Page 66
- What should we do in case of wounds?
Ans. (i) Wash the wound with clean water.
(ii) Clean the wound with an antiseptic solution.
Sprain Page 66
- What should we do in case of a sprain?
Ans. We should do the following things in case of sprain:
(i) Give, sufficient support to the affected area like hands or legs till the sprain is cured.
(ii) Put a cold-water pack on the affected area.
(iii) Put some salt in lukewarm water and give fomentation after 24 hours of the sprain.
I. Oral Work Page 68
1. If your friend gets hurt while playing, what will you do?
Ans. I will give him first aid if he gets hurt.
2. Mention any three items kept in First Aid Box.
Ans. The following items are kept in a First Aid Box. (i) Bandage (ii) Cotton wool (iii) Gauze (iv) A pair of scissors (v) Blade (vi) Potassium permanganate (vii) Antiseptic solution (viii) Spirit (ix) Thermometer.
3. Why should we wear cotton clothes instead of nylon, when working in the kitchen?
Ans. Nylon is highly inflammable material. The clothes made of nylon catch fire easily. So, we should wear cotton clothes instead of nylon while working in the kitchen.
4. What first aid should be given to a victim of a bleeding nose?
Ans. Following first aid is given in case of bleeding nose.
(i) Make the patient lie down with his head in a lower position than the body.
(ii) Pour cold water on the patient’s head.
(iii) A cold pack can be put on the nose.
5. What is a heat stroke?
Ans. During May and June, there is a very hot and strong wind called “loo”. If we remain outside for a longer period during this time, we get tired, feel giddy and get a headache. This is called a heat stroke.
6. What would have happened if Tahoora had not given first aid to Yuaan?
Ans. If Tahoora had not given first aid to Yuaan who got hurt, he would have felt more pain and would have bled more. His wound might have got infectious.
II. Written Work Page 68-69
1. What should be done immediately, if hot water falls on you?
Ans. If hot water falls on someone, immediately pour cold water or keep on ice or cold-water pack on the wound.
2. Why is first aid necessary?
Ans. First aid is very necessary because if a person gets hurt in any situation, the doctor may not be available at that time. The doctor may be available at a distant place. First aid is a great help in minor injuries due to accidents. It can save a life because in several cases a little delay can be very dangerous.
3. What are the reasons for road accidents?
Ans. Reasons for road accidents.
(1) Rash driving
(ii) Not obeying traffic rules while crossing the road.
(iii) Drink and drive.
4. What is a “First Aid Box’? Make a list of objects to be kept in the box.
Ans. First Aid Box. It is a box containing all the things required for immediate help to the accident victim. First Aid Box contains a bandage, cotton wool, gauze, a pair of scissors, a blade, potassium permanganate, antiseptic solution, spirit, thermometer etc.
5. What should we do when:
(a) Hot oil falls on one’s hand?
Ans. When hot oil falls on one’s hand it causes burns and in case of burns, we should do the following:
(i) Pour cold water on the burn till the burning sensation stops.
(ii) We can also keep an ice or cold-water pack on the burn.
(iii) If a person’s clothes catch fire, make the person roll on the floor.
(iv) Cover the burn with a thin and light cotton cloth to protect it from dust, dirt flies etc.
(v) If the burn is severe, then the doctor should be consulted.
(b) Someone gets a heat stroke?
Ans. This first aid is given to a victim of heatstroke
(i) The patient should be made to lie in a shady place.
(ii) A cold sponge is helpful if a patient has a high fever or cold.
(iii) Patient should be given a solution of salt, sugar and lime or juice of unripe mango.
(c) The nose bleeds?
Ans. Following First aid is given in case of bleeding nose.
(i) Make the patient lie down with his head in a lower position than the body.
(ii) Pour cold water on the patient’s head.
(iii) A cold pack can be put on the nose.
(d) A bee bites?
Ans. A bee may sting us. It causes pain. Sometimes a sting causes swelling in that part of the body. In case of a bee bite, we should place a piece of ice or pour cold water on the affected area. We can also apply ammonia or lime water to that area.
- Choose the correct answer and put a mark (√) against it.
(i) If a person’s clothes catch fire, we must immediately
(a) Wrap the person in a blanket.
(b) Wrap the person in a cotton cloth.
(c) Make the person roll on the floor.
(d) Take the person to a doctor.
Ans. (i) (c) Make the person roll on the floor.
(ii) If a person gets hurt while playing, we should
(a) Ask the reason.
(b) Contact the doctor on the telephone.
(c) Scold the victim.
(d) Give first aid. :
Ans. (ii) (d) Give first aid.
That’s all we have about First Aid Class 5th EVS Question Answers. Hope you have got answers for your query. Do share your views about this post in the comment section.
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